Monday, February 7, 1994 7:30 p.m.
Board Members Present: Chairperson Janet Murphy; Members: Ann
Barnes, Frank Dorer, Rod Johnson, Vicki Johnson, Carol Lee
Hamilton, and Bethann Scratchard.
Board Members Absent: Donn Renwick
City Staff Present: Shana Rice, Assistant City Manager; Tina
Harvey, Parks and Recreation Coordinator.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Murphy.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of Minutes.
The minutes of the January Parks & Recreation Board Meeting were
not available for the meeting. Janet Murphy stated that they would
be considered at the March meeting.
Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments.
Park Dedication fees. Fees paid by developers will be
provided on a monthly basis so that the Board will be aware of
total collected.
- Park and Recreation Bylaws will be discussed at the March
- Congratulations to Janet Murphy who was elected Citizen of the
Year by the Southlake Chamber of Commerce.
Agenda Item #4, Amendment to Park Dedication for Timberlake, Phase
III and Country Walk.
An amendment was requested by the Nelson Corporation, on behalf of
Paramount Development. The original proposal was for a 5.7 acre
lot to be dedicated to the City for park land. The Developer is
now requesting an amendment to reduce the park size to 5.3 acres.
Motion was made to recommend granting the 50a credit on the
required park dedication fees as modified.
Motion: R. Johnson
Second: Barnes
Ayes: R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Barnes, Murphy, Scratchard,
Dorer, Hamilton
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
February 7, 1994
Page 2
Agenda Item #5, Consider: Timberlake Community Church Donation.
Motion was made to accept
Community Church to build
Motion: Barnes
Second: V. Johnson
Ayes: R. Johnson, V.
Dorer, Hamilton
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
the $500 donation from the Timberlake
a sidewalk.
Johnson, Barnes, Murphy, Scratchard,
Agenda Item #6, Discussion: Lonesome Dove Estates.
John Levitt and Tom Matthews were present to discuss with the Board
the plans for the development of Lonesome Dove Estates. They
informed the Board that they are planning an internally located
park to serve partly as a buffer between the larger and smaller
lots. They want it to be a public park serving a small area as a
"Neighborhood Park". Amenities to the park include a pavilion, tot
lot, playground, picnic areas, volleyball and basketball court.
There would be no lighting. Mr. Matthews commented that the
subdivision itself will have sidewalks.
QVI Mr. Matthews commented that he wanted to understand that the
improved area could forgo fees.
This presentation was an information item only. The Park Board did
not take any action. Janet Murphy commented that the Board
suggested that a ball field backstop and a pair of soccer goals be
added to the amenities.
Agenda Item #7, Discussion: Park Use Policy Revisions.
Janet Murphy discussed with the Board that variance power makes the
board representative a City official and unable to serve on the
SPDC. The recommended change is that the Park Board would make
recommendations on variances to the City Manager.
Park Use Policy revisions and ordinance changes will go to the City
Council all at the same time. Janet Murphy added that the City
attorneys are working on adding wording to address granting clubs
free use of park buildings, and we should have by the next meeting.
Discussion was held in regard to a Park Use flyer be given and
signed by all persons who use the park facilities. The flyer
should include the following information:
- prohibit red dye in the Community building
- lighting fee - $10.00
- concession stand - health codes, etc.
- prohibit rollerblading on tennis courts- prepare
ordinance and signs to allow in "designated areas only."
Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
February 7, 1994
Page 3
Agenda Item #8, Discussion: Park Dedication Fee Increases.
Rod Johnson will work with Assistant City Manager Shana Rice and
Finance Director Lou Ann Heath to determine a rationale for fees
and bring back to the Board at the next meeting.
Agenda Item #9, Discussion: Revisions to Subdivision Ordinance.
Discussion on this item was tabled.
Agenda Item #10, Discussion: Joint Use Protect -
Gymnasium/Recreation Center.
Kyle Bacon, SHW, and Warren Anderson, JC Allen and Associates,
presented to the Board the proposed Middle School
Gymnasium/Recreation Center. The Gym is regulation size and will
have a seating capacity of 380.
The Park Board questioned: the availability to the general public;
the control room; the lack of showers; parking and its proposed
site elevation.
Agenda Item #11, Discussion: SPDC Plan and Budget.
The Southlake Parks Development Corporation (SPDC) plan was
presented to the Park Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
i Bush, Secretary
C' y Manager's Office
r-\ -
net Murphy, M-'Chson