1998-03-26City of Southlake, Texas
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee
Thursday, March 26,1998
Members Present: Erin Anderson, Vic Awtry, Bret Boren, Jacky Brooks -Lawrence,
Doug Strickland, Roxane Matela-Berenbeim
Members Absent: Judy Gilmore, David Harris, Wayne Moffat, Courtney Smiter, Joe
Monfort, Justin Willingham
Ex-Officio Members Absent: Nancy Moffat, Brad Bradley
Staff Present: Shelli Siemer, Elizabeth Rowland, Sean Leonard, Betty Sullivan,
Guests Present: Tommy Taylor, Manuel Trevino, Bryan Lundlin, Brad
Bartholomew, Debra Edmundson, Margaret Melton, Caroline
Shearing, Phil Vaughn,
Agenda Items
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:06 p.m. by Jacky Brooks -Lawrence.
Agenda Item No. 2. Invocation
An invocation was given by Jacky Brooks -Lawrence
Agenda Item No. 3. Roll Call
Jacky Brooks -Lawrence passed around the attendance tracking sheet.
Agenda Item No. 4. Approval of Minutes from the March 5,1998 meeting
Doug Strickland made the motion to approve the minutes from the 03/05/98 meeting. Vic Awtry
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments
Jacky Brooks -Lawrence introduced Roxane Matela-Berenbeim. Roxane's profession is pediatric
psychiatric nursing and worked with adolescents with drug and alcohol problems. She will
replace Marty Dunbar on the committee. Betty Sullivan is a nurse at the middle school and will
replace Tiffany Harrington as a staff support member of the committee.
Additional guests include Brad Bartholomew, Margaret Melton, Caroline Shearing, Phil Vaughn,
and Debra Edmundson. Jacky encouraged them to continue their involvement with the
committee by working on a sub -committee. Brad, Margaret and Debbra are already working
with the sub -committees. Manuel Trevino and Bryan Lundun are guests serving community
service hours.
Tommy Taylor serves on the HEB school board. He explained his personal experience with the
problems heroin can cause in a community. He pointed out drug addicts are not problem
children - they are children with problems. He spoke of his daughter who is a recovering heroin
addict. He said that he receives phone calls from parents seeking advice on how to deal with
their addicted teen. Schools and cities do not have the information parents need, there is a need
for an information center for parents and teens seeking help.
HEB is developing a resource book with all the hospitals and treatment centers in the state. Teen
Challenge is $100 a month for teens. He will send copies of the resource books to every school,
police department, hospitals, etc. Roxane Matela-Berenbeim suggested giving a copy of the
book to area treatment centers, HMO's and other health care organizations. The committee is
also informing principles to implement effective Drug and Alcohol awareness programs for all
grade levels. Programs need to be long-term and consistent to reach every grade. Grades 5-7
have DARE and grade 9 has a short section in the health class. HEB is tailoring existing
programs to focus on heroin problems.
Manuel Trevino asked questions concerning the children's reaction to early drug education
starting in the first grade. He asked if the kids will rebel and do drugs because they are educated
about it. Approximately 40% of the football players do drugs. For most kids it's an escape.
When kids are kicked off sports teams, they have more time to abuse drugs and alcohol. Brad
Bartholomew suggested role playing with kids to make them realize the affects of drugs &
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: Sub -Committee Meetings
Each sub -committee separated into their groups to discuss their approach to their goals.
Agenda Item No. 7, Meeting Adiourned
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 8:20 p.m.
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