1998-08-06City of Southlake, Texas MINUTES Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee Thursday, August 6, 1998 Meeting Minutes Members Present: Jacky Brooks -Lawrence, Doug Strickland, Debra Edmondson, and Bret Boren Members Absent: Erin Anderson , Vic Awtry , Justin Willingham, Wayne Moffat, Joe Monfort, Courtney Smiter, and Roxanne Matela-Berenbeim Ex-Officio Members Absent: Nancy Moffat, Brad Bradley Staff Present: Elizabeth Rowland, Sean Leonard, Shelli Siemer, Gary Gregg, and Betty Sullivan Guests Present: Pamela Muller Agenda Items Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order The meeting was called to order at 6:10 p.m. by Jacky Brooks -Lawrence. Agenda Item No. 2. Roll Call Jacky Brooks -Lawrence called the roll of membership present. Agenda Item No. 3. Approval of Minutes from the July 16, 1998 meeting Doug Strickland made the motion to approve the minutes from the 7/16/98 meeting. Bret Boren seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Agenda Item No. 4 Administrative Comments Shelli Siemer reported that the next committee meeting is scheduled at the same time as the City Council's budget work session. Debra Edmondson pointed out that if the committee approves the recommendations and the action plans tonight there will not be a need to meet again. Agenda Item No. 5 Consideration: Action Items Related to Recommendations The committee members discussed the action items to provide details regarding each recommendation the committee brings forward to the City Council and CISD. Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee Minutes- August 6, 1998 Recommendation 1 - Expand CISD Curriculum and Recommendation 4 - Continue and Expand Teen Leadership: Doug Strickland met with CISD staff to discuss how the school district could expand the curriculum. Mr. Strickland re- emphasized the fact that this year's curriculum was already established and most of these recommendations would be incorporated in the 1999-2000 school year. Some of these action items will have very significant budget impacts for the school district. There are some improvements that can be incorporated this year. The action items include the following: • Review K-6 curriculum to strengthen areas which address decision making, drugs, alcohol etc.; • Implement Pre -Teen Leadership course for 7' and 8' graders focused on drugs, alcohol, peer pressure, drug resistance skills, prevention related information, self - management, etc. Parallel this course with a parent education course geared for middle school parents (1999-2000); • Continue Teen Leadership at High School; • Provide staff development for teachers and staff to encourage the recognition of the early signs of student alcohol and drug use (1998-1999); • Provide staff development for teachers and staff to establish procedures if drug or alcohol use is suspected (1998-1999); • Explore possibility of hiring an individual with LCDC certification for high school and/or middle school counselor; • Continue peer mediation programs at all campuses; • Redefine and strengthen the role of DARE officers and school resource officers at all campuses; • Continue to survey students and parents regarding the use of alcohol and drugs in Southlake and the Carroll area; • Enforce discipline policies fairly to all students; • Appoint program coordinator for the teen leadership program to ensure successful implementation. The CISD is very enthusiastic about these programs and their implementation. Jacky Brooks - Lawrence talked with CISD's Public Information Officer and found out the school has a parent -to -parent program. Also, Elizabeth Rowland reported that the district received a grant from TCATA to implement a Life Skills Training program this year for 7`'' graders. Next year the program will expand to 6`h, 7' and 8' grades. It includes 15 weeks of intensive work with students to avoid high -risk behavior. Recommendation 2 - Establish a Parent Network with the schools and Recommendation 3 - Wide distribution of educational information: Roxane Matela- Berenbeim, Vic Awtry and Bret Boren worked together to define the action items necessary to implement the recommendations to establish a parent network and distribute educational information. Roxane submitted the following action items identifying that this needs to be a Page 2 Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee Minutes- August 6, 1998 7 community effort. The action items stated the need to work with parents, schools and the community to provide the following: • Networking for parents • Peer parent support group • Mentoring program • Parenting skills classes • Life Skills Training • Hot line for youth • Newsletter to distribute educational information and materials to parents • Child/parent workshop and activities The committee discussed how to organize the parent education. They agreed that it would be up to the new committee to organize and implement the parent education recommendation. Jacky Brooks -Lawrence reported that Roxane has spent a great deal of time and effort researching how a parent network operates. Bret Boren explained that this would require volunteers to participate in the program and stressed the need to fund the distribution of educational information to the parents. Bret suggested The creation of a community support sub -committee that will require involvement from the citizens order to implement recommendations. Other members stated that the "Parent Network Program and Educating the Public" recommendations would fit in the parent education sub -committee. Recommendation S - Work with a number of organizations and Recommendation 11- Organize a speaker's bureau: Brad Bartholomew submitted a report describing how a speaker's bureau should operate. The committee needs to work with the community organizations to educate the public. There needs to be a small group of citizens organized to present a short 12-15 minute briefing on our local drug situation, the new powerful effects of today's drugs and possible parenting techniques to combat drug usage among the youth in the community. The presentation can be given to all organizations in Southlake to encourage their participation and support in the effort to combat youth drug and alcohol use. The new committee should address as many organizations including