2000-04-13CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Thursday, April 13, 2000 Meeting Minutes Representatives Present: Chairperson, Mike Conrads (#14); Vice Chairperson, Cameron McCartha (#12); David Baltimore Senior Representative; Jan Francis (#5); Edith Hutcheson (#9E); Bill Stone (#13); Darrell Faglie (0); Curtis Powell (#15); Dave Visney (#15); Pattie Minder (#8); Martin Schelling (#2); Al Morin (#10) Representatives Absent: Secretary, Kim O'Brien (#1); Mary McMahon (0); Tim Miller (#6); Lynda Warner (#9W); Roger Hutton (#11); Bob Walker (#16); Guests Present: Anita Sims for Mary McMahon (0); Jim Rosenkoetter, SPIN Liaison (#13); Mike Boutte, Planning and Zoning; Cara White, Park Board and for Kim O'Brien (#1); Bud Melton, Bowman -Melton; Annie Melton, Bowman -Melton Staff Present: Director of Public Works Ron Harper; Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman; Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry; Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter; Administrative Intern Mirenda McQuagge Agenda Item Standing Committee Action l.Call to Order Mike Conrads called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. 2. Discussion: Administrative Mike Conrads welcomed new SPIN #15 representatives: Curtis Comments Powell and Dave Visney, introduced the guests, presented Al Morin with a plaque; thanked everyone who worked on Candidate's Forum and at the SPIN Booth. He presented the new meeting format to the group. ■ Stick to the issues- Use Headlines ■ No report is ok ■ Discussions may be deferred 3. Consideration: Approval of ■ Cameron McCartha made some changes to the minutes. minutes from the March 16, ■ Martin Schelling made the motion to approve the amended 2000 Standing Committee minutes from the March 16, 2000 Standing Committee meeting and the Joint City meeting and the Joint City Council/SPIN meeting. Council/SPIN meeting. ■ Al Morin seconded the motion. ■ Motion approved unanimously. 4. Discussion: Report on Water ■ Ron Harper reported to SPIN on water conservation issues Conservation Issues ■ Three levels mild -voluntary conservation, moderate -more restrictive, and mandatory- no outdoor use ■ When reservoir reaches 60% level Ft. Worth will begin restrictions ■ Asked SPIN to help spread the word about conservation ■ Contact person is Valerie Bradley 481-5581 ext. 773 5. Discussion: Report on Trails The Department of Community Services and Bowman -Melton System Master Plan process Associates, Inc gave a presentation on the Trails System Master Plan update process. ■ Bud Melton outlined the Trails System Master Plan update process and timeline ■ Focus is to update the previous plan ■ Attention to connectivity for the destinations that citizens want ■ NEED feedback and suggestions from the citizens ■ Next step in the process is the assessment phase ■ Planning three (3) zone meetings for public input (North, East, and West) and a special meeting for equestrian issues ■ Hope to get the meetings scheduled ASAP, shooting for May dates SPIN had these suggestions and concerns for the process ■ Making sure the public knows what is included in the current Trails System Master Plan ■ Describe what progress has been made on the current plan ■ All three (3) zone meetings should present the same information ■ Al Morin will coordinate the Eastern Zone Meeting ■ Jan Francis and Cara White will coordinate the Northern Zone Meeting ■ Cameron McCartha and Bill Stone will coordinate the Western Zone Meeting 6. Discussion: SPIN Goals Discussed what SPIN is IS _ ■ Communication ■ Source of information ■ Peacemaker ■ Unbiased ■ Proactive/reactive ■ Committed ■ Step in the process ■ Conduit ■ Mediators IS NOT ■ Political ■ Taking sides ■ Represent neighbors ■ Positions ■ Part of City Council or Planning and Zoning From the Executive Committee the direction that SPIN needs to go this year is to be more: ■ Productive ■ Meaningful ■ Enjoyable Agenda Item Standing Committee Action Three steps to reach those goals is to ■ Be on the leading edge of information ■ Improve visibility and education ■ Zero vacancy LEADING EDGE INFORMATION Possible report topics for the Standing Committee Meetings ■ Library (Sept) ■ Parks & Trails (April) ■ Water Conservation (April) ■ Budget (July) ■ CIP (July) ■ Roads and Traffic (June) ■ Planning and Zoning workshop ■ Portals (on -going) ■ School (Aug) ■ Senior Issues (on -going) The group suggested adding ■ DPS sites ■ Economic Development issues (Town Square, Gateway, Terrabrook, Sabre) VISIBILITY AND EDUCATION Possible activities to increase SPIN visibility and education ■ Kite Festival ■ Candidate's Forum ■ July 3d Celebration ■ Town Square Birthday ■ Town Hall Meeting ■ SPIN issue meeting ■ HOA meetings ■ SPIN Standing Committee meetings ■ SPIN open houses ■ Clarify SPIN mission statement ■ SPIN maps in the stores The groups suggested adding: ■ New resident packet update ■ Media coverage ■ Southlake Women's Club Art Festival ■ Materials (large maps, banners, brochures, ink pens, pencils) ■ SPIN contest (school children) ■ PTSO's ■ Leadership Southlake ■ Brochures in Welcome Wagon ■ Website, cable commercial, new resident letter survey Agenda Item Standing Committee Action ZERO VACANCY Possible methods of maintaining zero vacancy ■ SPIN issue meetings ■ HOA meetings ■ SPIN open houses ■ Attendance goals ■ 2-Deep leadership ■ Recruitment action plan Need help with the development of the action plan Group did an exercise of selecting which programs they would individually choose to spend money on if they only had $100.00 and circling those five (5), which they were interested in spending time working on. Each SPIN representative turned in their sheets to Chairperson Mike Conrads and he will present the results at the next meeting. 