2000-09-14* * OFFICIAL MINUTES * *
SEPTEMBER 14, 2000
SPIN Representatives Present: Mike Conrads (#14), Chair; Cameron McCartha (#12), Vice -
Chair; Kim O'Brien (#1), Secretary; Martin Schelling (#2); Jan Francis (#5); Tim Miller
(#6); Darrell Faglie (0); Lynda Warner (#9w); Bill Stone (#13); Curtis Powell (#15); Bob
Walker (#16); David Baltimore (Senior Representative); Cara White (Parks and Recreation
Board Representative).
SPIN Representatives Absent: Mary McMahon (#3); Pattie Minder (0); Edith Hutcheson
(#9e); Al Morin (#10); Roger Hutton (#11); Dave Visney (#15).
City Council Members Present: Rick Stacy, Mayor; Rex Potter, Place 1.
City Staff Present: John Eaglen, Assistant to the City Manager; Terry McLaughlin, Library
Agenda Item No. 1, Call to Order —
■ Chair Mike Conrads called the meeting to order at 6:35 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2, Administrative Comments —
Mr. Conrads stated that Carlyn Helmuth could not serve as the Youth Representative due to
time constraints. Mr. Conrads stated that he has contacted the Government teachers at
Carroll High School, and will continue to search for a Youth Representative.
Harvest Fest is on October 28 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. The Committee agreed to
participate in the event, and Mr. Schelling will co-chair the committee for this event.
Edith Hutcheson is on a "leave of absence" due to time constraints, therefore a volunteer was
necessary to give the City Council Report on October 3. Lynda Warner volunteered to give
the report on October 3. Mr. Conrads will review the schedule and attempt to find a
representative to give the report on October 171n
Agenda Item No. 3, Approval of Minutes from the August 10, 2000 Meeting —
■ Motion was made to approve the minutes as submitted.
Motion: Baltimore
Second: Schelling
SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, September 14, 2000 Page 1 of 6
Motion was approved unanimously.
■ Mr. Eaglen stated that the minutes would be posted on the City's website next week.
Agenda Item No. 4, September Focus: Library and Joint Use Committee —
■ Library Administrator Terry McLaughlin discussed the following items with the Committee.
1. Reviewed background of Library planning process to date.
2. Mentioned benefit and membership requirements for the North Texas Regional Library
System (NTRLS).
3. Library Start -Up Issues:
■ Bulk removal and processing of books from Grapevine Library
■ Initial Staffing Needs
■ Hiring and Training Professional Library Staff.
■ Finalization of the Library Budget for Fiscal Year 2000-01.
■ Opening Date of Library
■ Hours of Operation
■ Size of the Collection
■ Volunteer Contributions to the Facility
■ Donation of Books and Materials
■ Assistant to the City Manager John Eaglen gave a presentation on the Joint Utilization
Committee covering the following information.
I. Purpose of Coordination between the City and the Carroll Independent School District
2. History of the Committee
3. Legal Authority of the Committee
4. Review of the Relationships Established by the Committee
5. Implementation of Joint Utilization Concept
6. Committee Relationship to other Boards and Commissions
7. Intergovernmental Issues
8. Future of the Committee
Agenda Item No. 7, Break —
■ This item was moved up on the agenda.
Agenda Item No. 8, Call to Order Joint Meeting —
■ Mayor Rick Stacy called the Joint Meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 11, Neighborhood Reports —
■ This item was moved up on the agenda at the request of Mayor Stacy and Councilmember
SPIN Standing Committee Meeting Minutes, September 14, 2000 Page 2 of 6
■ SPIN # 16 —
1. Mr. Walker asked what the City Council decided regarding the Mirage Car Wash
awnings. Mayor Stacy replied that the Council voted against this request, but
encouraged the owner to come back to them with a better plan.
2. The other issues going on are regarding the Hobby Lobby construction and the status
of the intersection improvements.
■ Seniors —
I . Mr. Baltimore stated that the seniors in the community are interested in the budget
process, specifically funding levels for Call -A -Ride Southlake, Inc. (CARS),
Metroport Meals on Wheels (MMOW), etc.
2. Library Administrator Terry McLaughlin will be present at the next Senior Advisory
Committee meeting next month to discuss the role of the senior community regarding
the Library.
■ SPIN #9w —
I . Residents met with Director of Planning Bruce Payne regarding potential uses for the
land adjacent to the Senior Center. SPIN offered to host another meeting to help the
residents proceed with developing a proposal for alternative uses for the property.
Ms. White replied that residents have approached SPDC and the Parks and Recreation
Board regarding this matter.
2. Residents are proposing an alternative development plan for a wireless telephone
company to construct a large antenna at the intersection of Continental and White
Chapel. This alternative involves leasing space on the antenna at the White Chapel
Methodist Church. Residents will present this information at the September 21
Planning and Zoning Commission Meeting.
■ SPIN #12 —
1. Work progressing on the sewer construction in Cross Timber Hills, however the
project timeline could be a month behind schedule.
■ SPIN #14 -
- No Activity to Report.
■ SPIN #6 —
I . Regarding road issues on Shady Lane the City is working with the bond company to
address, this process is estimated to take several months. Construction Manager
David Fleming is providing updates on the developments.
2. Culverts at Shady Lane exceeded the estimated timeline, look for completion next
week. The City worked with the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) to
avoid closure of Shady Lane.
3. Mr. Fleming has stated that the Kimball Road improvements will not resemble the
Shady Lane projects.
■ SPIN # 13 —
1. Master Thoroughfare Plan Revision Task Force has been assembled and held one (1)
meeting, with future meetings to follow.
