1998-01-15City of Southlake, Texas
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee
Thursday, January 15, 1998
Members Present: Erin Anderson, Vic Awtry, Nicole Berry, Brett Boren, Jacky Brooks -
Lawrence (Chairperson), Judy Gilmore, Wayne Moffat, Doug
Strickland, Courtney Smiter, Joe Monfort, and Justin Willingham.
Members Absent: Marty Dunbar (Vice -Chair), David Harris.
Members absent: Brad Bradley, Nancy Moffat.
Staff Present: Gary Gregg, Tiffany Harrington, Sean Leonard, and Shelli Siemer.
Agenda items
Agenda Item No. 1, Call To Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Jacky Lawrence.
Agenda Item No. 2, Invocations
An invocation was conducted by Jacky Lawrence.
Agenda Item No. 3, Roll Call
Jacky Lawrence passed around the attendance tracking sheet.
Agenda Item No. 4, Approval of Minutes from the 12/18/97 meeting
Doug Strickland made the motion to approve the minutes from the 12/18/97 meeting. Wayne
Moffat seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 5, Administrative Comments
None of the staff members had any administrative comments. Jacky Lawrence reported that
Marty Dunbar, Vice Chairperson, is unable to attend meetings on Thursday nights because it
conflicts with his new class schedule. He would still like to be involved in the committee, but
will need to resign as Vice Chairperson. The committee discussed alternative meeting dates
and times, but the group concluded Thursday night is the best time to meet. Wayne Moffat
nominated Doug Strickland to replace Marty Dunbar as Vice Chairperson. Judy Gilmore
seconded the nomination. The committee voted unanimously to appoint Doug Strickland as
the new Vice Chairperson.
Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee Minutes, 1/15/98
Agenda Item No. 6, Review of Goals and Objectives
Jacky Lawrence reviewed the mission statement of the committee and the three goals and
Agenda Item No. 9, Open Forum
Wayne Moffat requested to move the agenda items around to conduct the open forum at the
beginning of the meeting. Doug Strickland agreed with the change to allow the full committee
to participate in discussion prior to breaking into sub -committees. The committee agreed to
move open forum to the beginning of each meeting.
Wayne Moffat stressed the fact the committee should address both drugs and alcohol. He
stated that the committee should look at both because they are both destructive and deserve
equal attention. Jacky Lawrence reminded the committee of the mission statement developed
by the City Council and School Board requiring the committee to focus on both drugs &
alcohol. It is not the intention of the committee to only focus on one and not the other. The
mission statement was created for the group to follow.
Judy Gilmore stated that once we survey the community, we know which areas need more
emphasis. Doug Strickland reported that the school district's survey of children grades 4
through 12 places equal emphasis on drugs and alcohol. Doug Strickland stated the survey will
help define the problems and attitudes of parents and kids. His sub -committee will focus on
surveying the entire community.
Wayne Moffat informed the committee that the Mayor's ethics committee which works with
local ministers are very anxious to work with the Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee.
The committee discussed at great length the importance of informing parents about the new
laws related to underage alcohol and drug use. Jacky Lawrence reported that Nancy Moffat
gave her a copy of the laws from the state legislature, but it is complicated to read. Sean
Leonard stated he has a matrix explaining the state statutes, but it is also difficult to
understand. Doug Strickland stated that the CISD will be able to send information out to
parents informing them about the new laws affecting underage alcohol and drug use.
The committee discussed whether Police Departments are handling the new laws differently.
Officer Jeff Marler stated Southlake is enforcing them to the letter of the law. Vic Awtry
questioned the consistency of every officer's actions. Gary Gregg stated the department policy
is known to all police officers and should be enforced consistently. Vic Awtry stated it is a
problem for Police if the parents are not informed about the new laws. Officer Marler
reported that the Police Department held an informational meeting for parents with kids from
8th-12th grade and only 2 people attended the meeting. Jacky Lawrence stated that we need to
rethink the approach we take to inform parents. Gary Gregg stated one approach is to send
out a flier with the frequently asked questions and answers.
Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee Minutes, 1/15/98
Agenda Item. No. 7, Sub -committee procedures
Jacky Lawrence stated there is an hour left in the meeting and suggested the committee break
into the three sub -committees. Jacky Lawrence defined the three (3) primary sub -committees
as follows: A) Survey community and youth to define problems; B) Research existing
successful programs; and C) Parental peer pressure - educating parents. She stated the next
step is to break into the three sub -committees.
Sub -Committee - A
Marty Dunbar
Doug Strickland
Courtney Smiter
Joe Monfort
Nicole Berry
Sub -Committee - B
Justin Willingham
Nancy Moffat
Vic Awtry
Bret Boren
Sub -Committee - C
David Harris
Judy Gilmore
Wayne Moffat
Jacky Lawrence
Erin Anderson
Agenda Item No 8, Sub -committee reports
Jacky Lawrence called the meeting back to order at 7:45 p.m., and asked the committee to
give suggestion on how they want to schedule future meetings. One idea is to meet the first
meeting of the month as a full committee and the second meeting of the month with sub-
committees only. Judy Gilmore asked about the open forum and questioned how the
committee would keep informed about each sub -committee if they don't meet for a whole
month. Nicole Berry suggested meeting for 15 minutes at the beginning of every meeting and
then splitting up into sub -committees. The committee agreed to continue to meet on the first
and third Thursday of every month with open forum at the beginning of the meeting and sub-
committees at the end.
Agenda Item No. 10, Meeting Adjourned
Nicole Berry moved to adjourn. Erin Anderson seconded the motion. The motion passed and
the meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 P.M.
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Jac" rooks -Lawrence, Chairperson
Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee Minutes, 1/15/98