June 13, 1994
Board Members Present: Vice Chairperson Rod Johnson; Members: Bethann Scratchard, Vicki
Johnson, Frank Dorer (7:45), Ann Barnes, Becci Rollins (7:40) and Carol Lee Hamilton.
Members Absent: Chairperson Janet Murphy
Staff Present: Community Development Director Greg Last, Parks and Recreation Coordinator
Tina Harvey, and Secretary Kim Bush.
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by Vice Chairperson Rod Johnson.
Agenda Ikem No. 2. Approval of Minutes for May 9, 1994 meeting
The following corrections for the 5/9/94 minutes were recommended by the Board:
- Agenda Item No. 4: Baseball Association will purchase soil conditioner not "put
- Agenda Item No. 6, #1: delete word "except"; delete "...and will state..." to
end of sentence.
Agenda Item No. 6, #2: Regular meetings will be held "at least" once each
Agenda Item No. 7, paragraph 2: change "scheduling" to "assisting with
recreational... "
Agenda Item No. 7, paragraph 3: replace "continue" with "establish"
Agenda Item No. 7, add "Park Board secretary will prepare and submit items of
interest to the news media after every Park and Recreation Board Meeting."
Motion was made to approve the minutes of May 9, 1994 as amended.
V. Johnson
Scratchard, V. Johnson, R. Johnson, Barnes
Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
June 13, 1994
Page 2
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments.
There were no administrative comments to discuss.
Agenda Item No. 4. Discussion. Plans for Bicentennial Park Expansion
Community Development Director Greg Last commented to the Board that J.T. Dunkin and
Associates has been working on the construction drawings for the Bicentennial Park expansion.
Bob Stoeffel and Dennis Sims have come up with a unique plaza design centrally located
between the ball fields.
Mr. Stoeffel and Mr. Sims presented to the Board architectural drawings of the site. Included
in the design are concrete bleachers that sit higher than the ball fields to make it easier to see.
This design also provides for wheelchair accessibility. Also included in the plans are concrete
walks from the ball field areas, parking, and maintenance building. The walks will be wide
enough to accommodate maintenance vehicles. The material used for the plaza will be concrete
with accent paving.
The Park Board suggested that electrical conduit be provided along the walks for use at City
Festivals, bazaars, etc.
Agenda Ixem No. 5. Consider. Lonesome Dove Park Plans - Tom Matthews.
Tom Matthews, Lonesome Dove Estates developer, presented to the Board the plans for the
public park being proposed for the development. Mr. Matthews is requesting that park
dedication fees that would have been paid for the subdivision be used for improvements on the
park. Currently there are 12 parking spaces planned with room to configure for more if
necessary. Mr. Matthews also presented to the Board several playground equipment layouts and
asked for the Board's preference. He commented that they wanted to get started on the park
right away because this would be the major marketing area. Developer will arrange for
maintenance for the park for 3 years after final acceptance of the subdivision by the City.
Motion was made to accept the park plan, as presented, in lieu of Park fees with schedule of
completion of the park to be within 1 year after the final acceptance of the subdivision and the
understanding that the developer will arrange for maintenance for the park for 3 years after final
acceptance of the subdivision by the City.
Motion: Barnes
Second: Hamilton
Ayes: Barnes, Hamilton, V. Johnson, R. Johnson, Scratchard, Rollins, Dorer
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
June 13, 1994
Page 3
Agenda Item No. 6. Consider. Fountain Park Estates - Terry Sandlin.
Community Development Director Greg Last informed the Board that the Fountain Park Estates'
rezoning and development plan request was denied at P&Z and the applicants withdrew prior
to going to City Council.
Agenda Item No. 7. Request for use of Community Building - Timberlake Community Church.
Park and Recreation Coordinator Tina Harvey reported to the Board that the Timberlake
Community Church has been meeting at the Community Building for a year now.
The Board recommended that staff notify the Church to let them know that they need to request
an extension from the Park Board if they plan to continue using the building.
Motion was made to table this item until Timberlake Community Church makes an official
request for continued use of the Community Building.
Motion: Barnes
Second: Hamilton
Ayes: Barnes, Hamilton, V. Johnson, R. Johnson, Scratchard, Rollins, Dorer
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
A eg nda Item No. 8. Consider. Park and Recreation Division Budget.
Park and Recreation Coordinator Tina Harvey presented to the Board a proposed budget for FY
94-95. (A copy of the proposed budget as prepared by Ms. Harvey is attached to the minutes.)
Ms. Harvey commented that several JUC items were included but those items would be subject
to approval by the committee.
Vicki Johnson questioned whether or not a salary increase had been included in the proposed
budget for Tina Harvey. Ms. Harvey explained that there is an established pay and classification
plan. The Board commented that the statement could still be reflected in the minutes. Ms.
Johnson commented that she felt Tina was doing an excellent job.
During the budget discussion, Rod Johnson commented that he would be bringing to the Board
his recommendation for sign standardization.
The Board recommended removal of duplicated items and suggested increasing the consultant
funds for a trails construction master plan.
Motion was made to approve the proposed budget as amended and contingent upon approval by
the Joint Utilization Committee on those items proposed to be funded jointly.
Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
June 13, 1994
Page 4
Motion: Dorer
Second: R.Johnson
Ayes: Barnes, Hamilton, V. Johnson, R. Johnson, Scratchard, Rollins, Dorer
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 9. Discussion. Practice Fields - David McMahan Property.
Carol Lee Hamilton informed the Board about her discussions with David McMahan concerning
a 3 acre tract of land he owns behind 1st. American Savings and the possibility of using the
property for temporary baseball fields. David McMahan expressed to Carol Lee Hamilton that
he wanted the Baseball and Softball Associations to understand that it would only be a temporary
plan. Assistant City Manager Shana Rice prepared a letter expressing the City's interest in
pursuing the use of the property, and she included a sample lease agreement for Mr. McMahan's
The meeting adjourned at 10:15 p.m.
Rod n, Vice Chairperson