1994-04-11CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING April 11, 1994 MINUTES Board Members Present: Chairperson Janet Murphy; Members: Ann Barnes, Bethann Scratchard, Rod Johnson, Vicki Johnson, Frank Dorer, Becci Rollins, and Carol Lee Hamilton. Members Absent: Donn Renwick. The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Chairperson Janet Murphy. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of Minutes for February 7. 1994 and March 14. 1994 meetings. Motion was made to approve the minutes of February 7, 1994 and March 14, 1994 as presented. Motion: Scratchard Second: V. Johnson Ayes: Barnes, Dorer, Hamilton, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Murphy, Rollins, Scratchard Nays: none Approved: 8-0 Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments. • Janet Murphy introduced Mickey O'Brien. Mr. O'Brien has expressed an interest in joining the Park Board. He is one of the Commissioners for the Grapevine/Southlake Soccer Association. • The Timberlake Developer Agreement was approved by City Council at their 4/5/1994 meeting. Janet Murphy reminded the Board that the developer's proposed park land dedication at Country Walk is to meet the requirements for both Timberlake Estates and Country Walk Estates. Ms. Murphy commented that the developers have stated that they also plan to make improvements including: necessary grading; berms and landscaping around perimeter. • 1st reading for the zoning request of Lonesome Dove Estates was approved at City Council on 4/5/1994. The developers are still working with City staff on a drainage solution. • SPDC Bond Trip: Trip to Moody's and Standard and Poors is scheduled for Thursday and Friday, April 14 and 15, 1994. Purpose of the meeting is to present to both the B:PK-94-04.MIN/MIN-AGN/kb 0 Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 11, 1994 Page 2 financial institutes the City's plans for the use of the additional 1/2 cent sales tax and establish our ability to repay any bonds that we may issue. • Food Lion store has officially closed. • Tina Harvey reported on the following: - The warm-up area is now fenced to help prevent the kids from getting hurt in the future. - Canopy has been installed at field one to help keep baseballs off private property. Lights at the Intermediate School are now on a timer and visors were ordered to direct the light. • Rod Johnson complemented on the self defense class that was started at the park. • The need for T-Shirts for the Park Board was discussed. The Board commented that it would seem appropriate to have T-Shirts available when the Board participated in special projects i.e., "Trash off Day." • Janet Murphy informed the Board that Carol Lee Hamilton made two presentations in regards to Park and Recreation issues to the Lions Club and the Southlake Chamber Luncheon. Ms. Hamilton commented that she has a slide "show" with script available for use. Agenda Item No 4 Discussion, Bicentennial Park Facility construction, Ron Hobbs. Ron Hobbs, the architect working on the construction of park facilities, presented to the Board his ideas for the design of the concession building and asked that the Board offer their ideas. The following are design issues that must be addressed: • the buildings need to be vandal resistant • consider, where possible, maintenance free design, keeping in mind quality, image, and goals • health codes need to be met • must be totally handicapped accessible (all portions) Mr. Hobbs stated that he wanted to get overall guidelines from the Board, then work with City staff to iron out details. Currently a master plan for the site is being worked on. B:PK-9404.M W /MIN-AGN/kb Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 11, 1994 Page 3 Some issues brought up by the Board include: • a place to change for the umpires • 2nd story (Mr. Hobbs explained that regardless of the use of the second story, because of ADA requirements either an elevator or lift would have to be installed.) • shade: - central atrium concept - Awnings - Picnic Pavilion; could also be used for arts and crafts and other fairs; would like to see separate from concession stand - Arcade • 1 st aid corner • Baby changing area in restrooms • type of exterior stucco --cracks; more damageable - split face concrete block --durable; can be sandblasted pre-fab concrete walls with rock • storage: city and groups using concession stand need separate storage area • roofing: composition shingles - metal without exposed metal fasteners --can be very nice these days -- durable; different colors • Concession counters: smooth finish sealed concrete or stainless steel three serving areas • Air conditioning --not seen in very many facilities. Need to provide good ventilation • Equipment: - will need vent -a -hood vendor should be responsible for equipment maintenance and repair • accessibility: two exists --one on side and one from storage area B TK-94-04.MIN/MIN-AGN/kb Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 11, 1994 Page 4 Mr. Hobbs commented that he would work on visuals and bring to the Board at their next meeting. It was the consensus of the Board to call a special meeting for April 25, 1994 to further discuss the park facility construction and design and review Parks and Recreation budget. Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion, Women's Chamber Charity Run, Sharon Meyers. Sharon Meyers, Women's Division of the Chamber of Commerce, presented to the Board the plans for a 5-10k race to be held September 17, 7:30 a.m. (or 8:00) to benefit the Southlake Playground Initiative. The event will be called the Southlake "Stampede" and the run will take place along East Continental. Ms. Meyers commented that they need volunteers to handle little tasks, and they are looking for corporate sponsors and help with publicity. The Board agreed to coordinate some advertising. Tina Harvey commented that the summer brochure for park activities will be going out soon, and she could mention the run in the brochure. Ms. Meyers informed the Board that the volunteer coordinator for this event is Cynthia Edwards, and she can be contacted at home 498-9953 and at work (214)448-7563. Agenda Item No. 5. Consider Park Use Policy Revisions. Shana Rice presented to the Board her recommendations for revisions to the Park Use Policy. Ms. Rice commented that she has been in constant contact with Janet Murphy to discuss the revised policy, and has incorporated some of the suggestions made by Carol Lee Hamilton, and has been working with the City attorney and other cities. (A summary of the revisions included in the Board's packet are attached to the minutes.) Motion was made to approve the Park Use Policy as amended by City staff's recommendations. Motion: Hamilton Second: Barnes Ayes: Barnes, Dorer, Hamilton, R. Johnson, V. Johnson, Murphy, Rollins, Scratchard Nays: none Approved: 8-0 Agenda Item No.6. Mobil Land Agreement. Shana Rice discussed with the Board the proposed use of Mobil land for practice fields on North White Chapel. Ms. Rice explained that Mobil's tax attorney has expressed concern about changing the use of the land because, according to the Tarrant Appraisal District, doing so could jeopardize their agricultural exemption. Ms. Rice commented that Mobil has been working very B:PK-94 04.MIN/MIN-AGN/kb 66M Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 11, 1994 Page 5 hard to make the arrangements feasible. Ms. Rice informed the Board that our city attorneys have looked into the matter, and they concurred with Mobil's attorney. Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion, Draft Youth Association Contract. Tina Harvey commented that the draft Youth Association Contract was distributed to both the Baseball and Softball Associations for their review. Ms. Harvey stated that the Softball Association has been in contact with her, and they expressed that they had no problems with the contract as proposed. They did however comment that the concessions need to be contracted. It was suggested that: • wording be included about insurance similar to that included in land lease agreements • contract effective date needs to be included • get Baseball and Softball Association input in writing • have City attorney review contract • bring back for consideration to the Board at the May meeting. Agenda Item No. 9. Park Projects Update. Easter Egg Hunt. Tina Harvey reported that approximately 450 kids participated. The event appeared to be a great success. Tina expressed thanks to high school students including the Teen Court students who served. Parking. Tina Harvey stated that she has contacted the Public Works Department to discuss re -stripping and no parking areas. Janet Murphy commented that she spoke with the City Manager about cutting out the curb near field #3 and using that area for parking to help handle the immediate need. Political Signs. Carol Lee Hamilton expressed concern about the political signs being posted at the Park. Tina Harvey commented that they remove signs from the park. Practice Fields. Shady Oaks is scheduled to be ready, as practice fields, in August. B:PK-94-04.MIN/MIN-AGN/kb A Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 11, 1994 Page 6 Summer Programs. Tina Harvey commented that she is putting the final touches on programs to be offered. There will be free play and league programs for the gym. Summer program brochures should