PTO's, churches, civic organizations, home owners associations, athletic leagues, Emerald Bells, Fellowship of Christian Athletes, etc. to educate citizens about drugs and alcohol. (The organization of a speaker's bureau is currently being pursued by a citizen group working with the Public Safety Department). Recommendation 6 - Continue Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee and Recommendation 7 - Obtain Permanent Input from Youth: Jacky Brooks -Lawrence discussed the future recommendations for the committee to include representation from professionals in the field of drug and alcohol awareness and prevention. The committee members discussed the new committee's definition to include implementation of the recommendations of the 1997-1998 Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee with emphasis placed on parent education to protect children from the dangers of drug and alcohol and increase awareness levels in the community. Page 3 Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee Minutes- August 6, 1998 AN Jacky further discussed the make-up of the committee to include the following members as voting members: • 2 City Council members • 2 CISD Board members • 1 member from the minister's committee • 1 Chamber of Commerce member • 1 Southlake Youth Action Commission Officer • 1 Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor (LCDC) • 1 professional from the Juvenile Justice System • 1 professional from the Drug Prevention Program • 1 member of the Federal Drug Enforcement Agency • 4 citizens at -large (2 appointed by the City Council and 2 appointed by CISD) The recommendation included the need to expand the committee into sub -committees and recruit members of the community to get involved. The three sub -committee should include youth education, parent education, and youth input. The make up of the sub -committees should include, but not be limited to the following individuals: • 3 members from each of the following schools: Carroll High School, Carroll Middle School, Carroll Intermediate School, and Durham Intermediate to be drawn from the administration, coaching staff, nursing staff and counselors • PTSO representatives from the four schools mentioned above • DARE Officers • School Resources Officers • Deputy Director of Public Safety • Health care professionals including doctors and/or nurses specializing in the field of addiction (id: Addictionologist, Psychiatrists, etc.) Jacky recommended the youth involvement in the committee be obtained and organized through a separate sub -committee. This should include work specifically with focus groups of students to obtain their input into the process. This will ensure youth participation without requiring children to attend the meetings where they may be less likely to participate. Recommendation 8 - City-wide forum/meeting: The committee discussed the action plans for the recommendation to host a city-wide forum. Debra Edmondson expressed a strong desire to work on the city-wide forum. The following action items were identified: • use a professional speaker • brief report on the survey results • have a question and answer period • market the program to community (ie: show on cable, newsletters, etc) • availability of materials to include fliers, educational brochures and samples of drugs to education parents. Page 4 Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee Minutes- August 6, 1998 Recommendation 9 - Youth Activity Center: The committee expressed the need for the City of Southlake to pursue the development of a youth activity center. The committee would like to be involved in the research and development of a facility. Recommendation 10 - Resolution for City Council: This resolution should be developed to show the City's commitment and strong support of the laws prohibiting drugs, alcohol and tobacco use by minors. Recommendation 12 -Advertise Legislation: The committee reviewed a flier summarizing the alcoholic beverage laws for minors and the zero tolerance legislation regarding drinking and driving penalties. Debra Edmondson expressed the need to distribute the flier to all high school students on the first day of school. The committee discussed the importance of educating the parents regarding these laws and suggested including this information in the city wide newsletter and the school district newsletter. Debra Edmondson made the motion to approve the recommendations and related action items identified by the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee. Doug Strickland seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. The committee discussed that since there was an approval of the recommendations and action items the committee has completed their mission and will not meet on August 20. Jacky reminded the members that the committee was only created for a twelve month period from September 1, 1997 to September 1, 1998. It has been the goal of the committee to submit recommendations to the CISD and City Council prior to the September 1, 1998 deadline. The committee discussed how much money should be budgeted for the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee. Shelli Siemer reported that there are funds allocated to the Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee in City of Southlake's budget. These estimates were developed a few months ago and will be reviewed by the City Council at the budget work session on August 19`h and 20". Shelli pointed out that this budget was developed prior to the committee's approval of formal recommendations, but many of the items identified in your final recommendations have been included in the 1998-1999 budget. The amount budgeted for the committee includes the following: $ 3,500 - special projects (drug forum, job fair, etc.) $ 2,640 - two city-wide bulk mailings $ 2,000 - printing costs for fliers, brochures, etc. $ 1,440 - meetings (food, soft drinks, etc.) $ 160 - mailing meeting packets $ 200 - binders for committee members $ 9,940 Page 5 Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee Minutes- August 6, 1998 Agenda Item No. 5. Meeting Adjourned Doug Strickland motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:00 p.m.. Bret Boren seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Submitted Secretary x Approved Jacky Brooks -Lawrence, Chairperson Page 6