1998-03-05City of Southlake, Texas Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee Thursday, March 5, 1998 MINUTES Members Present: Erin Anderson, Vic Awtry, Brett Boren, Jackie Brooks -Lawrence, David Harris, Wayne Moffat, Courtney Smiter, Joe Monfort, Justin Willingham Members Absent: Judy Gilmore, David Strickland, Ex-Officio Members Absent: Brad Bradley, Nancy Moffat Staff Present: Shelli Siemer, Gary Gregg, Elizabeth Rowland, Sean Leonard Guests Present: Brad Bartholomew, Pamela Muller, Debbie Edmundson, Margaret Melton Agenda Items Agenda Item No. 1. Call To Order The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Jacky Lawrence. Agenda Item No. 2. Invocation An invocation was given by Jacky Lawrence Agenda Item No.3. Roll Call Jacky Lawrence passed around the attendance tracking sheet. Jacky recommended moving the presentation up to the beginning of the agenda because there is a guest speaker. Agenda Item No. 7 Presentation Guest Speaker. Mary McCabe, HEB School District Mary McCabe, HEB School District came and spoke about the HEB School District's Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee. Mary McCabe said the HEB committee was formed to focus on a community wide approach to the problems of teenage drinking and drug use. The committee started with 42 people and continues to grow. It has community involvement from the Federal DEA, NE Tarrant CIA Unit, Police from all 3 cities, parents, students, principals, counselors, Assistant Superintendent, staff, and the local hospital. The media has been a tremendous help to the succeess of the committee by promoting community involvement in the group. Mary explained how the HEB committee prioritized their goals and discussed all their concerns. Education was the strongest priority among their committee members. On April 20, 1998 there will be a parent awareness seminar to educate parents. Mary also explained that the committee is reviewing successful programs including the following: reconnecting youth, project alert, STARS, and a heroin based program in Orange County. Agenda Item No. 4. Approval of Minutes from the January 15, 1998 meeting Wayne Moffat made the motion to approve the minutes from the 01/15/98 meeting. David Harris seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments Dr. Rowland stated that it was great to have Mary McCabe speak to the group and share her enthusiasm. Jacky Brooks -Lawrence reported that the committee needs to appoint a replacement for Mary Dunbar. Tiffany Harrington, a staff support position, can no longer be on the committee. Jacky recommended that Marty's position be filled by Roxane Matela- Berenbeim. Jacky will talk to the Superintendent to recommend that the CISD fill Tiffany's position with Betty Sullivan, a middle school nurse. Wayne Moffat made the motion to appoint Roxane Matela-Berenbeim to fill Mary Dunbar's position. Vic Awtry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 6. Open Forum The committee discussed the idea of having famous people visit the high school weekly to talk about drugs & alcohol. The idea will have to be included in the committee's recommendation to the City Council and CISD. It is not something the committee can implement right away. David Harris has talked to some individuals to help coordinate the program, but there needs to be a plan in place before implementing the idea. Erin Anderson expressed concern about not moving fast enough. There are a lot of kids graduating this year who will not be affected by this committee. Agenda Item No. 8 Discussion: By -Laws David Harris made a motion to adopt the committee by-laws. Vic Awtry seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 9 Discussion: Sub -Committee Meetings Jacky explained that the next meeting will be designated for the sub -committees to meet. The meetings are scheduled to include the first meeting of the month as the general business meeting and the third meeting of the month as the sub -committee meetings. She would like each sub -committee to give a full progress report at the regular business meeting. The next meeting is a sub -committee meeting on March 26. The committee selected chairpersons for each sub -committee. Doug Strickland will be the chairperson for the surveying sub -committee. Bret Boren is the chairperson and Vic Awtry is the vice -chairperson for the researching committee. The third sub -committee will select the chairperson at their next meeting. The guests were encouraged to join a sub -committee. Brad Bartholomew and Debbie Edmondson would like to serve on the second sub -committee. Margaret Melton would like to work on sub -committee 1. Agenda Item No. 10 Sub -Committee Reports Brett Boren gave a report about some existing programs which have been successful. He distributed a report titled "Preventing Drug Use Among Children and Adolescents." Brett discussed the report and explained the importance of it being a research based program because it measures the effectiveness of the program. Brett would like to evaluate additional programs. Elizabeth Rowland suggested that the sub -committee narrow down their research to 3 or 4 programs. They will need to work with the school district because most programs are curriculum based. The committee discussed whether or not the programs focused on parent education need to go through the schools curriculum approval. Some programs are community based rather than curriculum based. Agenda Item No. 11 Meeting Adjourned David Harris moved to adjourn. Wayne Moffat seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:00 p.m. Submitted 2,'�,�� Secretary LM Approved Jack rooks -Lawrence, Chairperson