2000-05-11CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Thursday, May 11, 2000 Meeting Minutes Representatives Present: Chairman, Mike Conrads (#14); Secretary, Kim O'Brien (#1); David Baltimore Senior Representative; Martin Schelling (#2); Mary McMahon (#3); Tim Miller (#6); Al Morin (#10); Bill Stone (#13); Curtis Powell (#15); Dave Visney (#15); Bob Walker (#16) Representatives Absent: Vice Chairwoman, Cameron McCartha (#12); Jan Francis (#5); Darrell Faglie (#7); Pattie Minder (#8); Edith Hutcheson (#9E); Lynda Warner (#9W); Roger Hutton (# 11) Guests Present: Esther Spickler for Roger Hutton (#11); Cara White, Park Board and for Kim O'Brien (# 1) Staff Present: Director of Economic Development Greg Last Agenda Item Standing Committee Action 1.Call to Order Mike Conrads called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. Discussion: Administrative Mike Conrads welcomed Esther Spickler appearing for Roger Comments Hutton. He announced Shelli Siemer's departure. He reminded members of the three Trail System Master Plan meetings this month. He reminded members of the schedule for City Council reports. He said nametags have been ordered for members to make them more visible at meetings and public events, and passed around a sign-up sheet for those interested in ordering SPIN shirts. He reminded members of the new meeting format for neighborhood reports: ■ Stick to the issues- Use Headlines ■ No report is ok ■ Discussions may be deferred 3. Consideration: Approval of ■ Cara White made some changes to the minutes. minutes from the April 13, ■ Al Morin made the motion to approve the amended minutes 2000 Standing Committee from the April 13, 2000 Standing Committee meeting. meeting. ■ Bill Stone seconded the motion. ■ Motion approved unanimously. 4. Discussion: Report on • Greg Last reported to SPIN on economic development issues Economic Development • Presented profiles on Town Square, Sabre, Gateway Plaza, Issues Crossroads Square, Lowe's, ISIS Papyrus, Village at Timmaron and Remington. • A restaurant needs survey is being prepared and will be included in the June 1 issue of Southlake In Review. Residential growth is slowing, but commercial growth is picking up. City is 75 percent developed in residential and 35 percent developed in commercial and other uses. Agenda Item I Standing Committee Action 5. Discussion: Neighborhood SPIN #1- Cara White- No report Reports SPIN #2- Martin Schelling- No report SPIN #3- Mary McMahon- There is a continuing problem between equestrians and other residents in the area of E. Southlake Park, where access has been impeded to the Corps of Engineers property. Horse -riding residents sent a letter to the Corps with 50 signatures, and are waiting to hear back from the Parks Department. Also, residents on two streets are preparing petitions to request sewer service. SPIN #6- Tim Miller- SPIN meeting held April 26 on a planned subdivision at Raintree and Brookwood; 21 people attended, several concerns were voiced including drainage and road access. SPIN #10-A1 Morin- SPIN meeting held May 10 on drainage plans for two areas; 25 people attended and there were no objections raised. The owners of the new ReMax building on Southlake Boulevard are marketing basement office space, which the developer pledged not to do; the city has been notified. SPIN #11- Esther Spickler- There still is heavy traffic through the Coventry neighborhood; residents are landscaping beside the speed humps in an effort to prevent drivers from cutting through yards. SPIN #13- Bill Stone- SPIN meeting held May 1 on the West DPS Station; a light turnout raised only one new issue, the zoning of an out -parcel the City plans to sell. SPIN #15- Curtis Powell & Dave Visney- SPIN meeting held on a four -acre lot rezoning for two two -acre residential lots; 300 notices were hand -delivered and three families attended, raising no objections. City officials are working to resolve the Jellico sewer problems caused by a bankrupt contractor. Senior Representative- David Baltimore- No report. Park Board - Cara White- The Park Board is working with the Southlake Baseball Association to reduce or move sponsor signs that were placed on the Bicentennial Park batting cages without prior authorization. Some new summer recreation classes are being added in response to some classes filling up before many residents received the Southlake Scene catalog by mail. 6. Discussion: SPIN Goals and Mike Conrads briefly reviewed the goals adopted at the SPIN Committee Assignments Retreat. He passed out a list of committee assignments. There was some discussion of certain specific assignments. Committee chairs are responsible for creating and implementing action plans. A Agenda Item Standing Committee Action 7. Consideration: SPIN • The SPIN budget for 2000-01 was presented. One change was Operating Budget (FY 2000- made, moving $1,000 from videotaping services into printing. 2001) • Martin Schelling made the motion to approve the budget. • Al Morin seconded the motion. • The motion was approved unanimously. 8. Consideration: Definition of • Mike Conrads proposed that the Executive Committee be Citywide and Neighborhood charged with deciding when a meeting should be citywide. Meetings David Baltimore said it is not necessary to designate meetings as citywide or neighborhood, because anyone can attend any meeting. Bill Stone said the difference is in how a meeting is promoted. Al Morin said that meetings could be promoted differently but not be called citywide or neighborhood meetings. • Curtis Powell made a motion that: SPIN meetings no longer will be promoted as neighborhood or citywide meetings; that the Executive Committee will determine the level of promotion for meetings; and that if a meeting topic is located in a specific SPIN neighborhood that the SPIN Rep for that area will organize and chair the meeting. • Mary McMahon seconded the motion. • The motion was approved unanimously. 9. Open Forum Dave Visney said there are signs marking the borders of SPIN # 15 (formerly SPIN # 16) and asked about placing signs at other SPIN boundaries. Mike Conrads suggested changing the order of officer elections each year, voting first for chairperson. David Baltimore said the by-laws do not require voting in a particular order, so a new procedure could be adopted by the Standing Committee. The Executive Committee will consider the issue. 10. Adjournment • Martin Schelling moved to adjourn. • Tim Miller seconded the motion. • Mike Conrads adjourned the meeting at 9:15 p.m.