2000-07-13CITY OF SOUTHLAKE SPIN Standing Committee Thursday, July 13, 2000 Meeting Minutes SPIN Representatives present: Mike Conrads, chair (#14), Kim O'Brien, secretary (#1), Mary McMahon (#3), Tim Miller (#6), Darrell Faglie (47), Lynda Warner (#9W), Al Morin (#10), Roger Hutton (#11), Bill Stone (#13), Curtis Powell (#15), David Baltimore (seniors) Representatives absent: Cameron McCartha, vice -chair (#12), Martin Schelling (#2), Jan Francis (#5), Pattie Minder (48), Edith Hutcheson (#9E), Dave Visney (#15), Bob Walker (#16) Guests Present: Cara White (#1), Parks Board Liaison Staff Present: James Kunke, City Manager's Office; John Eaglen, City Manager's Office; Shawn Poe, Assistant City Engineer; Sharen Elam, Director of Finance Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Mike Conrads at 7:00 p.m. Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments: Kim O'Brien thanked SPIN representatives and volunteers for a successful booth at the Stars & Stripes celebration on July 3. Lots of people from all over the city and surrounding areas attended, and many Southlake residents signed up to receive SPIN meeting notices by e-mail. Conrads passed out an attendance chart for Standing Committee meetings. He said he is concerned that attendance is down and urged members to make a better effort to attend future meetings or to find a substitute when they are unable to attend. Conrads announced that former SPIN liaison Shelli Siemer is pregnant with her first child, due Dec. 28. Conrads also introduced John Eaglen, the new Assistant to the City Manager, and other city staff attending the meeting. Eaglen told a little bit of his background and said he looks forward to working with SPIN. Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of Minutes from June 15 meeting: Joint SPIN/City Council Minutes July 13, 2000 Page 2 Al Morin made a motion to approve the minutes. David Baltimore seconded. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 4, Staff Reports: Shawn Poe, Assistant City Engineer, reported on the Capital Improvements Program (CIP) plan and budget, focusing on water and sewer projects citywide. Information presented included: • CIP planning process • Uses citywide Master Plans: Land Use, Zoning, Master Thoroughfare, Parks and Open Space, Trail System, Water, and Sewer • Includes a 10-year CIP Plan using the Impact Fee process, a five-year CIP Plan identifying immediate projects, and a CIP funding plan for each year • Consists of three distinct elements -- project identification, justification, & prioritization; funding; and implementation • Project identification, justification, & prioritization • Project Identification • SPIN meetings • Resident suggestions and input • Council member preferences • Staff recommendations • Project Justification • Based entirely on need • Project Prioritization • Public Safety is top priority • Projects previously scheduled in CIP get added consideration • Cost is a major factor • Funding Consideration • Bonding capacity is determined, because most CIP projects require bonds • Upcoming scheduled CIP projects discussed with Council during budget process • Council prioritizes projects to be funded • CIP Implementation • Engineering and design of project conducted first • Neighborhood meetings are held • Bid process is conducted for construction contract • Project constructed • Update on current CIP program • $15 million in roadway/drainage improvements • $2.9 million in water improvements • $4.4 million in sewer improvements Joint SPIN/City Council Minutes July 13, 2000 Page 3 • Cross Timber Hills • Hunter's Ridge • Randol Mill Estates • Oak Lane Addition (funded through CDBG grant money) Poe concluded by saying that residents can request that specific capital projects be considered for the CIP through SPIN, calls to city staff, or the fix -it form on the city's Web site. Sharen Elam, Director of Finance, reported on the city budget process. She said the 2000-01 budget process began in April 2000 with department wish lists, followed by meetings with each department director and the city manager to review those lists. The finance department prepared revenue projections and a second round of department meeting were held. Three budget workshops have been scheduled for the City Council, on Aug. 8, 22 and 29. The public is able to attend those meetings and provide input. The City Council will vote on the budget in September, with a public hearing scheduled for the Sept. 19 meeting. Major new items in the proposed 2000-01 budget include opening the West DPS Station and Town Hall. Lynda Warner asked if sales tax revenues are reaching projections. Elam said the city projected a 15 percent increase and revenues are up 20 percent so far this fiscal year. She added that preliminary property values released by the Tarrant Appraisal District show Southlake with an 18 percent increase overall, about 7 percent on existing properties. The certified tax rolls will be released on July 25. David Baltimore asked how much of the property value is commercial compared to residential. Elam said commercial growth is strong and residential growth is slowing. The city had 600 housing starts three years ago, will have about 400 this year (compared to a projection of 450) and expects about 300 during the 2000-01 fiscal year. She added that building permits and fees comprise about 10 percent of the city's revenue, and sales tax is about 20 percent, meaning that total commercial revenue now exceeds residential revenue. Agenda Item No. 5, Discussion of SPIN Education Programs: Conrads