1994-12-12CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING December 12, 1994 MINUTES Board Members Present: Chairperson Janet Murphy; Members: Frank Dorer, Carol Lee Hamilton, Bethann Scratchard, and Marjorie Zielke. Members Absent: Ann Barnes, Rod Johnson, Vicki Johnson, and Becci Rollins. Staff Present: Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton, Park Project Manager Kim McAdams, and Parks and Recreation Coordinator Tina Harvey. The meeting was called to order at 7:50 p.m. by Chairperson Janet Murphy. Agenda Item #2. Approval of Minutes for 11/14/94 regular meeting Motion was made to approve the minutes of November 14, 1994 with the correction that Rod Johnson be shown as absent from the meeting. Motion: Scratchard Second: Dorer Ayes: Dorer, Hamilton, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item #3. Administrative Comments. Park Board Appointments: Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton explained that Board members whose terms expire in January 1995 will be considered by the City Council in May. Those members who wish to be reappointed should submit a letter to the City Secretary. Monthly Reports. The Board expressed their appreciation for the parks and recreation monthly reports. Goals and Objectives. An update on the goals and objectives will be coming forth in January. Teen Program. The Board expressed concern that we were running out of time on the proposed teen program -- Friday Night Live. They suggested to continue working with the middle school principal. Gymnasium. Ground breaking ceremony for the new gymnasium should be in January. Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes 12/12/1994 Pa eg_2 City Council Work Session/Trail Plan Meeting_. Janet Murphy reminded the Board of the joint meeting scheduled for Tuesday, 12/13. Marjorie Zielke is planning to give the consultants a tour of the equestrian trails and will try to get participation from several other equestrians to visit with the consultants. Agenda Item #4. Facilities Usage Agreements. Janet Murphy welcomed Grapevine-Southlake Soccer Association representative Mickey O'Brien. Mr. O'Brien commented that he had reviewed the facilities usage agreement and suggested deleting the paragraph dealing with scoreboards. They are still working on Exhibit "D" -- scheduling fields. A discussion was held in regard to the intermediate school field and its use. Bethann Scratchard suggested that she recommend to the JUC that all scheduling of the field be done through Parks and Recreation Coordinator Tina Harvey. Mr. O'Brien commented that they want to see games only scheduled in that area not practices. Mr. O'Brien stated that the Soccer Association has no problems with the agreement. Coordinator Tina Harvey will make changes needed. Motion was made to approve the Facilities Usage Agreement with the Soccer Association. Motion: Scratchard Second: Dorer Ayes: Dorer, Hamilton, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Tina Harvey presented the Facilities Usage Agreement for the Softball Association. The following corrections will be made: 1. "SGSA" not "GSA" 2. Footer needs to be changed to "SGSA" not Southlake Baseball Association. Motion was made to approve the Facilities Usage Agreement with changes for the Softball Association. Motion: Scratchard Second: Dorer Ayes: Dorer, Hamilton, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Agenda Item #5. Exterior Sig_nage for Park Facilities. Park Project Manager Kim McAdams presented to the Board recommendation for exterior Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes 12/12/1994 Page 3 signage for park facilities. The Board commented that they preferred the second option for the aluminum plaques which reads for example: Southlake Community Center Donated by Texas National Bank Moved to site 1992 Improvements funded by City of Southlake The Board also suggested the following for the rules sign: Motorized vehicles and bicycles permitted on paved parking areas only - Remove "in park" at horseback riding Littering is prohibited - Delete "Rules" and leave "Enforced by City Ordinances" Motion was made to approve staff's recommendation for exterior signage for park facilities as discussed. Motion: Scratchard Second: Zielke Ayes: Dorer, Hamilton, Murphy, Scratchard, Zielke Nays: none Approved: 5-0 Aizenda Item #6. West Beach Land Acquisition. Assistant City Manager Shana Yelverton made a presentation to the Board on the newly acquired park land at West Beach. Ms. Yelverton informed the Board that active clean up is being conducted on the property, and the City is contacting other land owners to clean up their lots. Ms. Yelverton commented that current consideration is being given on targeting 20 acres as temporary soccer fields. Ms. Yelverton suggested that the City would like to arrange a tour of the property for Park Board Members. Agenda Item #7. Holiday Celebration. Tina Harvey presented a summary of the holiday celebration event. The Board expressed their pleasure in the success of the event, and they did not feel the cost was too much. Carol Lee Hamilton suggested that the flyer be included in the City newsletter to save postage costs. Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes 12/12/1994 Page 4 Agenda Item #8. Committee Updates. JUC: Meets tomorrow. KSB: Currently, it is too wet to plant flowers. The Board needs members. SPDC: Change order #1 was approved in November. December meeting has been cancelled. Agenda Item #9. Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. l � Janet Murphy, Chairperson J ATTEST: Shana Yelviffrton Assistant City Manager