1995-09-11City of Southlake, Texas
September 11, 1995
Board Members Present: Frank Dorer, Carol Lee Hamilton, Robin Jones, Janet Murphy, Bethann
Scratchard, Becci Rollins and Marge Zielke.
Members Absent: Chairman Rod Johnson and Vice -Chair Vicki Johnson.
City Staff Present: Park Project Manager Kim McAdams and Recreation Supervisor Shelly Lanners
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Secretary Carol Lee Hamilton.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of August 14, 1995 regular meeting minutes.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of August 14, 1995 as amended.
Dorer, Hamilton, Jones, Murphy, Rollins, Zielke
Agenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments.
Administrative calendar and news clippings were reviewed.
Tuesday night - City Council is to act on the Appointment of Director of Parks and
Recreation and Resolution clarifying the Southlake Parks, Recreation and Open Space
Master Plan for TPWD grant.
We will hold on having a cook -out until Spring in the new section of the park before the
meeting. The pavilion area is to be completed in late November.
Agenda Item No. 4, Presentation Southlake Tennis Association.
Laura Suarez, President of the Southlake Tennis Association and approximately 40 guest were
present to show their support for a Tennis Center. The STA is a year and half old, 2400 tennis
players are playing in the association leagues, 204 letters of support were received by the City. The
City has only two public tennis courts, five courts together are needed to play a league or tournament.
The courts at the schools are used throughout the day and are not available to the public. The courts
in subdivisions are private and only the homeowners from those subdivisions can use those courts.
Lloyd Lance, from Carter and Burgess showed slides of Tennis Centers in Arlington and TCU. A
oo City of Southlake, Texas
center is 10 to 12 acres, 12 courts minimum, a pro shop/concession, restroom facility and cost
approximately $1.4 million to construct. USTA grants are available for facilities that meet certain
requirements (12 to 16 courts). USTA runs state, national and international tournaments. Southlake
could be the tennis hub for Northeast Tarrant County. Southlake has the number two state ranked
youth player and several other outstanding youth players that could benefit from pro exposure that
a Tennis Center would attract. The Board thanked everyone for their attendance and presentation.
Agenda Item No. 5, Consider Donation of Portable Snow Cone Booth and
Agenda Item No. 6, Consider Donation of Portable Carnival Game Board
Hamilton recommended that these two items be considered together. Staff described the items.
Motion was made to accept these donations.
Motion: Rollins
Second: Dorer
Ayes: Dorer, Hamilton, Jones, Murphy, Rollins, Zielke
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Aizenda Item No. 7, Consider Revisions to the Building Reservation Procedure.
Shelly Lanners, Recreation Supervisor, reviewed with the Board recommended changes to the
reservation procedure. Recommended changes included spelling out the words room, hours, etc.
where ever possible, add "s" to request, and not capitalize liquid.
Motion was made to approve with corrections.
Dorer, Hamilton, Jones, Murphy, Rollins, Zielke
Agenda Item No. 8, Discussion of the TPWD Grant for the "Northend" Park.
The Board discussed development options for the grant application. Items included nature trails, hike
and bike trails, soccer, expanded equestrian trail heads, soccer fields, etc. Grant application is due
September 29.
Agenda Item No 9, Discussion of the Park Master Plan Update Procedures
Board members Robin Jones, Marge Zielke, Janet Murphy and either the chair or vice chair, will be
on the committee that will meet the 4th Monday of each month to work on updating the plan. The
first meeting is scheduled for September 25.
' City of Southlake, Texas
Agenda Item No. 10, Discussion of Training Needs for Board Members.
The Board discussed a couple of ideas for training they would like to have. McAdams will make the
changes and survey the Board with the weekly update package.
Agenda Item No. 11; Liaison Reports.
Development - Robin and Carol Lee discussed the park dedication survey and analyses.
Recreation - Janet reported that the Fall/Winter Brochure is at the printers and will be in the mail next
SPDC - Janet reported that the August meeting was held at the park and the Board toured the new
JUC- Bethann reported that the meeting is Tuesday night.
KSB - Frank reported on the Buffalo Waller / Bluebonnet Festival and that KSB delivered recycle
bin covers.
Frank Dorer submitted his letter of resignation to the Board effective immediately. The Board
expressed its appreciation of his service.
There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 9:42 p.m.
Carol Lee Hamilton, Secretary
Kim McAdams
Park Project Manager
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