1999-08-12 (2)City of Southlake, Texas
SPIN Standing Committee
Thursday, August 12th,1999
Representatives Present: Al Morin (#10), Chair; Mary Georgia (#3), Vice -Chair; Cameron
McCartha (#12), Secretary; Milan Georgia (0); Cara White (#1); Martin Shelling (#2); Jan
Francis (#5); Tim Miller (#6); Darrell Faglie (#7); Pattie Minder (#8); Michael Boutte (#9E);
Roger Hutton (#11); Bill Stone (#13); Michael Conrads (#14); Wayne Haney (#15); David
Baltimore, Senior representative.
Representatives Absent: Dana Sternfeld (#9W); Bob Walker (#16)
Guests Present: ); Boyd Dollar, SPIN Liaison (#1); Nancy Ritter, SPIN Liaison (#9W),
Carolyn Morris, SPIN Liaison ( #9W).
Staff Present: City Manager Billy Campbell; Assistant to the City Manager Shelli Siemer;
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
Chairperson Al Morin called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Administrative Comments.
Shelli Siemer distributed some reports to update the committee on the following: traffic
management bond, water conservation issue, and the web -site.
Al Morin stated the September meeting will include an update from the Joint Utilization
Committee. Steve Polasek will attend the meeting to provide the update.
Al reminded the SPIN Representatives of the upcoming schedule for SPIN reports to the City
Council: Cameron on the 171h, Roger Hutton on September 7`", and Cara White on September
21 S`.
Al stated that the attendance goals are being met, and encouraged the SPIN Representatives to
attend Home Owner's Association meetings.
The Standing Committee discussed the letter received from Mr. Lamoreaux regarding changing
the boundaries of SPIN 1 and SPIN 2. Al reported that the Executive Committee recommended
sending a letter to Mr. Lamoreuax to explain SPIN's mission and reacquaint him with the SPIN 1
Representative to discuss this request. The SPIN Standing committee stated that SPIN is not a
political tool and the SPIN Representatives do not actually represent neighbors on particular
issues, but rather allow for an open forum for communicating between the city and the citizens.
SPIN Standing Committee
Minutes August 12, 1999
Page 2
Al Morin asked for a vote regarding the boundary change request. Martin Schelling made the
motion to not change the boundaries. Milan Georgia seconded the motion. The motion passed
Agenda Item No. 3 Approval of Minutes from the July 15, 1999 Standing Committee meeting.
Pattie Minder motioned to approve the July 15, 1999 minutes. Michael Conrads seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 4. Committee Report: Retreat Committee, SH 114 Committee and Portal
There is no retreat committee report at this time. Al Morin will work with Shelli Siemer on the
SH 114 meeting. The next Portal Committee meeting is scheduled for August 27th at 5:30 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 5. Select a Chairperson for Candidates Forum Committee.
Al Morin asked if anyone wants to be involved in the Candidates Forum. SPIN discussed the
issues surrounding the candidate's forum. Some feel there is controversy surrounding the event
because it is a political event. Some SPIN Representatives believe SPIN should be involved in
the event and can get control of the situation. The suggestion to review questions before the
forum was well received, but all SPIN Reps will need to be involved in formulating the
Al Morin asked for a vote from the SPIN Representatives to indicate who is supportive of
hosting a candidate's forum:
Favor —Mary & Milan Georgia, Cara White, Martin Shelling, Jan Francis, Darrell
Faglie, Pattie Minder, Michael Boutte, Roger Hutton, Michael Conrads, Wayne
Haney, David Baltimore, Senior representative.
Opposed — Al Morin, Cameron McCartha, Bill Stone
The February SPIN Meeting devoted to the development of questions for the forum to ensure
input is received from all SPIN Reps. The format of the forum can be discussed during the
October meeting.
AL Morin asked the SPIN Representatives for a volunteer to chair the Candidates Forum
Committee. David Baltimore said he would co-chair if another SPIN Representative would also
co-chair. Wayne Haney suggested that Cameron McCartha co-chair the committee with David
and she agreed.
Agenda Item No. 4. Open Forum.
There was a suggestion to change the retreat format to focus less on the information from the
City departments. There will be a committee formed to help new SPIN Reps get acquainted with
the SPIN process.
SPIN Standing Committee
Minutes August 12, 1999
Page 3
Agenda Item No. 5. Adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Cameron Mc artha, Secretary