1999-12-02City of Southlake, Texas
SPIN Standing Committee
Thursday, December 2,1999
Meeting Minutes
Representatives Present: Al Morin, Chair (#10); Cameron McCartha, Secretary (#12);
Martin Schelling (#2); Milan Georgia (#3); Tim Miller (#6); Darrell Faglie (#7); Bill
Stone (#13); Michael Conrads (#14); Wayne Haney (#15); David Baltimore, Senior
Representatives Absent: Cara White; (#1); Pattie Minder (#8); Michael Boutte (#9E);
Dana Sternfeld (#9W); Roger Hutton (#11); Bob Walker (#16)
Guests Present: Kim O'Brien (#1); Dennis Minder liaison (#8); Laura Miklosko liaison
(#9e); Nancy Sevill liaison (#10); Jane Hartley liaison (#15); Kent Phillips liaison (#15);
Staff Present: Assistant to the City Manager, Shelli Siemer
Agenda Item I -- Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m by Chairperson Al Morin. Jane Hartley
(#15), Kent Phillips (#15), Dennis Minder (#8), Laura Miklosko (#9e), and Kim O'Brien
(# 1) were introduced to the committee.
Agenda Item 2 -- Discussion: Administrative Comments.
Officer elections will be held in March. Mr. Morin is ready for a "leadership change,"
and encouraged SPIN representatives to consider being an officer. The committee will
discuss the issue again in January.
Agenda Item 3 -- Consideration: Approval of minutes from the October 14, 1999
Standing Committee meeting.
Bill Stone made a motion to approve the minutes from the October meeting. David
Balitmore seconded the motion. The minutes were approved unanimously.
Agenda Item 4 -- Discussion: Committee Reports - Orientation, Retreat, and Portal.
Portal Committee: David Baltimore reported that the portal committee has not met, but
that the developer for Gateway has some materials to use in their development for a
David also reported on the All American City Award committee has formed and is
working to meet the March application deadline. This will be the city's third time to
submit an application. David Baltimore said the City has not been selected in the past
because it had not overcome a deteriorating situation. However, the program now
focuses more on proactive social programs as part of the selection criteria.
SPIN Minutes
December 2, 1999
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Orientation Committee: Michael Conrads reported that the format for the orientation
cam from SPIN's input during previous meetings.. He said the orientation will be in a
round robin/small group format. There will also be different sponsors and tables,
including Planning and Zoning Commission and City Council to inform SPIN
representatives. He also reported that a special invitation will be sent to liaisons, SPIN
representatives, and Home Owner's Associations. We will ask for RSVPs in order to
better plan for the orientation.
Retreat Committee: The committee discussed whether to place the City Council
program part of the retreat at 2:30 or 2:45 p.m. to present SPIN's future goals. The
committee also discussed when to have joint meetings. Cameron McCartha suggested
the next joint City Council/SPIN meeting might be discuss the results of the retreat and
the March meeting would appropriate.
Agenda Item S-- Discussion: Neighborhood Reports.
SPIN 0: Kim O'Brien reported that development across from Bob Jones Road revised
its development plan to be 1+ acre lots.
SPIN #2: No report.
SPIN #3: No report.
SPIN #S: No report.
SPIN #6: No report.
SPIN #7: Darrell Faglie reported that the Pioneer Concrete plant has been out of
operation for nine months because of expired permit through TNRCC. He also reported
that there would be a Joint SPIN 7 & 8 on December 6, 1999 at 6:30 p.m. at Johnson
Elementary School to discuss the Kimball school and stadium sites.
SPIN #8: Dennis Minder reported that the water tower had been in operation for a
while. He also discussed the proposed layout of the school properties. Mr. Minder said
that he is very concerned about the drainage in SPIN #8 and suggested to the school
district the need of increasing the detention pond. He also identified Kimball Road and
parking as additional issues related to the proposed schools.
SPIN 0E. No report.
SPIN #9W. No report.
SPIN #10: Al Morin reported that there was no new information or changes on
Calloway's Nursery.
SPIN #11: No report.
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December 2, 1999
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SPIN #12: Cameron McCartha reported that easements have been obtained for the sewer
project. Construction is scheduled to begin in January or March. She also reported that
the Master Thorough Plan amendment was denied at the City Council meeting.
SPIN #13: Bill Stone reported on the October 20, 1999 SPIN 13 & 16 meeting regarding
Walgreens. Approximately 15-20 residents attended the meeting The Planning and
Zoning Commission denied the Walgreens project and that Walgreens will be considered
by the City Council on December 7, 1999.
The Joint SPIN 13 & 16 meeting held on November 29, 1999 went smoothly. The topics
were the Natatorium and Hobby Lobby. The Natatorium was not much of an issue, but
Hobby Lobby had some objections from neighbors. A mailing went out to all residents in
SPINs 13 & 16.
SPIN #14: No report.
SPIN #1 S: Wayne Haney reported that Primrose school was under construction. He also
reported that the Michael Drive industrial area had been dropped since Claffey Pools left
the initiative.
SPIN #16: See SPIN 13 report.
Senior Representative: David Baltimore reported Lake Cities Community Band will be
mow performing a Christmas Program at the high school on December 5, 1999. He also
reported that the Senior Transportation Committee is looking for donors and volunteers.
Agenda Item 6 -- Brainstorming for Candidate's Forum.
David Baltimore and Cameron McCartha reported that they were trying to come -up with
an acceptable theme and format for the Candidate's Forum. They need input from the
SPIN Standing Committee. The Standing Committee discussed the following items:
questions from the audience, format, writing questions prior to the program, time limits,
and candidate overviews. The committee discussed the format and agreed to have
questions from the audience and brief three -minute overviews from candidates. The
committee also decided to keep City Council and School Board candidates separate.
Then the committee discussed at length how to separate them (one split forum, two
separate forums, or only one forum for the City Council candidates. The committee
decided to hold one forum for City Council candidates only, but will urge other groups to
sponsor a school board forum.
The remaining issues will need to be addressed later including time limits for answering
questions, having a strong moderator to direct the program, whether each question should
be answered by each candidate, etc.
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December 2, 1999
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Agenda Item 7 -- Discussion: Review of SH 114 Meeting.
The meeting had a good attendance. The meeting overall went well. The materials were
excellent. It was recommended the speakers practice together before future programs.
Agenda Item 8 -- SPIN Vacancy Meeting Procedures.
The committee will discuss this at the January meeting.
Agenda Item 9 -- Open Forum.
Milan Georgia asked Shelli Siemer to provide the committee with a list of where SPIN
materials have been placed in the community.
Agenda Item 12 —Adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
Cameron McCartha, Secretary
Al Morin, Chairperson