2000-01-13City of Southlake, Texas
SPIN Standing Committee
Thursday, January 13, 2000
Meeting Minutes
SPIN Representatives present: Al Morin, Chair (#10), Kim O'Brien (#1), Martin Schelling
(#2), Mary McMahon (#3); Jan Francis (0), Tim Miller (#6), Donna Faglie for Darrell Faglie
(#7), Edith Hutcheson (#9E), Lynda Warner (#9W), Roger Hutton (#11), Cameron McCartha,
Secretary (#12), Bill Stone (#13), Michael Conrads (#14), Bob Walker (#16), David Baltimore
Representatives absent: Pattie Minder (#8),
Guests Present: Park Board Liaison Cara White
Staff Present: Community Services Coordinator Nona Whitehead
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Al Morin at 7:04 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments
Chairperson Morin reviewed the City Council Report Schedule and explained the format for
new representatives. Mr. Morin also noted schedule changes in the packets and the officer
survey for the March elections. The Standing Committee was notified that they were
maintaining an 80% attendance and that they would be hosting a citywide meeting on January
26 regarding the intersection improvements for 1709 at Peytonville and White Chapel.
Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of the December 2, 1999 minutes
David Baltimore made a motion to approve the minutes of the December 2, 1999 minutes.
The motion was seconded by Michael Conrads and approved unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 4, Discussion of SPIN Notebooks for Orientation
Al Morin asked for input on the SPIN Notebooks and asked if it was possible to put the
material on the city's web page. Michael Conrads reported that James Kunke does not advise
it at this time, and that Mike will get the files and burn a compact disc with the material. The
discussion revealed that there were representatives who used the notebooks and found them
SPIN Minutes
January 13, 2000
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useful, and others who would prefer the CD. David Baltimore suggested a combination with
some material being on the CD and a smaller notebook with the more instructional material.
Agenda Item No. 5, Committee Reports
Orientation: Michael Conrads reported that the Orientation meeting is ready to go. The
Boy Scout facility is very nice and that there are 30 people who have registered at this point.
• Retreat: Michael Conrads said that everything was ready except that a facilitator was
needed to replace Milan Georgia. Jan Francis volunteered to serve in his place.
• Candidate's Forum: Cameron McCartha reported that the committee had reserved a
meeting location for Monday, April 3`d for the Candidate Forum. The facilitator will be
Michael Conrads. Tim Miller is working with James Kunke on advertising and Cara White
volunteered to work with Ten Star for the video taping. Cameron said she would like about 3
people to work with David Baltimore on the format design. The forum committee has voted
to take questions from the audience, but the details still need to be worked out.
• Portals: There were no new developments to report.
Agenda Item No. 6, Neighborhood Reports
SPIN #1: Kim O'Brien reported that her neighborhood was happy about the one acre zoning for
the 63 acre development across from Bob Jones Park.
SPIN #2: Martin Schelling said that he has looked at the parking lot at Sabre and that it does not
look obtrusive. Martin said that the force main on Dove was finished and work was about to
start on the intersection. He also encouraged members to participate in the group traveling to
Austin, requesting funds for work on the SH 114/121 funnel.
SPIN #3: Mary McMahon said there was not much going on other than some street construction.
She had received some questions about repairs on the area north of Ridgecrest.
SPIN #5: Jan Francis said that it was fairly quiet in SPIN #5. She has had some call on rumors
related to the development of property along SH 114.
SPIN #6: Tim Miller reported that the developer of the Gun Barrel complex would like to
revamp the appearance and increase the footprint of the shopping center.
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SPIN #7: Donna Faglie reported that SPIN #7 and #8 had met with the school with a list of
concerns regarding the two new schools and stadium coming to their neighborhood. She said it
was a good meeting and that she feels the school is trying to work with the neighborhood.
SPIN #8: No report
SPIN #9E: Edith Hutcheson said that since she was new to SPIN, she had no report at this time.
SPIN #9W: Lynda Warner said that her neighborhood is resolving the issue over a road
extension (Parkwood Drive) near the Senior Activity Center. Residents do not want a cut
through. Nona Whitehead mentioned that the Senior Advisory Commission is very concerned
about safety issues related to the limited access and egress to the building.
SPIN #10: Al Morin said that the Tom Thumb and Eckerds work is ongoing. The proposed
Calloways is a nice facility with excellent landscaping and there has not been any recent
developments regarding this item.
SPIN #11: Roger Hutton said that construction on Dove and SH 114, along with the surface
removal of Highland for the realignment, was making travel a little hard, but that it was progress.
Roger also noted that a SPIN meeting will be held regarding a request to replat the Ravenaux
SPIN #12: Cameron McCartha said that she had a call about speed humps in Coventry. Several
representatives expressed some concern about the humps, especially at night.
SPIN #13: Bill Stone said that Walgreen's was approved, and that Hobby Lobby had been
tabled. A meeting has been requested to update residents on the West DPS site. Bill said that the
Myers Meadow Homeowners Association usually does not go through SPIN. They are making
their concerns known to Council, and generally are protesting all commercial development. The
Widening of Peytonville and 1709 is a current issue and will be discussed at the association
meeting on January 26.
SPIN #14: Michael Conrads said that his area was very quiet, other than a request by Southlake
Feed and Tack to change to a produce market.
SPIN #15: Vacant
SPIN #16: Bob Walker said that his issues were the same as SPIN #13 other than there had been
a SPIN meeting on the Natatorium that had a positive exchange of information.
Senior Representative: No report other that what Nona had shared about the traffic safety
issues at the Senior Activity Center.
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Park Board Liaison: Cara White reported on the status of the T-ball fields, and the status of
the Teen Center. Cara said that a consultant was looking at Teen Centers at other cities and
that a survey of citizens was being compiled to see what the community wants. The Park
Board is trying to buy property for a Community Center.
Agenda Item No. 7, Problem Solving
Michael Conrads presented a run through of the Problem Solving Process portion of the retreat.
The process will include 7 steps. (1) Identify the problem, (2) Identify potential causes, (3)
Verify most likely cause, (4) Identify potential solutions, (5) Select best solution, (6) Develop an
action plan, (7) Implement, Plan and Evaluate.
Agenda Item No. 8, SPIN booth at Kite Festival
Al Morin reported that the Kite Festival is scheduled for Sunday, April 30`h and Tim Miller
volunteered to chair the SPIN booth to be located at the event.
Agenda Item No. 9, Budget Review
Chairperson Morin informed the committee that most of the budgeted funds had been spent.
Agenda Item No. 10, Open Forum
No discussion
There being no further business, a motion was made to adjourn by Cameron McCartha and
seconded by Bill Stone. The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted:
CameronWearotha, Secretary
Al Morin, Chairperson