November 14, 1994
Board Members Present: Chairperson Janet Murphy; Members: Vicki Johnson, Frank Dorer,
Carol Lee Hamilton, Bethann Scratchard and Marjorie Zielke.
Members Absent: Rod Johnson, Becci Rollins and Ann Barnes
Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Shana K. Yelverton, Park Project Manager Kim
McAdams and Parks and Recreation Coordinator Tina Harvey.
The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chairperson Janet Murphy.
Joint Meeting with SPIN Standing Committee. Trail System Goals.
SPIN Committee Members Present: Pamela Muller, Dick Johnston, Bill Salazar, Betty
Springer, and Karen Reynolds.
Park Project Manager Kim McAdams introduced Newman, Jackson and Bieberstien, the
(W consultants who are working on the Trail System. The purpose of this plan is to give long range
development direction to a Trail System that will serve the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists, and
equestrians. If a plan exist, you have access to federal dollars.
Items discussed include:
- First visited with Corp of Engineers regarding an equestrian trail
- Some sense of a regional connection extending through Trophy Club, Keller, and North
Richland Hills
- Grapevine has discussed developing an equestrian trail that could be tied to Southlake
- May look at Corp's property to do hike/bike and equestrian trails. But they would be
independent trails. If they get too close, you would have to develop some sort of barrier.
- Carmel Bay could present a problem if you want to tie into Grapevine's equestrian trail.
- Some potential open space connections at the end of Corp's land. Tributaries are good
opportunities unless homes have been established. They would like input from
neighborhoods. Where are the good opportunities?
- Timarron subdivision has secondary trails now that would link into the primary trails.
- There may be some opportunities with Mobil and Maguire Thomas Partners. Mobil was
un committed.
- There is some opportunity to fill in gaps with Allways plan.
- Trail between railroad and Highway 26
- Bicycle lanes on road gives everyone access
- Opportunity with Big Bear Creek
- S.H. 114 presents a major barrier but could do something at Dove, White Chapel,
Carroll Ave. Should concentrate on White Chapel, Continental, and possibly F.M. 1709
Green walk -- widened R.O.W.
Working with TxDOT to make sure crossings are bike and pedestrian friendly.
Link Schools
Report will include information about land acquisition strategies.
Power line easements -- seem to present some constraints because of property platting
Many trails have not been well maintained
The joint meeting adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Regular Meeting
The regular meeting was called to order by Chairman Janet Murphy at 7:55 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Approval of Minutes for October 10, 1994 meeting.
The following corrections for the October 10, 1994 minutes were recommended by the Board:
- Page 3, Item No. 4, Facilities Usage Agreement. Should read: David Yelton
commented that the "SBA would like the City to assist in obtaining all necessary
playing fields.
- Page 4, Item No. 8, Committee Updates. Include: Rebid as to separate
Motion was made to approve the minutes of October 10, 1994, as amended.
Motion: V . Johnson
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: V. Johnson, Dorer, Scratchard, Zielke, Murphy, Hamilton
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments.
Recreation Assistant. Plans to hire a Recreation Assistant are underway. This will be
a 30hr/week position.
Keep Southlake Beautiful. Thirty five volunteers participated in planting trees and
shrubs as part of the Wildscape project. Also, members of the Boy Scouts built a
wildlife information center.
- YMCA. Janet Murphy shared with the Board a letter from Tim Bookout, YMCA,
suggesting that the City of Southlake and the YMCA begin working toward the long-term
goal of having a YMCA located in Southlake.
Agenda Item No. 4. Donations from Dick Johnston.
Alleane and Dick Johnston, Southlake residents, would like to donate a yard vacuum and an
electric ball machine to the Parks Division. Estimated value is $550.00. Stipulations requested
are that the use should be shared with the High School and the rental for the ball machine should
be contributed to Keep Southlake Beautiful program.
Motion was made to accept the donation for the yard vacuum for the Parks Division and
recommend that the ball machine be donated to C . I . S . D .
Motion: V. Johnson
Second: Scratchard
Motion was amended to exclude stipulations on the yard vacuum.
Motion: V. Johnson
Second: Scratchard
Ayes: V. Johnson, Dorer, Scratchard, Zielke, Murphy, Hamilton
Nays: none
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item No. 5. Facilities Usage Agreement.
Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton explained to the Board the latest changes to the
Facilities Usage Agreement. Shana explained that the attorney has been over the agreement we
have now and feels comfortable with it.
Motion was made to approve the Facilities Usage Agreement as amended.
V. Johnson, Dorer, Scratchard, Zielke, Murphy, Hamilton
Agenda Item No. 6. Topics to be Covered in General Citizen Survey.
Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton explained the concept of the survey and asked the
Board for their input. This will be a telephone survey. Five or six questions may be the most
that can be asked by phone.
The Board discussed some questions such as: (1) What facilities do you think we need; (2) Staff
responsiveness; (3) What types of usage other than youth -- passive users; (4) Recreation/Special
events; (5) sense of community/use of volunteers; (6) Safety -- how safe do you feel; (7) park
expansion/activities -- how aware are you and/or how do you find out what is happening?
Motion was made to approve the topics discussed as possible questions for the general citizen
V. Johnson
V. Johnson, Dorer, Scratchard, Zielke, Murphy, Hamilton
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion. Bicentennial Park Ground Breaking Ceremony.
Final preparations for the ground breaking ceremony, scheduled for Tuesday, November 15,
were discussed.
Agenda Item No. 8. Recreation Pro rg_ams.
Tina Harvey presented to the Board:
- a proposed spring/summer recreational program and brochure. Plans are to have the
program finalized soon in order to include in a special newsletter to the citizens.
Suggestions included: an adult landscape class, bridge.
Halloween event was very successful. Total profit was $2,633.00 compared to $1,925
last year.
Agenda Item No. 9. Committee Updates.
JUC - Gymnasium update/agreements
SPDC - Change Order #1--land acquisition
KSB - Need Volunteers; discussed wildscape
Agenda Item No. 10. Meeting Adjourned.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m.
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Assistant City Manager
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