1998-06-04City of Southlake, Texas
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee
Thursday, June 4, 1998
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Jacky Brooks -Lawrence, Vic Awtry, Doug Strickland, Courtney Smiter,
Deborah Edmondson, and Roxanne Matela-Berenbeim
Members Absent: Erin Anderson, Justin Willingham, Brett Boren, Wayne Moffat, Joe
Ex-Officio Members Present: Brad Bradley
Ex-Officio Members Absent: Nancy Moffat
Staff Present: Gary Gregg, Elizabeth Rowland, and Sean Leonard, and Betty Sullivan
Guests Present: Manual Trevino, Dawn Stansell, Lanbra Lewellen, Cory Hudson, Erin
Clanay, and Pamela Muller
Agenda Items
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. by Jacky Brooks -Lawrence.
Agenda Item No. 2. Roll Call
Jacky Brooks -Lawrence called the roll of membership present.
Agenda Item No. 4. Approval of Minutes from the May 7, 1998 meeting
Doug Strickland made the motion to approve the minutes from the 05/07/98 meeting. Vic Awtry
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 5. Administrative Comments
Jacky asked Sean to comment on the Juvenile Focus Group.
Sean commented that fourteen students attended the focus group at Carroll High School. He
mentioned that only an hour was allocated for this event and that more time was needed. This
shortage of time resulted in the event ending before the group was able to reach a consensus on
the issues. Sean stated that additional focus groups would be held before a "official"
recommendation was made to the committee. Dates of the focus groups have yet to be
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee
Minutes - June 4, 1998
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: Sub -Committee A Report
Doug Strickland reported that he had met with Deputy Director Gary Greg regarding curfews.
He also met with other local municipalities and questioned their representatives about the pros
and cons of having a city wide curfew. A brief discussion followed on "how curfews are related
to juvenile drug and alcohol use," and it was determined by the Drug and Alcohol Awareness
Committee that curfews could be an additional tool for the Public Safety Department.
Doug reported that the sub -committee representatives met with local school coaches and other
local school district representative to talk about mandatory drug testing. While the U. S.
Constitution does not allow mandatory drug testing of all students, it has been upheld that a
school district may test students participating in extra curricular activities. Doug mentioned that
he has researched the Colleyville-Grapevine I.S.D. proposal and that they are considering
random drug testing, one time per year, for all students in extra curricular activities.
Doug talked about the student survey that the CISD has been working on. He mentioned that a
local newspaper had called and the Carroll School District reported that the student survey results
will be released in conjunction with the parent survey results.
Overall, the subcommittee meeting was a "good" meeting.
Jacky asked if it would be possible to get a copy of the Report By The North Texas Regional
Drug Summit: A Consolidation Of Data Gathered At The North Texas Regional Drug Summit,
Held On December 2, 1997 (prepared by the Center for Public Service, School of Community
Service, University of North Texas) to anyone who wanted it. She stated that it was very clear to
her that there is not a "magic bullet" to solving the issue of juvenile drug or alcohol abuse. It
will take a community wide effort (including clubs, churches, civic groups, professionals, as well
as interested individuals) to make this work.
Agenda Item No. 7. Discussion: Sub -Committee B Report
Bret was not present to give his report. Jacky asked Debra Edmondson if she would provide a
quick synopsis, since she is the only person who was at last month's Sub -Committee B meeting.
Debra commented that Brad Bartholomew had met with the Southlake D.A.R.E program and felt
it was "adequate." She went on to say that she personally believed it was "essential" that the
committee look at this issue in a multi -pronged approach. She emphasized that it will take
additional programs besides the mindset of "don't drink and don't drive". In addition to
addressing this issue it is important to build a child's self esteem and self image in order to
combat the problem of juvenile alcohol and drug usage. There must be a "complete package"
approach to this issue.
Deborah reported that the committee concurred with Sub -Committee C's focus, that educating
parents should be a priority. The committee needed to address the facts that there are a number
of parents in the community doing drugs for recreation (beyond alcohol) and that it will "take
keeping kids busy from the middle school up in order that our efforts be successful."
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Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee
Minutes - June 4, 1998
She reported that the sub -committee spent a considerate amount of time talking about creating a
place for young people to go, such as a recreation center.
Elizabeth reported that she has ordered books containing all the research based programs that do
work and will have them available as soon as they are received.
Agenda Item No. 8. Discussion: Sub -Committee C Report
Roxanne reported that Erin Anderson was resigning from Sub -Committee C as a result of her
recent graduation and future college plans.
It was determined that an immediate focus of sub -committee C would be spent on "getting the
word out that the Alcohol and Drug Prevention Committee exists." An equally important focus
should be on developing and enhancing a parenting network. This network should include basic
parenting skills along with alcohol and drug prevention efforts. She mentioned that the sub-
committee would like to find ways to better disseminate information to youth and the general
public. This effort could include flyers at school, community newspapers and almost any media
venue available. Roxanne went on to say that we can empower parents through this network.
She also commented that she does not think that the current scare tactics are working.
Not to dismiss the idea, Vic retorted that once a child gets his/her driver's license and a car, the
parent network is drastically reduced, therefore making it important to implement a healthy
network for older kids, which should parallel the parents network.
A brief discussion followed regarding the important of "not re -inventing the wheel". The
committee was cautioned not to merely look at Plano or Arlington, for these are not necessarily
a perfect reflection of our community. In regards to mandatory drug testing, there were fears that
drug testing only those students in extra curricular activities would miss those youth who are
truly using. Some were convinced that mandatory drug testing was not the answer. Others felt
that programs should be "very aggressive - starting in kindergarten" and "that whatever we do,
we continue to send the message that you [youth] are important - we care about you."
Agenda Item No. 9. Review Brainstorming List From May 21 Meeting and Discuss Possible
Recommendations to the CISD Board an Southlake City Council.
This item was tabled until the next business meeting. It was suggested that committee members
review the brain storming list as well as the Report By The North Texas Regional Drug Summit
and compare the two. It is anticipated that the results from the student and parents surveys will
be completed by the July 1, 1998 meeting . It was suggested that comparing the brainstorming
list, national study and the survey results would be the most productive way of narrowing the
recommendation list down. Committee members where asked to narrow their focus to those
recommendations they would like to see forwarded to the School Board and to the City Council.
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Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee
Minutes -June 4, 1998
Agenda Item No. 10.Open Forum.
Jacky commented that she would like to see a "more positive approach" to addressing the issue
of juvenile alcohol and drug abuse. She clarified this by stating "if there a way we can help kids
not want to use."
Judge Bradley commented that he had several points he wanted to make.
First an internal audit of the City of Keller found that the Keller D.A.R.E. program was
ineffective. He recommended that Sub -Committee B speak to the City of Keller to include their
perspective their analysis of the programs. Secondly, the Southlake Youth Action Committee
had done an extensive research paper, two years ago, on the effectiveness of a curfew. He also
mentioned that the North East Tarrant County Leadership was holding a meeting next week on
Tuesday, June 9, 1998 @ 7:30A.M. This will be a preliminary meeting with local law
enforcement agencies, media personnel, six (6) local independent school district, and other
interested parties. He extended an invitation to anyone who would like to attend, as his guest, to
please let Sean know by Noon, Monday, June 8, 1998.
Agenda Item No. 11. Meeting Adjourned
Due to high winds, power outages and torrential rain, the meeting was adjourned early so that
people could get home safely.
The meeting was adjourned at approximately 7:50 P.M.
Jacky Brooks -Lawrence, Chairperson
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