1994-01-1024 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING Monday, January 10, 1994 Board Members Present: Chairperson Janet Murphy; Members: Ann Barnes, Frank Dorer, Carol Lee Hamilton, Rod Johnson, Vicki Johnson, and Donn Renwick. (Frank Dorer had to leave the meeting after election of officers.) City Staff Present: Shana Rice, Assistant to the City Manager; Tina Harvey, Parks and Recreation Coordinator; and Kim Bush, Secretary City Manager's Office. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Murphy. Agenda Item #2, Approval of Minutes. The Board reviewed the minutes of December 13, 1993 and recommended the following changes/corrections: Agenda Item #3, paragraph 1: should read a "...portion of the proceeds..." - Agenda Item #7, paragraph 6: should read sidewalk with bridge was "bid" not completed Motion was made to approve the Minutes of December 13, 1993 as corrected. Motion: R. Johnson Second: D. Renwick Ayes: Barnes, Dorer, Hamilton, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Renwick, Murphy Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item #3, Election of Officers: Motion was made to elect Janet Murphy as Chairperson. Motion: R. Johnson Second: Barnes Ayes: Barnes, Dorer, Hamilton, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Renwick, Murphy Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Motion was made to elect Motion: Renwick Second: Dorer Ayes: Barnes, Dorer, Murphy Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Rod Johnson as Vice -Chairperson. Hamilton, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Renwick, X-4 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes January 10, 1994 Page 2 Motion was made to elect Vicki Johnson as Secretary. Motion: Renwick Second: Barnes Ayes: Barnes, Dorer, Hamilton, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Renwick, Murphy Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Janet Murphy commented that Mike Jureka and Mike Thompson have resigned from the Board. The City Secretary has been asked to advertise the openings, and City Council will considered appointment at their next regular meeting February 1, 1994. Agenda Item #4, Administrative Comments. - Janet Murphy commented that she would confirm the date for the Park Board Presentation at the Chamber Luncheon. She believes it will be on March 28 at 11:30 a.m. Proposed Concession Stand. The Board had several questions and concerns regarding the proposed concession stand plans (see attached) for Bicentennial Park which included the following: - identify counter area - where is equipment located (popcorn machine, hot dog warmer, coffee pot etc.) - an equipment plan is needed - identify cabinet space - address a lower serving area for kids - not enough restrooms (the proposed concession stand is located in an area surrounded by playing fields) - too small a concession area - PA system is needed - umpires need place to change - considered two-story facility Agenda Item #5, Developer Fee Credit - Timberlake Phase III. Rob Lion from the Nelson Corporation, on behalf of Paramount Development, requested that the City of Southlake consider allowing dedication from the Country Walk development in lieu of required park dedication fees for the above mentioned project. Mr. Lion stated that they would dedicated approximately 5.77 acres at the proposed Country Walk development which would more than satisfy the parkland dedication requirement. 31 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes January 10, 1994 Page 3 Assistant City Manager Shana Rice commented that the land is currently being used for baseball practice fields and the acreage is adjacent to the Carroll Elementary School. Motion was made to give 50% and accept dedication of land in lieu of fees and subject to meeting City ordinance. Motion: R. Johnson Second: Renwick Ayes: Barnes, Hamilton, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Renwick, Murphy Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Agenda Item #6, Request for Developer Fee Credit - Hills of Monticello, Phase III. Terry Wilkerson with Monticello Southlake Joint Venture requested that the Board consider a 500-o credit of required park dedication fees for park improvements provided in the Hills of Monticello Phase III. Mr. Wilkerson proposed a number of improvements, including picnic tables, benches, a one mile 5' wide concrete jogging trail, multi- purpose playing field, two tennis courts, 18.836 acres of natural open space, and a lake stocked with fish. The Park Board evaluated the proposed improvements using the Park Dedication Fees Credit Evaluation forms. Motion was made to recommend granting the 50o credit on the required park dedication fees. Agenda Item #7, Amendments to the Developer Fee Credits Evaluation Form. Shana Rice informed the Board that the corrections had been made to the Developer Fee Credit Evaluation Form by adding 5 points to criterion 4. Motion was made to accept the Amendments to the Developer Fee Credit Evaluation Form as corrected. Motion: R. Johnson Second V. Johnson Ayes: Barnes, Hamilton, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Renwick, Murphy Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes January 10, 1994 Page 4 Agenda Item #8, Timberlake Community Church. Tina Harvey presented to the Board Timberlake Community Church's request to continue using the community building for church service. The Board questioned whether the Church was making any permanent plans for the future. Use of the park building is intended for temporary use. Motion was made to grant the use of the Community Building to Timberlake Community Church as long as there is no conflict with any other group. Motion: R. Johnson Second: V. Johnson Ayes: Barnes, Hamilton, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Renwick, Murphy Nays: none Approved: 7-0 Acrenda Item #9, Playground Initiative Update. Janet Murphy informed the Board that she and Greg Last met with representatives of the baseball association, Ron Stacy and David Yelton, regarding the use of the Pinto field site for the new playground. The association members indicated that they do not have a problem with this location, therefore, Phase I of Bicentennial Park extension will consist of 4 ball fields and 1 playground site. Agenda Item #10, Southlake Parks Development Corporation (SPDC) Update. Janet Murphy briefed the Board members on the last SPDC meeting. Ms. Murphy informed the Board that Councilman Stephen Apple was appointed president, Larry Goldstein was appointed vice-president, David Yelton was appointed secretary, and Finance Director Lou Ann Heath was appointed treasurer. Ms. Murphy stated that there would be a work shop later this month to look at a plan and budget. Three projects that will be initially looked at include: Bicentennial Park expansion Phase I (possibly Phase II); start development Walnut Grove/Marshall Creek; JUC project combination gym and recreation center at Carroll Middle School. Ms. Murphy also stated that the City will be looking into hiring a Parks Project Manager. Funding for this position would come out of the sales tax funds. C., Agenda Item #11, Park Proiects Update. Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes January 10, 1994 Page 5 Entrance Sign. Sign has arrived. Concrete footing needs to be completed. Unveiling will be at open house. A x Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes January 10, 1994 Page 6 Practice Fields. Will be able to continue using property at Country Walk. Property at Bicentennial park to be leveled for more practice fields. Mobil property on North White Chapel, behind flower shop, possible site. Will need agreement with Mobil. Open House. Scheduled for 1/29/94, 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tina Harvey requested Park Board Members to be available for 1 hour shifts to answer questions regarding park expansion. Acknowledge students who designed the park entrance sign. Spring Programs. Include: Dale Carnegie for teens, self defense course, kinder music, birthday party package, tennis lessons, karate for kids and adults, leadership training for teens, and youth drawing/painting. Donn Renwick suggested that we look into programs for seniors, such as surrogate grandparent program, bridge, knitting, etc. Youth Association. Tina Harvey and Vicki Johnson will be attending the next association meeting. Maintenance Worker. Tina Harvey announced that a temporary maintenance worker would be hired (5 - 6 month budgeted position). The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 p.m. Aoj%—A "J- anet Murphy, Chair ers n ATTEST: Ki Bush, Secretary Ci y Manager's Office