7. Discussion: Neighborhood SPIN #2- Martin Schelling- No report Reports SPIN #5- Jan Francis- No report SPIN #7- Darrell Faglie- Thanked Bill for conducting the city- wide meeting SPIN #8- Pattie Minder- SPIN meeting on the new school sites for #8 & 9E at the Senior Activity Center on April 26t" SPIN #9E- Edith Hutcheson - April 25th- SPIN meeting on White Chapel Methodist Church April 26t"- SPIN meeting on new elementary on Continental SPIN #10-A1 Morin- Calloways has started the Planning and Zoning process SPIN #12- Cameron McCartha- No report SPIN #13- Bill Stone- May 1st there is a meeting on the DPS site. City Council wants to create a task force to work on the MTP connector road. SPIN #15- Curtis Powell & Dave Visney- SPIN meeting on the 24t". Jellico sewer is complete with some controversy over the damage left. Senior Representative -David Baltimore- CARS has been funded, still waiting on one easement for Crosstimbers sewer. Agenda Item Standing Committee Action 8. Open Forum Bill Stone suggested that the e-mail concerning Chic-fil-A and free coupons was inappropriate. 9. Adjournment Chairperson Mike Conrads adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m. CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Thursday, April 13, 2000 Meeting Minutes Representatives Present: Chairperson, Mike Conrads (#14); Vice Chairperson, Cameron McCartha (#12); David Baltimore Senior Representative; Jan Francis (#5); Edith Hutcheson (#9E); Bill Stone (#13); Darrell Faglie (0); Curtis Powell (#15); Dave Visney (#15); Pattie Minder (#8); Martin Schelling (#2); Al Morin (#10) Representatives Absent: Secretary, Kim O'Brien (#1); Mary McMahon (#3); Tim Miller (#6); Lynda Warner (#9W); Roger Hutton (#11); Bob Walker (416); Guests Present: Anita Sims for Mary McMahon (0); Jim Rosenkoetter, SPIN Liaison (#13); Mike Boutte, Planning and Zoning; Cara White, Park Board and for Kim O'Brien (#1); Bud Melton, Bowman -Melton Project Manager; Annie Melton, Bowman -Melton President Staff Present: Director of Public Works Ron Harper; Director of Community Services Kevin Hugman; Park Planning and Construction Superintendent Ben Henry; Senior Comprehensive Planner Chris Carpenter; Administrative Intern Mirenda McQuagge Agenda Item Standing Committee Action 1.Call to Order Mike Conrads called the meeting to order at 6:15 p.m. 2. Discussion: Administrative Mike Conrads welcomed new SPIN # 15 representatives: Curtis Comments Powell and Dave Visney; introduced the guests; presented Al Morin with a plaque; thanked everyone who worked on Candidate's Forum and at the SPIN booth at the Town Square Celebration; noted that Shelli needs to be asked to do nametages for the next meeting; thanked Bill Stone and Darrell Faglie for hosting Costco meeting. He presented the new meeting format to the group. ■ Stick to the issues- Use Headlines ■ No report is ok ■ Discussions may be deferred 3. Consideration: Approval of ■ Cameron McCartha made some changes to the minutes. minutes from the March 16, ■ Martin Schelling made the motion to approve the amended 2000 Standing Committee minutes from the March 16, 2000 Standing Committee meeting and the Joint City meeting and the Joint City Council/SPIN meeting. Council/SPIN meeting. ■ Al Morin seconded the motion. • Motion approved unanimously. 4. Discussion: Report on Water ■ Ron Harper reported to SPIN on water conservation issues Conservation Issues ■ Three levels mild -voluntary conservation, moderate -more restrictive, and mandatory- no outdoor use (refers to Ord. 662) ■ When reservoir reaches 60% level Ft. Worth will begin restrictions. Lakes currently are at 80% level Agenda Item Standing Committee Action ■ Asked SPIN to help spread the word about conservation • Working on a public education campaign, including notices in water bills • Contact person is Valerie Bradley 481-5581 ext. 773 5. Discussion: Report on Trails The Department of Community Services and Bowman -Melton System Master Plan process Associates, Inc gave a presentation on the Trails System Master Plan update process. ■ Bud Melton outlined the Trails System Master Plan update process and timeline: January through June, assess current plan; March through October, public involvement, refine and develop plan; between September and November, plan adoption. ■ Focus