1997-12-18City of Southlake, Texas
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee
Thursday, December 18,1997
Members Present: Jacky Brooks -Lawrence (Chairperson), Marty Dunbar (Vice -Chair), Doug
Strickland, Vic Awtry, Brett Boren, David Harris, Wayne Moffat,
Courtney Smiter, Joe Monfort, and Justin Willingham.
Members Absent: Erin Anderson, Nicole Berry, and Judy Gilmore.
Members present: Nancy Moffat.
Staff Present: Sean Leonard and Elizabeth Rowland.
Agenda items
1. Call to Order
Meeting was called to order at 6:00 P.M. by Jacky Brooks -Lawrence, Committee Chair.
A quorum was present.
2. Invocation
An invocation was conducted by Marty Dunbar.
3. Roll Call
Jacky Brooks -Lawrence reminded everyone to be sure to sign the attendance sheet in
order to receive credit for there attendance. Because their was not a quorum at the
December 4, 1997, meeting, Jacky asked the committee members to notify her at least
two days in advance of any planned absences. This will help to ensure an accurate count
of meeting items (especially meals.)
4. Approval of Minutes from the 11/6/97 and 11/20/97 meetings
David Harris made the motion to approve the Minutes from the 11/6/97 and 11/20/97
meetings. Wayne Moffat seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
5. Administrative Comments
Jacky Brooks -Lawrence reminded everyone that the Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Committee meetings are public meetings. She encouraged everyone to invite friends and
interested persons to attend. None of the staff members had any administrative comments
to discuss.
6. Review meeting procedures
The Chairperson encouraged the committee to follow the Robert Rules of Order. She
asked that individual committee members show respect for one another by speaking one
at a time while an item was being discussed.
7. Sub -committees
Jacky Brooks -Lawrence reiterated the need for the committee to "stick with the mission
statement." She went on to say that the committee is not expected to identify and solve
the juvenile alcohol and drug problem by tomorrow, but if the committee can work to
extend the program beyond it's designated time, then the committee has accomplished its
Nancy Moffat briefly reported about a program in the Dallas Independent School District
that shows great promise for deterring juvenile alcohol and drug abuse. David Harris
offered his assistance should any activities take place in the Dallas area.
Doug Strickland reported that he had talked with several presidents from the local Parent
Teacher Organizations (PTO's). He had asked the presidents what they considered to be
the most effective way to receive input from parents and whether or not they would be
interested in distributing information through their local assemblies. Doug stated that the
PTO Presidents were also interested in the juvenile alcohol and drug usage surveys as
well their outcome.
Jacky Brooks -Lawrence defined the three (3) primary sub -committees as follows: 1.)
Survey community and youth to define problems; 2.) Research existing successful
programs; and 3.) Parental peer pressure - educating parents.
Vic Awtry commented that the above listed themes "all sound like positive things to do."
However, he would like to see stricter enforcement of laws and stronger deterrents to
juvenile drug and alcohol use and abuse in the community. He presented a copy of a
Fort Worth Star Telegram article dated Sunday, December 14, 1997; "Sobering
Consequences" (copy attached.) He questioned why the City of Southlake had no
available statistics for the article. Sean Leonard, addressed this issue and reported that
the municipal court's computer vendor failed to return the specialized report in time. He
went on to say that if the information had been available, it would have reflected six (6)
alcohol related offenses since September 1, 1997.
David Harris reported that he would like to see the committee work on getting the
community to adopt a zero tolerance towards juvenile alcohol and drug usage. One
suggestion was to expose Southlake parents to other parents who have lost a child due to
an alcohol related event. Marty Dunbar commented that he would like to find a program
or media venue that will "drive the committee's point home." Justin Willingham
recommended the school newspapers. Courtney Smiter was asked if she would assist
with getting the information into the middle schools and she agreed. Doug Strickland
stated that the school district's Public Information Officers would be a good way to get
information into all of the schools.
Elizabeth Rowland distributed a copy of the Dallas Morning News editorial article dated
December 7, 1997 entitled "Fighting Heroin: Teens Suggest Ways to Combat Drug Use"
(copy attached).
Wayne Moffat talked about the importance of prevention. Marty Dunbar suggested that
one of the sub -committees contact the Texas Commission on Alcohol and Drug Abuse
and get the latest statistics regarding juveniles. A brief discussion took place regarding a
speakers bureau. Suggestions focused on talks with local ministerial committees,
newcomers groups and Leadership Southlake. Elizabeth Rowland recommended the
need to solicit Realtor groups and to get them behind the committee. She pointed out that
this is at least one more vehicle to "getting the message out to the people."
In regards to sub -committees, Marty Dunbar asked the group whether or not they wanted
to meet separately. David Harris suggested that each sub -committee determine their own
meeting style. A motion was made by Doug Strickland to have the next meeting at its
regular time, use the first thirty (30) minutes to conduct business, break into individual
sub -committees for one (1) hour and use the last thirty (30) minutes as an open forum.
Wayne Moffat seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
8. Open Forum
Vic Awtry asked if the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee had an official budget.
David responded by stating that if there was something the committee needed, the
committee should present this need to Mr. Curtis Hawk, City Manager, and get a proposal
into the budget process.
9. Adjournment
Vic Awtry moved to adjourn. Joe Monfort seconded the motion. The motion passed and
the meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 P.M.
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J cky Brooks -Lawrence, Chairperson