1995-10-09City of Southlake, Texas
October 9, 1995
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Board Members Present: Vice -Chair Vicki Johnson, Janet Murphy, Bethann Scratchard, and Marge
Members Absent: Chairman Rod Johnson, Secretary Carol Lee Hamilton, Becci Rollins, and Robin
City Staff Present: Director Kim McAdams and Recreation Supervisor Shelly Lanners
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice -Chair Vicki Johnson.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of September 11, 1995 regular meeting minutes.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of September 11, 1995 as amended.
Motion: Scratchard
Second: Zielke
Ayes: Johnson, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke
Nays: none
Approved: 4-0
Agenda Item No. 3 Administrative Comments.
• Administrative calendar and news clippings were reviewed.
• Wednesday Morning - Dedication of the CMS Gym/ Recreation Center at 8:30 am.
• Next Monday night - Joint SPDC/JUC/ Park Board meeting at Durham Elementary, 7:00 -
9:00 pm.
• The Solana project will probably be coming forward at the next meeting.
• Keep Southlake Beautiful needs to confine their Wildscape Demonstration site as requested
by TPWD, they have selected the area bordered by the new arbor, water feature project,
pine trees to the south and to the west, approximately '/2 acre. KSB has until the end of
November to complete the project. The Park Board needs to remember that officially the
seven (7) acres of the pine trees are not park property.
• Janet ask for a copy of the Colleyville News and Times article about Adventure Alley
• Board members ask staff to look into getting them name tags and shirts to wear at special
• Janet mentioned an article about Frisbee Golf (staff will copy for the Board)
City of Southlake, Texas
Agenda Item No. 4, Consider: Southlake Basketball Association Facility Use Agreement
Shelly Lanners presented the draft agreement with the Southlake Youth Basketball Association.
Motion was made to approve the agreement pending approval of the City Attorney and the Southlake
Youth Basketball Association.
Johnson, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke
Agenda Item No. 5, Discussion: Game Fields vs. Practice Fields
Kim McAdams presented the problems that are anticipated with regulating use of game fields. Fields
are signed and locked, yet teams climb fences and practice anyway. Area cities are looking into
passing ordinances to regulate game field use. The Board ask staff to prepare an ordinance for them
to review and consider.
Agenda Item No. 6, Discussion: Park Master Plan Update
Kim McAdams discussed the timetable and progress with the Board. Staff will mail committee
information to all Board members, to keep everyone informed as we go through the process. All
members are welcome to attend any of the committee meetings. All committee meetings will be held
at 7:00 pm on one or two Mondays a month.
Agenda Item No 7, Discussion of Training Needs for Board Members
The results of the training survey was distributed to the Board. The Board requested that training
sessions become part of the regular Board meetings when agendas allowed.
Agenda Item No. 8, Liaison Reports.
Development - Robin and Carol Lee have distributed the park dedication survey.
Publicity - Plan is to be ready next month
Recreation - Janet reported the Fall/Winter program statistics
SPDC - next meeting October 16
JUC- Bethann reported that at the last meeting they discussed the Kodak article, Lou Ann Heath
visited with them about the budget, & they approved the Joint -use agreement facilities for the school
year 1995-96.
KSB - no report
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m.
Vicki Johnson, Vie- C airperson
Kim McAdanii
Director of Parks and Recreation CApkboardVninutes.109\km