2. There have been questions on the start date for the trail construction along F.M. 1709
to Bicentennial Park.
3. SPIN hosted a meeting on the Children's Courtyard. The attendees communicated
their concerns and the developer will try to address the concerns.
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4. Regarding the Library, there is a realization of the difficulty in making decisions, but
the feeling exists that starting small is a preferred alternative.
■ SPIN #2 —
■ No Activity to Report.
■ SPIN #7 —
1. Regarding the upcoming design for South Kimball from Crooked Lane to F.M. 1709,
residents hope to have input during the design process.
2. School construction progressing.
3. Stadium construction progressing.
4. New stores opening in Gateway; Lowe's construction also progressing.
■ SPIN #1 —
1. Northern trailhead in Bob Jones Park under construction
2. Concerns expressed about Sabre construction, does the height exceed the original
3. Crown Ridge construction underway, concern expressed over potential cut -through
■ Parks and Recreation Board —
1. Bob Jones Phase II construction to begin in November.
2. Parks, Recreation and Open Space Master Plan Update in progress, public input
meetings have been held over the past two weeks.
■ SPIN #5 —
1. Receive a lot of questions about Kimball Road construction.
2. Receive a lot of questions about Wal Mart's plans to move north of State Highway
114, mixed feedback expressed over this potential move.
■ SPIN #15 —
■ No Activity to Report.
Agenda Item No. 9, City Council Reports —
■ Mayor Stacy's Report —
1 . Regarding a Library, not sure in what direction the City Council will proceed, but
everyone wants a Library. The feeling among members of the City Council is that if
a referendum on the Library should be called for the residents would pass it, as
additional revenues would be spent upon services that the residents support. The
difficulty in opening a Library is that there are people who want the best facility in
place quicker than revenues would be available. The City Council has been getting
mixed feedback on the scope of services people would accept from a Library.
2. This year's budget is different than any of the previous fiscal years, in that revenues
from residential construction have declined faster than predicted, and the needs
exceed the revenues available. As commercial developments come online and
contribute to the tax base, it will offset the revenues lost in housing starts. There are
some dynamic development proposals coming, but at this time the City Council is
very cautious. With State Highway 114 there is a lot of opportunity, and if the City
proceeds with caution, in the coming years there will be a balance of commercial
quality with low density. Sales tax receipts are already expanding, which has allowed
for Parks and Public Safety improvements without increasing the property tax rate.
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3. Public Safety has delayed purchasing new vehicles this year, however they have
assured the Council that there will be no decrease in response times.
Councilmember Potter's Report —
1. Revenues are up this year, but so are operational expenses and debt service. Public
safety is also providing new services with the west facility, which will increase
operational costs on top of a new Library.
2. Regarding the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone, the revenues are increasing,
however the City Council does not want to over -extend in debt service. Development
is occurring, it is primarily a timing issue in regards to revenues. The City Council
will approve the budget at the September 19 meeting, including roughly $300,000 for
a Library, which would increase to around $400,000 in Fiscal Year 2001-02. SPDC
has taken actions to fund the Parks Maintenance Workers in Fiscal Year 2000-01 to
remove pressure off of the General Fund to help fund a Library.
3. Town Hall is progressing, estimated move in date is January 2001. Mr. Potter
encouraged SPIN to tour the Town Hall facility this fall to view the progress. The
County has been extremely helpful in developing Town Hall operations.
4. The Bob Jones Park Cleanup is scheduled for October 7, with a rainout date of
October 14. The time for this project is from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Mr. Potter has
been heading a committee of citizens, community groups, and city staff in planning
this event, and encourages everyone to participate.
5. Mentioned that in the future there should be more coordination in scheduling the Joint
meetings, as tonight there were other meetings tonight that prevented several
members of the Council from attending this session.
Agenda Item No. 12, Open Forum —
■ There was no discussion on this item.
The joint session was adjourned at 8: SS p.m.
Agenda Item No. 5, Clarification of Mission Statement —
■ Motion was made to approve the proposed changes to the mission statement.
Motion: Stone
Second: Miller
Motion was approved unanimously.
Comments were provided by the Committee on the "What SPIN Is ... Is Not" Section. Chair
Conrads encouraged the Committee to e-mail additional comments to him, and he would
review and incorporate these comments into a draft for consideration at the next meeting.
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Agenda Item No. 6, Materials Selection —
Mr. Walker reviewed the progress of the materials committee to date, and provided examples
of the current educational materials. The materials reviewed by the materials committee
include the following proposals:
1. Brochures to include mission statement, website and phone numbers, a second color
for the SPIN Map, and an insert identifying SPIN representatives.
2. Newcomer packets to include an updated brochure, an updated introduction letter,
and information give-away items.
3. Business cards to include the website address, City phone number, and the mission
statement on the back.
4. Information — News articles to include the City newspaper, a water bill insert, other
newpapers, a cable channel advertisement, and website information.
5. Meeting notification to include postcards, flyers, signs (durable), school message
boards, and park message boards.
6. Miscellaneous items including banners, big display maps, give-away items, and shirts
and name tags.
The materials selection will be a consideration item at the next meeting.
Members reviewed the proposed variations of the SPIN logo update. Chair Conrads
committed to post the alternatives at the same scale and bring them forward for consideration
at the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 10, SPIN Mission and Materials Update —
■ There was no discussion on this item.
Agenda Item No. 13, Adjourn —
■ Chair Conrads adjourned the meeting at 9:20 p.m.
Ki O'Brien, Secretary /Mi e Conrads, Chair
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