March 14, 1994
Board Members Present: Chairperson Janet Murphy; Members: Bethann Scratchard, Rod
Johnson, Frank Dorer, Becci Rollins, and Carol Lee Hamilton (arrived after vote on minutes).
Members Absent: Ann Barnes, Vicki Johnson, and Donn Renwick.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Janet Murphy.
Agenda Item No. 2, Approval of Minutes for January 10, 1994 and February 7. 1994.
Janet Murphy suggested changes to the minutes for January 10 on items #9, #10, and #11.
Motion was made to approve the minutes of January 10, 1994 as corrected.
Dorer, R. Johnson, Scratchard, Rollins, Murphy
QW Nays:
The minutes of February 7 were incomplete and need to be rewritten and returned for
consideration at the next Board meeting.
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments.
Greg Last presented to the Board an update of where we are on the park improvements.
Mr. Last informed the Board that Council approved a contract with J.T. Duncan and
Associates for the actual construction documents, preparation, and administration of
contract. Greg Last commented that J.T. Duncan's architect Ron Hobbs will probably
be meeting with the Park Board to discuss project elements for the concession stand,
maintenance facilities, and any other architecture considerations that need to be
Janet Murphy discussed with the Board the opposition the developers of Lonesome Dove
Estates are experiencing with their project and their proposed 8-acre park. The area
residents want to be assured there will be no heavy use of the park, no lights, and no
heavy sports activities. Frank Dorer commented that there is also a real concern
regarding the drainage problems in that area.
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March 14, 1994
Page 2
FYI. Janet Murphy referenced a letter to the Mayor from Ronald E. Peddicord in
reference to basketball courts.
Shana Rice informed the Board that she and Curtis Hawk met with the owners of
Lonesome Dove "Texas" ranch in reference to several acres of land that they would like
to offer for use. They were informed that since they are in the City of Grapevine,
Southlake has no police enforcement authority nor the ability to provide any other
services. Ms. Rice commented that it was suggested they contact the Soccer or Baseball
Association to see if they would be interested in using as practice fields.
Mobil Land Agreement was sent to the City attorneys for review.
Tina Harvey announced that there would be an Easter egg hunt at the Park on April 2.
Children will have the opportunity to have their picture taken with the Easter bunny.
- Carol Lee Hamilton will be making a presentation to the Lions Club on March 25, 7:00
- Leadership Southlake has also requested that someone make a park presentation at their
meeting Wednesday, April 16, 5:30 p.m., at the Community Building.
- The Women's Chamber would also like to make arrangements for a presentation at their
meeting on April 11. That is the same time as the Park Board meeting. A suggestion
was made that possibly Greg Last could make the presentation.
Tina Harvey commented that she met with NRH, Keller, Colleyville, Grapevine, and
Euless Park Department directors regarding a trails coalition. She stated that they are
in the formative stage on discussions for a regional trails plan, and they hope to be able
to work together to apply for grants.
Agenda Item No. 4. Park Dedication Fees.
Rod Johnson commented that he met with Shana Rice and Curtis Hawk to discuss Park
Dedication Fees. He stated that State law will not let you take land for park dedication without
proving there is a benefit to the public (as you can for water or street services which are for a
public "need"). We can justify raising the value of land per acre to $30,000 based on recent
purchases. Using the formula, the fee could be raised to $750/acre.
Rod Johnson suggested that the City consider changing the ordinance from just acquiring the
land to "acquiring and developing for public use."
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March 14, 1994
Page 3
Motion was made to recommend that City Council reappraise the land value and raise the park
fee based on the rapidly escalating cost of land.
Motion: R. Johnson
Second: Dorer
Ayes: Dorer, R. Johnson, Scratchard, Rollins, Hamilton, Murphy
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 5. Park Use Policy.
Shana Rice, Assistant City Manger, discussed with the Board the Park Use Policy. Among the
issues addressed were:
Definition of non profit organization. The City attorneys have some concerns
with waiving fees for any group. There needs to be very specific guidelines
established. The attorneys also commented that they are not comfortable with
leaving something up to "staff discretion" because it leaves staff vulnerable to
complaints about abuse of discretion.
Include Southlake citizen based organizations.
- All fees should be listed in the fee schedule ordinance which can be revised by
- Delete reference to Southlake Park and Recreation Board being authorized to
grant variances and insert that the Board will make recommendations to the City
- Address the need for the Concession stand to comply with County health
Department codes/requirements.
- Tennis rackets can be rented from the Park Coordinator's office (omit $2.50).
- Registration fees are renewable annually.
- Suggestion was made that a current fee schedule should be included with a copy
of the Park Use Policy.
Motion was made to table approval of the Park Use Policy until the next Board meeting in April.
Motion: Murphy
Second: Dorer
Ayes: Dorer, R. Johnson, Scratchard, Rollins, Hamilton, Murphy
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
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March 14, 1994
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Agenda Item No. 6. Adoption of Bylaws.
Shana Rice presented to the Board the Bylaws. The following changes were recommend:
Section 2.1(b), 2nd sentence change member "s" to member
Reference to the posting of the Open Meetings preferred but not required
- Section 2.2, change "first" Monday to second Monday
Delete Section 2.1(e)
- Delete all reference to the "Corporation"
- Section 2.6, add "for the length of the unexpired term"
- Section 3.4, use him/"her"
Motion was made to approve the Bylaws as amended.
Dorer, R. Johnson, Scratchard, Rollins, Hamilton, Murphy
Agenda Item No. 7, Subdivision Ordinance Update.
Rod Johnson commented that the ordinance should reflect that the funds would be utilized within
a two (2) year period. Mr. Johnson also commented that the ordinance should state that the
purpose is to purchase land and develop as parks to fulfill the needs of the public.
Janet Murphy also recommended that the park dedication requirements be adopted as an
ordinance by itself including an index.
Agenda Item No. 8, Youth Association Contract.
Tina Harvey discussed the need for a Youth Association contract for the following purposes:
help the Parks staff to be better informed and prepared for activities
*-Vow, - place control of facilities maintenance within the Parks Division therefore
enhancing conditions of the facilities by preventing improper usage
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March 14, 1994
Page 5
- place some responsibility for upkeep upon the users
- provide a tool for enforcing ordinances
maximize facility usage, while also providing open time for public use
Recommendation was made to send a draft contract to the associations for their review and input
and then bring back to the Board for consideration at the next meeting.
Agenda Item No. 9. Joint Utilization Update.
Janet Murphy informed the Board that the Intermediate School baseball fields were now
operational. Tina Harvey commented that she has received a complaint regarding the lights
shining directly into homes, and she is looking into the problem.
A discussion was held in regard to placing signs at each of the joint projects stating "another
cooperative project funded jointly by the City of Southlake and the Carroll I.S. D."
,. Agenda Item No. 10, Park Projects Update.
Tina Harvey reported on the following:
new tractor was purchased
- four practice fields in Bicentennial Park are complete
- Entrance sign has been taken back. Suggest that same concept will be taken to
another sign company to see what can be done.
Rod Johnson discussed the concept of donating a "tree lined drive." He commented that the City
Manager Curtis E. Hawk mentioned that there is a provision in our Tree Ordinance that
addresses something similar to this. The Park Board may want to look into this as a project to
Motion was made to adjourn the meeting at 9:50 p.m.
Dorer, R. Johnson, Scratchard, Rollins, Hamilton, Murphy
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March 14, 1994
Page 6
Bush, Secretary
City Manager's Office
Janet Murphy, Chairperso