1995-02-13CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING February 13, 1995 MINUTES Board Members Present: Rod Johnson, Chair, Vicki Johnson, Vice Chair; Carol Lee Hamilton, Secretary; Members: Frank Dorer, Janet Murphy, Bethann Scratchard, Marjorie Zielke, and Becci Rollins. Board Member Absent: Ann Barnes City Staff Present: Assistant City Manager, Shana Yelverton; Park Project Manager, Kim McAdams; Park and Recreation Coordinator, Tina Harvey; Director of Community Development, Greg Last. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairman Rod Johnson. Public Hearing: Trail System Master Plan Karl Bieberstein and Michael Carr, consultants for the Trail System Master Plan, made a brief presentation about their initial recommendations regarding the Southlake project. Michael Carr discussed traditional approaches to planning bicycle and pedestrian trails. He commented that there are basically two approaches "separation" and "on -road." Both approaches will be integrated in the Southlake plan. Some routes will be on "bicycle -friendly" residential roads, trails near roads (greenwalks), and "unattached" trails; some will be linking with other city trail plans, and others will be connecting with regional plans. Access should be provided such that residents could get on the trails from many points. Currently, White Chapel, Dove, and Continental include greenwalks. There will be a trail along the Big Bear Creek. Keller is working on this now, as well as Grapevine. If Southlake and Colleyville can construct their portion, it would be a really nice area. The Cotton Belt railroad could also be developed to provide connection all the way to the Fort Worth stockyards or even, perhaps, to McKinney. The plan will also include an equestrian component. Lake Grapevine has a series of nationally - ranked equestrian trails, and these should be protected from hike and bike uses; connection to these trails and others may be possible. Mr. Carr commented that they will rely on national standards, their own experience, etc. when developing the plan. Mr. Carr explained that planning for trails in undeveloped areas is relatively simple, but creating access in residential areas can create some problems, so they will be working to maintain privacy with trails. The consultants believe that a 12' concrete trail with a 3' grass shoulder would be the best design for two-way traffic. There may be some cases where you need a soft surface trail, but these are high maintenance. Maintenance should be a consideration when designing the trails. The Public Hearing was opened for comments. Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes February 13, 1995 Page 2 Gary Fickes, Mayor, asked about the ISTEA funding. Mr. Carr explained that Congress ultimately will decide how long the funding will be in place. In December, 1995 there will be a call for projects. The funds are available for an 80-20 match. Houston is building $40 million in trails and NRH has received $7.5 million. Mr. Carr believes that funds will be available for one additional year. He noted that the funds are available through federal highway funding, and should be available. Board Member Frank Dorer was concerned about having to move utilities, etc., which would leave the road virtually unusable --again. The consultants recommend building the trail when the ultimate road is constructed. Mr. Dorer noted that the ISTEA funds would not be available at that time. Nick McGarity questioned the Carmel Bay area which is a very narrow area and whether or not access through Harbor Oaks would be better. Mr. Bieberstein believes that the trails are internal and private. Greg Last noted that we would have to provide access through COE property. The public hearing was closed. The regular meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. Chair Rod Johnson announced a change in the agenda order due to Ron Hobbs having another obligation. Agenda Item No. 5 Architectural Selections for Bicentennial Park Ron Hobbs, architect, presented two materials for consideration. He noted that he had looked for a limestone effect. He brought a light gray and a light buff sample. He also showed material samples for the metal roof, and he discussed colors for lockers in the maintenance building, signage, and drinking fountain. Mr. Hobbs recommended the gray stone with a "green" metal roof. Motion was made to approve the architectural selection as recommended by the architect. Motion: Dorer Second: Rollins Ayes: Dorer, Rollins, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Murphy, Rollins, Zielke, Hamilton Nays: none Approved: 8-0 Agenda Item No 2 Approval of Minutes, 1/9/95 Motion was made to approve the minutes as presented. Motion: Hamilton Second: Dorer Ayes: Dorer, Rollins, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Murphy, Rollins, Zielke, Hamilton Nays: none