1998-04-02City of Southlake, Texas Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee April 2, 1998 Minutes Members Present: David Harris, Doug Strickland, Jackie Brooks -Lawrence, Vic Awtry, Erin Anderson, Courtney Smiter, Justin Willingham, Roxane Matela- Berenbeim Members Absent: Wayne Moffat, Judy Gilmore, Bret Boren, Joe Monfort Ex-Officio Members Absent: Nancy Moffat, Brad Bradley Staff Support Present: Shelli Siemer, Sean Leonard, Gary Gregg, Elizabeth Rowland, Betty Sullivan Guests Present: Brad Bartholomew, Pamela Muller, Margaret Melton, Bryan Lundlin, Michael Pratt Agenda Items Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Jackie Brooks -Lawrence. Agenda Item No. 2. Invocation An invocation was given by Jackie -Brooks Lawrence. Agenda Item No. 3. Roll Call Jacky -Brooks -Lawrence passed around the attendance tracking sheet. Agenda Item No. 4. Presentation Dr. Peggy Bailey, Director of Harris Methodist Springwood Hospital gave the presentation. Dr. Bailey said that the Northeast Tarrant County area is a target area for drug dealers. Some blame drug addiction on peer pressure and poor parenting. She discussed the disease model of addiction indicating that some people are more prone than others to be addicted to drugs. Cocaine and Heroin are more likely to be addictive drugs. Drug treatment varies and people have different opinions about how treatment should be administered. Dr. Bailey passed out an article on the heroin trends in Texas. She recommends the committee consider some tapes Harris Methodist uses called "Parenting for Prevention". The Bill Moyers series on addiction is available through SANSA. (Sean will get the phone number.) Dr. Bailey suggested that the key to prevention is to work with children as young as possible. She recommended a comprehensive approach that includes alcohol and nicotine as drugs. An article reporting on addict deaths in Minnesota reports that a majority of deaths are nicotine related. Vic Awtry stated that recent reports indicate teen smoking in the U.S. has increased by 1/3. Reports also state that advertising has an effect on teen smoking but that kids also see commercials that tell the negative aspects of smoking. Dr. Bailey also spoke on Harris Methodist's approach to treating addicted adults is the 12 step program. It is important to start addicts on the program very quickly and stay in it for six months to one year. David Harris asked when the adult's drug addiction usually begins. Dr. Bailey answered that most become addicted in their early teenage years. Jackie -Brooks Lawrence asked about the educational process for adults. Dr. Bailey said that parents should be educated to know the reality of drug abuse and what their kids are doing. Parents need to have at least a minimum education on the signs and symptoms of drug abuse. Erin Anderson asked if keeping kids accountable was the answer. Dr. Bailey said that the 12 step programs are the most effective. Agenda Item No. 5. Approval of Minutes from the March 26, 1998 meeting Vic Awtry made the motion to approve the minutes from the 3/26/98 meeting. Erin Anderson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 6. Administrative Comments David Harris said that money is needed in the budget for items such as educational materials and mailings to the general public. Sean Leonard asked the committee what they planned to recommend. Brad Bartholomew said he would check with Plano and the HEB area to see what they have allocated and spent on these items. Agenda No. 7. Open Forum Sandra Eddy, Community Relations Coordinator for Barnes & Noble, attended the meeting to discuss the bookstore's involvement in the Drug & Alcohol Awareness efforts. Barnes and Noble is coordinating a round table discussion to share ideas. The first meeting is Thursday, April 9 at 4:00 p.m. On May 4 from 11:30-1:00, Marilyn Rice will talk to parents of 9th and loth graders about random drug testing. Agenda No. 8, By -Laws No discussion. Agenda Item No 9 Discussion: Sub -Committee Reports Sub -Committee B: Research existing successful programs: Brad Bartholomew reported that the sub -committee members are currently investigating all national programs. Due to time constraints they recommend researching the Plano and HEB approach to modify their programs to fit in Southlake. The committee expressed concern about moving too quickly through the researching aspect and that finding the best comprehensive program for the community is more important than speed. The committee discussed the basis of the programs including targeting parents and teens, and a comprehensive program to include curriculum from K-12. Elizabeth Rowland said that we haven't identified the needs in Southlake because the survey results have not come in, but that we do need to find a program that meets our needs. Brad Bartholomew does not want to give the indication that the committee is quickly putting something together, because they are researching the various programs. He thinks we should have something in place that we can tailor later. Elizabeth Rowland reminded the committee that they will need to recommend 2-3 programs to the school district. Carroll I.S.D. will evaluate the recommendations and determine which curriculum to implement. Sub -Committee A: Survey community and youth to define problem - Doug Strickland reported that sub -committee is several weeks away from having the results of the survey administered to the CISD students. Erin Anderson asked about what survey results will be distributed to the parents. She said she thinks the survey will make the kids nervous. Doug Strickland said that the results will be publicized and are not classified information. The committee wants to develop a survey for parents so that committee can identify their attitudes. Doug Strickland distributed a copy of the parent's survey for the committee to review. They want to mail a survey to each household in the CISD area and have the survey mailed back to the schools. They hope to get 20-25 % of the surveys back. The committee discussed various approaches to surveying parents. Some felt they should be distributed at community meetings or through the SPIN neighborhoods. Elizabeth Rowland stated that in order to have statistically significant results it needs to be a controlled survey. The best way to achieve this is through mailing surveys. She recommends talking to the community groups about the results, but this approach for surveying will sacrifice the results of the survey. Sub -Committee C. Parental peer pressure - educating parents: Roxane Matela-Berenbeim discussed some ideas the sub -committee has identified to approaching this goal. Betty Sullivan, Erin Anderson and Roxane Matela-Berenbeim discussed creating a parental support group and would like to research how other communities have created the support group. We need to think about what activities the community will offer to replace the drugs we are asking the kids to give up. Agenda Item No. 10. Meeting Adjourned The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:30 p.m. Submitted Approved - /� � 600 k- a U Secretary Jac Brooks -Lawrence, Chairperson