September 12, 1994
Board Members Present: Chairperson Janet Murphy; Members: Vicki Johnson, Frank Dorer,
Becci Rollins, Carol Lee Hamilton, Bethann Scratchard and Marjorie Zielke.
Members Absent: Ann Barnes and Rod Johnson
Staff Present: Park Project Manager Kim McAdams and Parks and Recreation Coordinator Tina
The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m. by Chairperson Janet Murphy.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of Minutes for August 8. 1994 meeting.
The following corrections for the August 8, 1994 minutes were recommended by the Board:
Agenda Item #6: change to "...willing to not have the sign illuminated if it can be
located on F.M. 1709."
Motion was made to approve the minutes of August 8, 1994, as amended.
Motion: V . Johnson
Second: Dorer
Ayes: V. Johnson, Dorer, Rollins, Hamilton, Scratchard, Zielke, Murphy
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments.
Janet Murphy reported:
- $61,000 in credits have been paid
City Council awarded 50% credit to Timarron Phase II; fees $28,000; Council
suggested to Timarron that more green space be set aside.
Sally Hall suggested that the Park Board recommend to City Council to
increase the open space requirement.
Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
September 12, 1994
Page 2
Play rg ound. Public forum scheduled for September 19th.
Amenities. Vicki Johnson suggested that a system be developed to tract amenities promised by
developers. Kim McAdams commented that she is working on a system that will require
approval by the City before acceptance.
Rocket Launching. Scheduled for September 25, 2:00 - 4:00 p.m. SAGE partners are
Agenda Item No. 4. Keep Southlake Beautiful - Wildscape Project.
Sally Hall, KSB Chairman, presented to the Board the wildflower and wildlife habitat project
for Bicentennial Park (attached to minutes). Ms. Hall commented that the Newcomer's Club
volunteered to keep up the flower bed by the entrance sign, KSB will maintain, and Eagle Scouts
are building an information board. Ms. Hall requested that the Board write a letter in support
of the project.
Agenda Item No. 6. Facilities Usage Agreement.
The following comments/recommendation were suggested:
- fields be specified in an exhibit.
no full inning will begin past 10:30 p.m.
- "not withstanding clause" added in concession agreement
Motion was made to table the Facilities Usage Agreement until the next meeting.
V. Johnson
V. Johnson, Dorer, Rollins, Hamilton, Scratchard, Zielke, Murphy
Agenda Item No. 5. Field Scheduling.
Motion was made to approve the procedures for scheduling the athletic fields.
Motion: Hamilton
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: V. Johnson, Dorer, Rollins, Hamilton, Scratchard, Zielke, Murphy
Nays: none
Approved: 7-0
Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
September 12, 1994
Page 3
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion Committee Updates.
JUC will have a joint meeting with Southlake Parks Development Corporation on September 22,
6:30 p.m., Community Building. Purpose of meeting is to review bids for gymnasium
construction. Park Board commented that they would like to see the plans.
KSB meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 13th for discussion of approval of Wildscape
project and to develop committees.
Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion. Project Updates.
Park Expansion: Bid opening - September 30
SPDC - October 17
City Council - October 18
Construction - starts the end of October
Gymnasium: Bid opening - September 22
CISD - September 26
Completion - April 1995
Trail Plan: Proposals due - September 20
City Council - October 4
To include street bike route, off road hike/bike, equestrian, and link to other trail systems with
neighboring cities.
The meeting was adjourned.
Janet Murphy, Chairperso
Tina e , IParks and
Recreation Coordinator