be out in the next couple of weeks. The meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: Shana Rice, Assistant City Manager �l� Anet�anet Murphy, Chairperson B:PK-94-04.MIN/MIN-AGNIkb MI Y 3-1 User Fees Variances to use requirements Use Restrictions A SUMMARY OF PARK USE POLICY REVISIONS STAFF RECOMMENDATION Retain fees as they currently exist Revise policy so that Park Board is making recommendation to City Manager, who follows guidelines articulated in policy. If park buildings are to be used by the public, the City of Southlake must make the facilities available to any group requesting use. Groups not operating in the City (non-residents) may use the facilities only on an as -available basis. Other Issues All fees specified in City's fee schedule; users must comply with health department codes; other "clean up" changes L COMMENTS Fees charged must be consistent, or there is a risk of perceived discrimination against certain groups. Fees charged must not be arbitrary or discriminatory. If the fee schedule provides different charges for different groups, strong guidelines for determining fees must be in place. This change allows Park Board members to serve on the Southlake Park Development Corporation. Again, the City cannot discriminate in its Park Use Policy. PARK USE POLICY QW, Bicentennial Park, located on White Chapel Blvd. north of FM 1709, offers recreational facilities for all citizens of Southlake ether nen profit ei�e� ens within �= ^- 1-. For information and reservations, call 481-5581 ext. 79& . or write to -the 1 W-70M. *n' _....:vim ::.10-lSouthl e ' DEFINITIONS: 1. Non-profit organization a. An organization holding a valid non-profit charter approved by the State of Texas (a copy of this charter is required when renting the park facilities); or b. An organization sponsored by a public school district within the City of Southlake. 2. Coordinator The full-time City of Southlake paid staff personnel responsible for parks and recreation coordination. FACILITIES AND FEES: I. The Lodge in the Park and Community Buildings. A Q%W P51%PK-POI.CY. KBV& -:C••Y}"4:::C{.i...:}}'f.�i.:•}}Yr}v:{44:•%•:}}:•}:.}: operating with:'::i%Yi•:ii::iiii:::x•}::Y:�':ii}:ti�!:::i•} v...r n the City 1. g The Lodge and individual rooms :< ri '"the""Community Building may be reserved for regular meetings during weekdays (Monday through Friday). The Coordinator will be responsible for handling all reservations and scheduling. istration fee is to be paid renewable—eaeh year by Geteber I. A list of regular meeting dates must be submitted with the registration fee. A security depositigga �:,+-:SS%•'v f ♦ ff'; r'/:' ?:'?i.:rik.8: Z'•}'•>'Ji 'r . '4v : is required at the time o registration and may be left on file for the duration of the regularly scheduled meeting A C:\W P31\PK-POLCY.KBUb dates. The security deposit will be refunded if the facility has been left clean and in order, and all keys issued are returned to the Coordinator or police dispatch at City Hall on time. No group or individual may reserve the Lodge or Community Building for regular meetings from 4:30 p.m. on Friday to 12:00 midnight Sunday. These hours are reserved on a first -come basis only, and reservations cannot be made more than six (6) days in advance. No group or individual may use the facility for more than three (3) consecutive weekends, not to exceed twelve (12) weekends in a Lode :: ;:<:<.;n::.: 2. The: <n�. `w=be scheduled for special activities, sucTi as fund-raising events or holiday parties, on a first -come basis at a rate of $-19. t£iiree hour minimum). razes—ef: $4:5 00 per reem per he •r (r �-hee hei3r r minifRum ` er $4 5. A--pew}ems€er the en i =ea a s-i=g}e use is at the di s e r e t l ei3—the Geerdinater. . A TV/VCR in a locking cabinet with wheels is :. available for a ...................€#eFf,€ {f Y T 'e request for tie use . . l e ..... /VCR must be submitted with the facility use request. L Park Use Policy Page 3 B. et -her e-itipenserretee— Nit 4z 7Z- .. C. Scheduling and Access. 1. The Lode#tt:::;:<;$ shall be locked ........:::::::::::.::::::::.:.:::::.:::::::::................................::. when not in use. 2. The keys will be available and can be obtained from the Coordinator or police dispatch at City Hall. 3. Access to The Lodge or to the rooms) in the Community Building is limited to the scheduled group when meetings are in session. 4. Access to The Lodge and Community Building is controlled by the Coordinator. Multiple activities and/or groups may be scheduled at the same time. No group may schedule the Community Building for a use that precludes the use of the other available meeting rooms. 