1994-05-09CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING May 9, 1994 MINUTES Board Members Present: Chairperson Janet Murphy; Members: Bethann Scratchard, Vicki Johnson, Rod Johnson, Frank Dorer, and Carol Lee Hamilton. Members Absent: Ann Barnes, Becci Rollins Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Shana Rice, and Parks and Recreation Coordinator Tina Harvey. The meeting was called to order at 7:45 p.m. by Chairperson Janet Murphy. Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of Minutes for April 25, 1994 meetin,. The following corrections for the 4/25/94 minutes were recommended by the Board: - Delete Donn Renwick from member list - Agenda Item #3: The Baseball Association has money available; originally they wanted to donate for sod for fields 1 and 2; would now like to purchase soil conditioning. Motion was made to approve the Minutes of April 25, 1994 as amended. Motion: V. Johnson Second: Scratchard Ayes: V. Johnson, Scratchard, Murphy, Dorer, R. Johnson, Hamilton Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item #3. Administrative Comments. Country Walk/Timberlake Park dedication. The Board discussed the change in ownership of Country Walk and how this will effect the park land dedication made to the City. Park and Recreation Board Minutes May 9, 1994 Page 2 - Developer Improvements. Vicki Johnson questioned whether or not anyone verified that developers make the park improvements that they present to the Board. Shana Rice commented that she would pass on to City staff for recommendations. City Property at F.M. 1709/Bluebonnet. Frank Dorer questioned the use of the +/- acre at F.M. 1709 and Bluebonnet for possible practice fields or dumping mulch, etc. This particular site would not be easily accessible. Youth Association Agreement. Tina Harvey informed the Board that she was still waiting on input from the Baseball and Softball Association in reference to the facilities usage agreement. Tina commented that she told both parties that she needed to have comments by June 15 Agenda Item No. 4. Baseball Association. Soil Improvement Irrigation. Janet Murphy informed the Board that the Baseball Association would like to purchase soil conditioner and irrigation supplies for fields 1 and 2. Motion was made to allow the Baseball Association to purchase the soil conditioner and accept the irrigation supplies for fields 1 and 2. Motion: V. Johnson Second: Scratchard Ayes: V. Johnson, Scratchard, Murphy, Dorer, R. Johnson, Hamilton Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item No. 5. Donation Policy. Assistant City Manager Shana Rice presented to the Board a draft Donation Policy based on similar policies used in other cities. Bethann Scratchard suggested that a form be developed to make it easier to submit something in writing. The following are Board recommended changes: - #1. change wording ...considering making a donation... (taw - #2. change wording ...of the donation and, to the extent applicable, pictures... #3. split into 3.1 and 3.2: Park and Recreation Board Minutes May 9, 1994 Page 3 11. The Coordinator may accept without approval of the Park Board donations of living plant material and cash or items valued at no more than $100. 3.2. The Coordinator may place the items where he/she deems appropriate. #5. change review to consider and their to its #10. add All accepted donations... #9. delete reference to value #11. delete (repeats 1st paragraph) Motion was made to approve the Donation Policy as amended. Motion: Dorer Second: V. Johnson Ayes: V. Johnson, Scratchard, Murphy, Dorer, R. Johnson, Hamilton Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Rod Johnson commented in regard to providing signs acknowledging those who donate to the park. Chairperson Murphy asked that he put together a standard for such a sign. Agenda Item No 6. Revisions to Ordinance No. 515. Establishing a Park and Recreation Board. Assistant City Manager Shana Rice presented to the Board City staff recommended changes to the Park and Recreation Board Ordinance No. 515 as follows: 1. Add a section: Rollerblading, Prohibited in Certain Areas; Posting of Signs -This section will deem it unlawful for any person to use rollerblades in specifically designated areas. 2. Amend Section 3a to read "Regular meetings shall be held at least once each month." to allow flexibility in scheduling meetings. 3. Amend Section 12 to conform with amendments made to the Park Use Policy. The Park Board will make recommendations on variances to the City (411W Manager... as delineated in the recently revised policy which will be presented to the City Council soon. Park and Recreation Board Minutes May 9, 1994 Page 4 Ms. Rice commented that the actual language revisions would be drafted by the city attorney. Motion was made to approve the proposed revisions to Ordinance No. 515 and recommend presenting to City Council for their consideration. Motion: Scratchard Second: Hamilton Ayes: V. Johnson, Scratchard, Murphy, Dorer, R. Johnson, Hamilton Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Aizenda Item No. 7. FY 1994-95 Goals and Objectives Assistant City Manager Shana Rice presented to the Board two sets of draft goals and objectives: (1) developed by City staff, and (2) one developed by the Board. Ms. Rice commented that she hoped the two could be combined and then be used to develop budget recommendations. Ms. Rice commented about the need for additional staff. At least one park maintenance worker and possibly an intern from the university to assist with recreational programs. Vicki Johnson commented that she would like to see the quarterly meetings with JUC, CISD Board, KSB, Park Board, etc. The Board discussed the need for more press releases so that they can better communicate with the public and other organizations about what is going on in the area of Parks. The Park Board secretary will prepare and submit items of interest to the news media after every Park and recreation Board Meeting. Motion was made to recommend that staff combine both sets of the goals and objectives for FY 1994-95. Motion: R. Johnson Second: Dorer Ayes: V. Johnson, Scratchard, Murphy, Dorer, R. Johnson, Hamilton Nays: None Approved: 6-0 Agenda Item No. 8. Mobil Land Lease Assistant City Manager Shana Rice reported to the Board that there had been no change in the tax exemption status on the Mobil property. Rod Johnson suggested that the Parks Division consider paying the difference in the taxes. (6m, Ms. Rice also reported on the Shady Oaks school site. She has spoken with Bill Branum and he has commented that all of the northern portion of the site could be used for practice fields. Park and Recreation Board Minutes May 9, 1994 Page 5 Ms. Rice commented that there are still problems to work out with the neighbors. The Board suggested that the property behind Food Lion, owned by David McMahan, might also be a possibility for practice fields. Agenda Item No. 9. Joint Utilization Projects Update Chairperson Janet Murphy and Parks and Recreation Coordinator Tina Harvey discussed with the Board current joint use projects: multi -purpose courts: (1) repairs to fence have been made; (2) hope to put timer on lights; and (3) grass needs to be planted around court --no money left in this budget a news release was sent in regards to in -line skating; turned out very nice CISD/COS agreement for gymnasium under review. Each of the joint use agreements will be site specific agreements with different aspects to be consider on each agreement. - Shady Oaks practice fields: (1) rough grading was being done when complaint was received; (2) Bill Branum working on an agreement with the City. Agenda Item #10. Expanded Parking Area - Bicentennial Park. Assistant City Manager Shana Rice commented that she has passed on to the Public Works Director Bob Whitehead the request for additional parking. Funds for the improvements will come from the Street Division budget line item. Agenda Item #11. Park Projects Update. Parks and Recreation Coordinator Tina Harvey commented on the following park projects: Summer program brochure was mailed out to all residents working on a community education program finishing up on the dugout covers Park and Recreation Board Minutes May 9, 1994 Page 6 waiting on ground to dry out before putting in the irrigation for the infields; afterwards will put on the soil conditioning that the Baseball Association purchased - sprinkler controls are still not working --will need to put funds in the budget to repair. The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. The next meeting would be June 13, 1994. r a�'� �A - -w 4m net Murphy, Chairperson ATTEST: 07 J(�:L� hana Rice, Assistant City Manager