1999-10-14City of Southlake, Texas
SPIN Standing Committee
Thursday, October 14,1999
Meeting Minutes
Representatives Present: Al Morin, Chair (#10), Mary Georgia, Vice Chair (0); Cara
White; (#1); Martin Schelling (#2); Milan Georgia (#3); Jan Francis (#5); Tim Miller
(#6); Michael Boutte (#9E); Dana Stemfeld (#9W); Roger Hutton (#11); Bill Stone
(#13); Michael Conrads (#14); Bob Walker (#16); David Baltimore, Senior
Representatives Absent: Darrell Faglie (0); Pattie Minder (#8); Cameron McCartha,
Secretary (#12); Wayne Haney (#15).
Guests Present: Rex Potter (Councilmember); Mary McMahan SPIN Liaison (0)
Bill Kyle SPIN Liaison (#13) Boyd Dollar, SPIN Liaison (#1).
Staff Present: Assistant to the City Manager, Shelli Siemer
Agenda Item I -- Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m by Chairperson Al Morin.
Agenda Item 2 -- Discussion: Administrative Comments.
Al Morin recognized the SPIN Representatives with 100% attendance including Michael
Boutte, Mary and Milan Georgia, Cara White, Roger Hutton, and Bill Stone. Al
discussed the items included in the packet and asked SPIN Reps to give changes to the
Home Owner's Association list to Shelli Siemer. Also included in their packets were the
meeting dates for the year 2000 and the City Council meeting report schedule. SPIN
requested that Shelli revise the meeting report schedule to begin where the 1999 meetings
left off instead of starting with SPIN 1 again for the year 2000.
Al reported that the upcoming SPIN Reports for the City Council meetings include:
October 19 — Mary & Milan Georgia
November 2 — Jan Francis
November 16 — Tim Miller
December 7 — Darrell Faglie
Al Morin discussed the upcoming Harvest Fest. He received a letter a few days ago
asking if SPIN would like a booth at the carnival. A decision needs to be made by
October 23`d. None of the SPIN Reps indicated the ability to participate in the Harvest
Fest, but would like to place the item on their annual schedule of activities.
Michael Conrads asked for input on the orientation meeting through a brainstorming
session. The program will be approximately 4 hours in length and will be held on a
Saturday in January. The SPIN retreat will be held on Saturday, February 26.
The brainstorming resulted in narrowing down discussion items for the January
orientation meeting. These will be reviewed at the December SPIN Standing Committee
Agenda Item 3 -- Consideration: Approval of minutes from the September 16, 1999
Standing Committee meeting.
David Baltimore noted an omission of Bob Walker's last name on the second page of the
minutes. Milan Georgia made a motion to approve the minutes as amended. Cara White
seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item 4 -- Discussion: Neighborhood Reports.
SPIN #1: Cara White reported that the Crown Ridge development went before Planning
and Zoning and was denied. She also reported that she has talked with Mr. Lamoreaux
twice since sending him the letter.
SPIN #2: Martin Schelling reported that the realignment of Dove and White Chapel will
begin soon.
SPIN #3: Milan & Mary introduced a SPIN Liaison Mary McMahon. The Lonesome
Dove sewer main is under construction. The street lights along Lake Drive are working
and the road construction is completed.
SPIN #S: Jan Francis held a meeting regarding the North Kimball Road construction
conducted by the City of Grapevine. Ron Harper and Debra Edmondson were present to
talk with the neighbors. The City of Grapevine has placed a delay to the construction
SPIN #6: Tim Miller reported that SPIN #6 is fairly quiet. There is still work going on
with the lift station for Shady Lane. There has been very little activity at Evergreen on
the corner of Shady Lane and Kimball. The current challenge is the roads within the
SPIN #7, SPIN Liaison Chan Wang attended the CISD meeting on the construction of
the school sites. The S. Kimball school sites are larger than proposed and the budget is
now more than originally funded. Both schools will be built at the same time with the
anticipated completion date of September 2002.