is to update the previous plan ■ Attention to connectivity for the destinations that citizens want ■ NEED feedback and suggestions from the citizens ■ Next step in the process is the assessment phase ■ Planning three (3) zone meetings for public input (North, East, and West) and a special meeting for equestrian, hiker and walker issues ■ Hope to get the meetings scheduled ASAP, shooting for May dates SPIN had these suggestions and concerns for the process ■ Making sure the public knows what is included in the current Trails System Master Plan ■ Describe what progress has been made on the current plan ■ All three (3) zone meetings should present the same information ■ Al Morin will coordinate the Eastern Zone Meeting (SPIN 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) ■ Jan Francis and Cara White will coordinate the Northern Zone Meeting (SPIN 1,2,3,5,6) ■ Cameron McCartha and Bill Stone will coordinate the Western Zone Meeting (SPIN 7,8,9e, 9w, 10) David Baltimore commented that the survey also should ask people about the current parks, and added that he would have liked to have seen the survey in advance. He was told that the survey will address those questions. 6. Discussion: SPIN Goals I Discussed what SPIN is IS ■ Communication ■ Source of information ■ Hard-working and dedicated ■ Unbiased ■ Proactive/reactive ■ Committed ■ Step in the development process ■ Conduit ■ Mediators Agenda Item Standing Committee Action IS NOT ■ Political ■ Taking sides ■ Represent neighbors ■ Positions ■ Part of City Council or Planning and Zoning From the Executive Committee the direction that SPIN needs to go this year is to be more: ■ Productive ■ Meaningful ■ Enjoyable Three steps to reach those goals is to ■ Be on the leading edge of information ■ Improve visibility and education ■ Zero vacancy LEADING EDGE INFORMATION Possible report topics for the Standing Committee Meetings ■ Library (Sept) ■ Parks & Trails (April) ■ Water Conservation (April) ■ Budget (July) ■ CIP (July) ■ Roads and Traffic (June) ■ Planning and Zoning workshop ■ Portals (on -going) ■ School (on -going) ■ Senior Issues (on -going) The group suggested adding ■ DPS sites ■ Economic Development issues (Town Square, Gateway, Terrabrook, Sabre) ■ Joint -Use Projects (natatorium, etc) VISIBILITY AND EDUCATION Possible activities to increase SPIN visibility and education ■ Kite Festival ■ Candidate's Forum ■ July P Celebration ■ Town Square Birthday ■ Town Hall Meeting ■ SPIN issue meeting ■ HOA meetings ■ SPIN Standing Committee meetings ■ SPIN open houses ■ Clarify SPIN mission statement Agenda Item Standing Committee Action ■ SPIN maps in the stores ■ SPIN Retreat The groups suggested adding: ■ New resident packet update ■ Media coverage ■ Southlake Women's Club Art Festival ■ Materials (large maps, banners, brochures, ink pens, pencils) ■ SPIN contest (school children) ■ PTO's ■ Leadership Southlake ■ Brochures in Welcome Wagon ■ Website, cable commercial, new resident letter survey It was suggested to list meetings on the Web site, including what will be discussed and the SPIN Rep to contact. ZERO VACANCY Possible methods of maintaining zero vacancy ■ SPIN issue meetings ■ HOA meetings ■ SPIN open houses ■ Attendance goals ■ 2-Deep leadership ■ Recruitment action plan Need help with the development of the action plan Group did an exercise of selecting which programs they would individually choose to spend money on if they only had $100.00 and circling those five (5), which they were interested in spending time working on. Each SPIN representative turned in their sheets to Chairperson Mike Conrads and he will present the results at the next meeting. 7. Discussion: Neighborhood SPIN #1- Cara White- No report Reports SPIN #2- Martin Schelling- No report SPIN #3- Anita Sims- No report SPIN #5- Jan Francis- No report SPIN 97- Darrell Faglie- Thanked Bill for conducting the city- wide meeting SPIN #8- Pattie Minder- SPIN meeting on the new school sites for #8 & 9E at the Senior Activity Center on April 26cn SPIN #9E- Edith Hutcheson- Agenda Item Standing Committee Action April 25 - SPIN meeting on White Chapel Methodist Church April 261"- SPIN meeting on new elementary on Continental SPIN #10-A1 Morin- Calloways has started the Planning and Zoning process SPIN #12- Cameron McCartha- No report SPIN #13- Bill Stone- May Is` there is a meeting on the DPS site. City Council wants to create a task force to work on the MTP connector road. SPIN #15- Curtis Powell & Dave Visney- SPIN meeting on the 24`". Jellico sewer is complete with some controversy over the damage left. Senior Representative -David Baltimore- CARS has been funded, still waiting on one easement for Crosstimbers sewer. Park Board Representative- Cara White- Planning is underway for the SPIN zone meetings on the Trail System Master Plan 8. Open Forum Bill Stone suggested that the e-mail concerning Chic-fil-A and free coupons was inappropriate. 9. Adjournment Chairperson Mike Conrads adjourned the meeting at 8:47 p.m. Kim O'Brien, Secretary Attest