Approved: 8-0 Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes February 13, 1995 Page 3 Aizenda Item No. 3, Administrative Comments - Procedural Changes/Park Board Input - Rod Johnson discussed with staff as well as Park Board members regarding how changes might be made to facilitate the involvement of Park Board members. The Park Board is liaison to citizens and need to have input. Shana Yelverton expressed her preference with this idea --staff welcomes having one liaison and would work to communicate with Park Board members. Carol Lee Hamilton suggested that this item be a discussion item on next month's agenda; then Board members could come prepared to discuss their preferences. Ideas could include: baseball, trails, West Beach, recreation, soccer, joint utilization, KSB, SPDC, horses, signs, landscaping, budget. Vicki Johnson recommended that sports be one area. - Park Projects - Board members expressed an interest in knowing more about how much progress has been made on various projects. Rod suggested reworking the format to address this issue. - Secretarial Duties - Rod asked secretary Carol Lee Hamilton to "index" minutes, bylaws, ordinances, etc. Carol Lee asked if City staff could develop tabs so that things could be organized. Benda Item No 4 Park Dedication Fee Credit, Stone Lakes Phase IV Daryl Beckendorfer, Nelson Corporation representing developer Phil Jobe, was present to present the plans to link the two subdivisions (Chimney Hill and Stone Lakes Phase IV) which includes the donation of a 20' strip of land to the City. The developers are requesting a 100% park fee credit. Kim McAdams pointed out that this would be a critical link in the trails system. Greg Last pointed out that the construction of the trail would occur simultaneously with the construction of the subdivision. Bethann Scratchard asked that the developer submit a planting plan to City staff which should include the type of plants that are hardy and low maintenance for this area. Motion was made to recommend a 100% credit on the Park Dedication Fee. Motion: Scratchard Second: V . Johnson Ayes: Dorer, Rollins, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Murphy, Rollins, Zielke, Hamilton Nays: none Approved: 8-0 Agenda Item No 6 Concession Agreement The Southlake Baseball Association requested that this item be tabled until they have an opportunity to work out details with The Southlake Girls Softball Association. Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes February 13, 1995 Page 4 Motion was made to table the Concession Agreement as requested. Motion: Scratchard Second: Dorer Ayes: Dorer, Rollins, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Murphy, Rollins, Zielke, Hamilton Nays: none Approved: 8-0 Agenda Item No. 7, Greenhouse Donation, Ragan's Plant Farm Mrs. Ragan, of Ragan's Plant Farm, has offered to donate a greenhouse to the City of Southlake. Kim McAdams has been working with Bob Whitehead to fence off an area at Bicentennial Park near the water tower. The greenhouse could be used for projects with Keep Southlake Beautiful, bedding plants, educational programs, etc. Staff would ensure that plants are cared for. Scott Martin with Keep Southlake Beautiful commented that he thought it would be a nice addition to the park and that KSB could probably utilized for projects also. Motion was made to accept the greenhouse donation from Ragan's Plant Farm. Motion: Dorer Second: Rollins Ayes: Dorer, Rollins, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Murphy, Rollins, Zielke, Hamilton Nays: none Approved: 8-0 Agenda Item No. 8, Park Board Retreat Rod Johnson informed the Board that he had visited with Shana Yelverton to discuss the need for a goal setting/team building retreat. Vicki Johnson noted that she had been through this type of training, and she thought it was very helpful. Janet Murphy and Vicki Johnson agreed to help structure the event. Agenda Item No. 9 West Beach Plan of Action Shana Yelverton explained to the Board the "West Beach" project schedule, and Kim McAdams explained the proposed project calendar both of which were included in the Board packets. Denny McGrath suggested that the area be designated as the site for fill dirt. Contractors would then take the dirt to the site. Carol Lee Hamilton questioned how grant funds would be used. Kim McAdams noted that the funds will be used to acquire the rest of the lots. The group discussed that the short term uses would be strictly temporary and should be communicated as such. Rod Johnson hoped that the planning process would involve a significant amount of citizen input. Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes February 13, 1995 Page 5 Shana Yelverton made the Park Board aware of the Southlake Tennis Association's initiative to use some of the area for a tennis facility. Tina Harvey also commented that the Southlake Youth Advisory Commission is interested in having input. Denny McGrath suggested capitalizing on the water opportunities at Lake Grapevine. Agenda Item No. 10, Tree Sharing Program This project has been modelled after a City of Grapevine program. There is $2,000 budgeted which would allow for the purchase of approximately 40 trees. Staff would have to work with the property owner to acquire a landscape easement. Frank Dorer questioned if any consideration had been given to working through Tarrant Re - Leaf. These are smaller trees, but you could get more trees for the price at approximately $12 a piece. There would be some logic to doing a combination of Re -Leaf and Tree Sharing. The Park Board expressed concern about the cost of the trees, and hoped that the trees could be purchased for a lower cost. Kim McAdams noted that the trees would be housed at local nurseries. The Park Board anticipates great demand for the trees. Vicki Johnson questioned if more trees would be available to owners of larger lots. The program, if modelled after Grapevine's, would restrict the number of trees to two regardless of lot size. Kim McAdams noted that the program would be structured so that the property owner would be required to maintain the trees. Scott Martin, KSB, noted that Dick Johnston expressed concerns about tree removal in his neighborhood. Mr. Johnston is already working to get his neighbors to plant trees in anticipation of losing trees due to road construction. Mr. Martin questioned whether or not the trees should be targeted for this area. Vicki Johnson noted that she did not believe the trees should be targeted, but should be given out on a first come first serve basis. Carol Lee Hamilton suggested that staff work through SPIN groups. Rod Johnson suggested taking "need" applications, and selecting based on need and benefit to the community as a whole. Scott Martin, who also serves on the SPIN Standing Committee, feels that the decision should be made based on areas where we know there will be some habitat destruction. Mr. Martin believes that we should try to compensate the homeowner that would lose trees based on something that the City did. Frank Dorer believes that it should be based on first -come, first -serve. Aizenda Item No 11 Committee Updates Keep Southlake Beautiful - Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes February 13, 1995 Page 6 (1) Scott Martin presented the "As Built" schematic. The wildflowers have been planted. Many trees have been planted (using trees from Project ReLeaf which were donated to the Texas Garden Club Council, who donated them to the Fort Worth Iris Society, who in turn donated trees to the City of Southlake). Entrance enhancements have been planted. There were approximately 129 plants installed in the park. Vines have also been planted along the water tower fence line. He stressed that maintenance is critical during this first year. Mr. Martin informed the Board that vandalism has been a problem, with some of the feeders being stolen. Carol Lee Hamilton asked if notices had been placed in the local paper asking for donations. Scott noted that he had not. He is also looking at an "adoption" program for the feeders. Vicki Johnson suggested that planting areas (i.e. wildflower area) be tagged so that no mowing would occur in those areas. Scott Martin suggested that the sign indicate that the area provides an area for wildlife. Scott Martin also presented a plan for a waterscape/rockscape area. The water will be recirculated. The main need right now is rocks. The Board suggested contacting pool contractors and/or road contractors for donation of rock materials. Park Board members agreed to contact City staff if they see rocks that could be used. (2) Dick Johnston is still looking into the use of caps for recycling bins. (3) KSB has selected Sticks and Stones for the "Beautiful Business" award. Joint Utilization Committee - Bethann Scratchard reported that the JUC is working on the umbrella agreement. She also discussed construction issues regarding the joint use gymnasium. The JUC will also look at adding the Middle School to the joint use list. Southlake Park Development Corporation - Janet Murphy also reported on the gymnasium issues. Other Issues discussed included: -Gymnasium Groundbreaking on March 2nd at 8:00 a.m. -Tours of West Beach will be scheduled soon. -Signage will be ordered now that we have colors determined. -The Trail Plan document should be available at the next meeting. Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes February 13, 1995 Page 7 -YMCA has plans to build a facility in Southlake and is working to get programs started now. Carol Lee Hamilton, Janet Murphy, and Vicki Johnson have all been involved. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:40 p.m. r r WW;IrxjIIrO' ATTEST: fit Shana YelvI rton Assistant City Manager