SPIN #8: No report.
SPIN #9E. Michael Boutte updated the committee that the Children's Courtyard project
was denied by the City Council. There was a SPIN meeting last night on the Radiology
Associates of Tarrant County proposed to locate on the southwest corner of 1709 and
Byron Nelson Parkway.
SPIN #9W.• Dana Sternfeld reported that there needs to be a meeting soon on Parkwood
Drive extension. The residents in that area are worried about the impact the extension of
Parkwood Drive may have on cut through traffic.
SPIN #10: Al Morin reported that there is a meeting scheduled for October 26 regarding
the proposed Calloways development on the northeast corner of Bicentennial Park Drive
and 1709. This will be the second meeting on Calloways.
SPIN #11: Roger Hutton reported that the SH 114 construction at Dove Road is
affecting residents in SPIN #11. In addition, the construction of Highland and White
Chapel is currently underway.
SPIN #12: No Report
SPIN #13: Bill Stone reported that there is a joint SPIN 13 and SPIN 16 meeting
scheduled next week regarding a proposed Walgreens on the southwest corner of 1709
and Peytonville.
SPIN #14: Michael Conrads reported that SPIN #14 has been quiet.
SPIN #15: No Report.
SPIN #16: Bob Walker reported that there is a joint SPIN 13 and SPIN 16 meeting
scheduled regarding a proposed Walgreens on the southwest corner of 1709 and
Senior Representative: David Baltimore reported on the Senior Activity Center trip to
the State Fair. The kick-off meeting for the Senior Transportation Service Committee was
held and they will meet again next Tuesday. They are first focusing on recruiting
volunteer drivers.
Agenda Item 5 -- Discussion: SPIN Vacancy Meeting Procedures.
The SPIN Standing Committee discussed the upcoming vacancy meeting, and selected
one date to hold the recruitment meeting. The vacancy meeting is scheduled for
November 181h at 7:00 p.m. at the Senior Activity Center. The upcoming vacancies
include the odd numbered SPIN areas. Information regarding the meeting will go out to
residents in each of the vacant SPIN areas inviting residents to attend the meeting.
The SPIN reps discussed the information regarding the vacancy meeting procedures
included in the packet of materials sent to the SPIN Reps. Milan Georgia will host the
meeting and include and introduction to SPIN and then break into neighborhood groups
to select a representative.
Agenda Item 6 -- Discussion: SH 114 Meeting
On November 9 at 7:00 p.m. at Johnson Elementary there will be citywide SPIN
meeting on the construction of SH 114. Al encouraged all of the SPIN Reps to help at
the forum. A sign up sheet is being distributed for SPIN Reps to indicate how they can
help at the forum. This meeting is an informational meeting. It is not an opportunity to
change the plans or provide additional input from the public. It is an opportunity to find
out how the construction is going to roll out.
Roger Hutton asked if he has to remain neutral at the SPIN forum because he would like
to express his concerns about the construction. The SPIN Standing Committee discussed
this further and first indicated SPIN reps should maintain neutrality and then determined
that if he wants to express his opinion as a resident (and not a SPIN Rep) it would be
SPIN discussed further whether SPIN Reps can speak their opinions during meetings.
The Standing Committee agreed that if an issue personally affects SPIN Reps then they
should step aside and not be involved in the hosting of a SPIN meeting.
Agenda Item 11-- Open Forum.
Al Morin reported the date change on the retreat to Saturday, February 26.
Bob Walker thanked Shelli for her help on setting up the SPIN 13 & 16 meetings.
Cara White suggested that the Directory of City Services needs updating.
David Baltimore said he would help Dana Sternfeld with her 1st SPIN meeting.
Agenda Item 12 --Adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Re ectfully Submitted:
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Cameron McCartha, Secretary
Al Morin, Chairperson