started the discussion by asking what SPIN wants to communicate to Southlake residents. Bill Stone, head of the education programs work group, offered three items: what SPIN means, what SPIN does, and who to contact. Stone submitted an Action Plan Form for his work group and said he plans to hold a meeting before the Aug. 10 Standing Committee meeting. Mary McMahon said that educational materials also should be developed for students. Joint SPIN/City Council Minutes July 13, 2000 Page 4 Agenda Item No. 6, Discussion of School Presentations for Aug. 10 Meeting: Conrads asked members what districts they would like to see participate in the Aug. 10 staff report, and what information they would like to receive. Al Morin suggested hearing only from the major school districts. Mary McMahon said she would like to hear something about her district, Northeast ISD, including its goals for the coming year, student population coming from Southlake, and how SPIN can help the district. David Baltimore said he wants to see budget and tax rate information. Lynda Warner said she wants to hear information on how Robin Hood is impacting local districts. Conrads suggested a five-minute overview from each of the four districts in Southlake (Carroll, Northeast, Keller and Grapevine-Colleyville). He also wants to see a map showing the district boundaries in Southlake. Agenda Item No. 7, Discussion of Meeting Facilitation Skills Training: Conrads asked if members would be interested in receiving training on meeting facilitation skills. Several members said they would be interested. David Baltimore asked if that should be done in a regular monthly meeting or at the annual retreat in January or February. The consensus was that training at the retreat would be more effective. Cara White suggested a system of mentoring or buddying that would pair experienced SPIN neighborhood representatives with new members. Agenda Item No. 8, Neighborhood Reports: Standing Committee Representatives presented their neighborhood reports: • Roger Hutton (# 11) — No report. • Cara White (Park Board Liaison) — The Park Board and SPDC Board have approved a new concept plan for Bicentennial Park that incorporates property recently added to the park, which likely will be used for a softball complex. A Bob Jones Park plan also has been approved, and excavation should start soon on six practice baseball fields and parking at the equestrian trailhead. She also passed out a copy of the Costco landscape plan. • Al Morin (# 10) —No report. • David Baltimore (seniors) — No report • Mary McMahon (#3) — Residents are having problem with septic runoff going into a stream that feeds into Lake Grapevine. Twenty-two people attending a SPIN meeting to review plans for a trail at Lonesome Dove Park, voicing considerable opposition over drainage and trail location. A committee was formed to review the trail plan, with an Aug. 22 deadline. Joint SPIN/City Council Minutes July 13, 2000 Page 5 • Bill Stone (#13) —Residents remain interested in the working of the Master Thoroughfare Plan work group looking at the Shady Oaks/Peytonville connector road. The neighborhood has a lot of active construction, including the new Hobby Lobby store at FM 1709 and Davis. • Darrell Faglie (#7) Major projects include SH 114 construction, Gateway Phase I close to opening, Kimball Avenue schools under construction, and CISD stadium construction to start this month. • Tim Miller (#6) — Residents near the proposed Simmons Addition are still working on some concerns; the project will go to the Planning & Zoning Commission on July 20. The owner of Kimball Square (formerly Southlake Plaza) made a presentation at P&Z that was defeated. Texaco at Kimball and SH 114 has submitted a modification plan with the city. • Mike Conrads (# 14) — No report. • Curtis Powell (#15) — A site plan has been submitted for a strip center on the southwest corner of FM 1709 and Davis. • Lynda Warner (#9W) — She has received no more contact from residents of SPIN #about a proposed park service center on Continental across from Windsor Creek; the proposal was rejected by the City Council. A SPIN meeting will be held Aug. 2 to discuss the city -owned land around the Senior Activity Center. She also expects to hear complaints soon from residents on Pine Drive about delays in road construction. • Kim O'Brien (#1) — Volunteers are coming forward to rebuild the home of elderly resident Linnia Johnson. Agenda Item No. 9, Open Forum: Conrads passed out a copy of an editorial that appeared in the Fort Worth Star -Telegram praising the SPIN program. Tim Miller asked for thoughts on the Wal-Mart controversy in Colleyville. Lynda Warner asked if there is an age requirement for the youth representative to the Standing Committee. James Kunke said the ordinance only states that it must be a teen-ager. She said she has a candidate and will contact him to see if he is interested. David Baltimore said he spoke with someone at Charter Communications and they likely would not be able to run a SPIN public service video but said SPIN information can be published in the monthly cable magazine. Kunke said arrangements already have been made to do so. Roger Hutton said he received a newsletter from a real estate office that contained information about SPIN. Agenda Item No. 10, Adjournment: There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:59 p.m. (Tim Miller motion, Darrell Faglie second). Respectfully Submitted: lz� im 'Brien, Secretary Joint SPIN/City Council Minutes July 13, 2000 Page 6 Approved: Mike Conra s, Chairperson gw po