2000-03-16 (2)City of Southlake, Texas CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Thursday, March 16, 2000 Meeting Minutes SPIN Representatives present: Al Morin, Chair (#10), Kim O'Brien (#1), Martin Schelling (#2), Jan Francis (0), Darrell Faglie (#7), Cameron McCartha (#12), Michael Conrads (#14), Bob Walker (#16), Lynda Warner (#9W), Bill Kyle for Bill Stone (#13), David Baltimore (Seniors) Representatives absent: Mary McMahon (0), Tim Miller (#6), Patti Minder (#8), Edith Hutchenson (#9E), Roger Hutton (#11), Bill Stone (#13), Bob Walker (#16) Guests Present: Cara White, Park Board Liaison Staff Present: Shelli Siemer, Assistant to the City Manager Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Al Morin at 6:40 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments Chairperson Morin congratulated the group on their attendance of 83 % . Al thanked Mike Conrads for his work on the SPIN retreat and give him the corrected version of his plaque. He reminded the group of the upcoming meeting on March 23`d to fill the SPIN #15 vacancy. He also reminded the committee of the representatives scheduled to give the SPIN report at the City Council meetings. March 21- Cameron McCartha April 4- Al Morin April 18- Mike Conrads May 2- SPIN #I5 Agenda Item No 3, Approval of the January 13, 2000 minutes David Baltimore made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 13, 2000 minutes. The motion was seconded by Martin Schelling and approved unanimously. Agenda Item No 4, Consideration of Format for Candidates Forum David Baltimore presented the format of the forum to the committee. At the forum there will be a moderator, who will run the meeting, and the format will begin with opening remarks by City Council candidates. Only the contested races will respond to questions, but each candidate will have an opportunity to make opening and closing comments. Each person in the audience will be limited to one question until everyone has been given an opportunity to ask a question. David Baltimore stressed the need for SPIN representative to be there in order to help handout materials and direct traffic. SPIN Minutes January 13, 2000 Page 2 Kim O'Brien said the challenge will be to maintain order. David Baltimore stated that the Chamber of Commerce decided not to have a forum but they will publicize SPIN's forum. Motion was made to approve the format for the Candidate's Forum by Martin Schelling and was seconded by Darrell Faglie. The motion was approved unanimously. Agenda Item No 5, Committee Reports- Retreat, Candidate's Forum, Portal Portals: David Baltimore reported that there had been no activity on the portal committee. Agenda Item No 6, Discussion of SPIN booth at Town Square Celebration Kim O'Brien said that they were set for the celebration and that it will be good exposure for the SPIN organization. She reviewed the schedule for the SPIN representatives. Agenda Item No 7, Discussion of Report from Ron Harper on Water Conservation Issues Ron Harper was not able to be at the meeting, but will attend the next meeting. Agenda Item No 8, Discussion of Kite Festival Tim Miller was not there to report but will chair the event. The date has been moved to September 24''. Agenda Item No 9, Consideration: SPIN Officer election ,,, SPIN held the annual election of officers. Each SPIN representative in attendance turned in a ballot selected the 2000 SPIN officers. Results were presented from the election. • Chair- Mike Conrads • Vice -Chair- Cameron McCartha Secretary- Kim O'Brien Agenda Item No. 10, Open Forum No discussion There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn by Mike Conrads and seconded by David Baltimore. The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 p.m. Respectfully Submitted: Approved: Gf Cameron Mc artha, Secretary Al Morin, Chairperson 7