5. If the facility is not left clean and in proper order (as determined by the Coordinator), or if the keys are not returned within one-half hour following a meeting, the security deposit will be forfeited and another security deposit must be submitted prior to further use of the facility. 6. Users of the facility(ies) are responsible for all Q%WPSflPK-POLCY.KM Park Use Policy Page 4 Q" damages occurring to the facility, -its furnishings, equipment and other property related to the use of the facility, through user's negligence or the negligence of guests, invitees, etc. Payment of the security deposit does not release the user of the facility from responsibility for damages. Any user found in violation will not only forfeit the security deposit, but may be denied further use of the facility. II. Ballfields. There are wee ballfields available to the citizens of Southlake and non-profit organizations operating within the City. Groups outside the City will be given consideration on an as available basis. The Southlake Baseball Association, Southlake Girls Softball Association, and any activity sanctioned/sponsored by the City of Southlake shall be exempt from the following fees. A. Lighting Fees. 1. Field #1 is a tournament size, lighted field and Field #2 and #3 are smaller, lighted fields. Each field can be reserved for a base rate ::. heur €e�a�i- rx��f—ewe-}ems-ram— .:.:a }..: {•;;%•Y.,•}:� n••v,•%x: •••iA': •. rn...r .}:•^.,C.:.yi ._.� ..�Y ...,.{y .. }�C•j+•.<: i {4}i:. "f.:i•\ti:x::i•.:.'i-0�6}:{•:v: V:.:: r:"1 paid iri:: advance. B. Field Preparation Fees. 1. If Bicentennial Park personnel are requested to prepare the ballfields for play (i.e. drag it, chalk it, and place, bases_) , the f._.l_'__wing fees:;;. will be aid n advance. III. Concession Stand. Citizens of Southlake and non-profit organizations within the City must request the concession stand in advance and must provide volunteers to staff the stand. The City of Southlake may have a contract granting a particular vendor exclusivity. Organizations should check with City staff with etaf` before procuring supplies for the concession stand. Q%W PS1%PK410L CY.KBU! Park Use Policy Page 5 A There must be at least one adult present in the concession stand while it is open-€�;�?#'3t�'". `fig IV. Tennis Courts. Use of the tennis courts will be on a first -come basis for one hour periods when others are waiting. Tennis rackets may be rented from the Coordinator's office. at the rate ef $2. V. Overnight Park Use The park may be reserved on an overnight basis subject to approval by the City Council. In deliberating the merits of the use, the Council shall consider the factors outlined in Zoning Ordinance #480, Sec. 45.5. Council shall specifically consider the length of time for the use, any fees or deposits to be charged and security to be provided. VI. 11117\.Ll GILLIi 4\GW ✓t- An or `'" y organization g e association that desires to utilize the athletic fields belonging to the City of Southlake for the purpose of establishing an organized program of athletic competition, such as soccer leagues, softball leagues, little leagues, or other comparable activities on a continuing basis for structured athletic competition shall be required to provide proof of insurance. Such organizations shall have a general liability policy, naming the City as additional insured, in an amount of at least one million dollars ($1,000,000) with such policy specifically designed to cover the cost of defense and of liability for injuries suffered by competitors in the organized athletic activity. Organizations subject to this provision shall be required to deposit proof of insurance in a form acceptable to the City Manager with the City Secretary prior to commencing use of City athletic fields. The requirements set out above are designed and intended to be applicable only to formal organizations and leagues who sponsor and control organized continuing athletic activities on a seasonal basis. The insurance requirement is not applicable to individual citizens or groups of citizens who desire to use athletic fields on a one time basis. The purpose of this regulation is to protect the City against any costs which might arise from an organized program of league activities with its increased risk of competitor injury due to volume of activity. VII. Alcoholic Beverages. CAWP51WK-P0LCY.KBVm Park Use Policy Page 6 l No alcoholic beverages will be sold or consumed in Bicentennial Park. ! have :eead it and understand =,and agree- te— fellew all preeedui-es, pe3iieiies, andL-estrietiens as s=tzerth in the —Pane Use the Gity ef Setithlake-will be Pe3iey. All pertinent er-dinanees- this lease of adhered teas part of QW, el-ganizatien Date Printed " i ire CAWP51kPK-POLCY.KBM