1999-04-19City of Southlake, Texas
Joint Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee
Monday, April 19, 1999
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Doug Strickland -Co -Chairperson, Jacky Brooks -Lawrence, Brad
Bartholomew, Bob Hamilton, Roxanne Matela-Berenbeim, Margaret
Members Absent: Howard Addison, Debra Edmondson -Co -Chairperson, Gary Fawks,
Joey Milner
Staff Present: Jeff Marler, Police Sergeant -School Resources Officer, Gary Gregg,
Deputy Director of Police Services, Shelli Siemer, Assistant to the City
Agenda Item No. 1- Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by Co -Chairperson Doug Strickland at 7:03 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 - Public Forum.
Doug Strickland opened up the meeting to public forum. There was no one in the audience to
participate in the public forum.
Agenda Item No. 3 -Consideration: Approval of Minutes.from February 9, 1999 meeting.
Brad Bartholomew made the motion to approve the minutes from the 2/9/99 meeting. Jacky
Brooks -Lawrence seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 4 -Adopt By -Laws
The by-laws were revised to incorporate the changes in the Resolution 98-68-A, which allows
the committee to appoint sub -committee members & ex-officio members. The committee
discussed quorum requirements and suggested it should remain at a majority of the committee.
If members cannot attend the meetings the chairperson should call or send letters encouraging
members to come or appoint a new member. Jacky Brooks -Lawrence questioned whether the
committee still needed two City Council and two School Board members. Shelli Siemer
reminded the committee that it is important for them to involve the City Council and School
Board members because this is a community wide effort and they will need their support in the
programs. Doug Strickland suggested removing one School Board member in order to place a
nurse on the Joint Alcohol and Drug Awareness Committee. Jacky Brooks -Lawrence would
like to pursue the option of asking the City Council to revise the resolution to amend the
appointments to the Joint Alcohol and Drug Awareness Committee to one City Council
member and one School Board member. By-laws were tabled to the next meeting.
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Agenda Item No. 5 -Consideration: Proposing a program to offer a bounty for heroin related
tips through Tarrant County Crime Stoppers.
The committee spoke with Sergeant Jeff Marler about the current Crime Stoppers program.
Jeff Marler reported that Crime Stoppers pays $100 for drug (or alcohol) related tips leading
to an arrest. He continued by stating that currently most tips are related to alcohol or
marijuana. Brad Bartholomew asked how often this tip system has "paid off". Sergeant Marler
responded citing 17 instances (8 marijuana, 8 alcohol, 1 LSD) at Carroll High School and tips
at the Junior High have helped recover stolen property.
Brad Bartholomew asked whether raising the money offered for crime stoppers will have an
effect on heroin related cases. Jeff Marler warned the committee that raising the price of
crime stopper incentives for heroin might encourage students to set-up other students. Heroin
is not in the schools, but could be more effective as a community focus for Crime Stoppers.
Also, the payment process would be more formalized, requiring students to wait longer for an
indictment and go to a bank to receive the funds. Deputy Director Gary Gregg stated that
Crime Stoppers works as a community program if it is marketed effectively. The public safety
staff attends community meetings on Crime Stoppers and is updated on their progress.
Brad Bartholomew asked the committee if it should have a weekly newspaper column. Bob
Hamilton suggested inviting reporters to the meetings and informing them about the
committee's goals and objective and ask them to write,a column. He also suggests that the
committee ask parents to participate once the Parenting Network is established. Bob Hamilton
will work to bring the reporters together.
Agenda Item No. 6 -Drug and Alcohol Committee Slogan.
Bob Hamilton asked SYAC to develop slogans for the Joint Alcohol and Drug Awareness
Committee. Bob Hamilton passed out decal designs developed by the Fort Worth Star -
Telegram marketing staff. He suggested asking Chamber of Commerce members to display
the logo in their windows. Doug Strickland suggested using green and white for the logo
colors and placing the logo on everything the committee uses. Bob Hamilton said he will
present two more slogan versions at the May 11`h meeting as suggested by the committee.
Agenda Item No. 7 -Discussion: North Central Texas Council of Governments Training
The North Central Texas Council of Governments Training Program information was included
in your packet because they will come speak to organizations about drug and alcohol related
issues. The committee may be interested in this for the upcoming forum. Also, the letter
format is an excellent approach for the committee to use to market the Speaker's Bureau.
Shelli Siemer will compile the information about the Speaker's Bureau and distribute it to
community organizations.
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Agenda Item No. 8 -Discussion: Sub -Committee Reports.
CISD Curriculum Sub -Committee - Doug Strickland discussed the grant offered next year for
"Life Skills" for 5"', 6"', and 7`' grade students. He said it is a challenge to balance curriculum
in the courses. Doug Strickland also reported that DARE and the Drug and Violence
Education programs are currently being reviewed for K-12 classes and that CISD is in the
process of developing a student/parent course.
Parent Networking Sub -Committee - Roxanne Matela-Berenbeim discussed the progress of the
Parent Networking Sub -Committee. Karen Lyman has worked hard on preparing an
informative flier about the networking program. They have been working with all of the
PTSOs in the community. Doug Strickland reported that the Parent Network will also be
advertised in the CISD newsletter. A directory will be developed listing all the names of the
parents who are participating in the program. Jacky Brooks -Lawrence asked if the directory
can be done in conjunction with the PTSO books. Karen Lyman said it could be done in
conjunction with the PTSO book , but not every PTSO uses the same format; the committee
would have to coordinate with seven schools and PTSO's. Margaret Melton added that some
members who join PTSO will not sign the Parent Network. Brad Bartholomew suggested
communicating to the school board the idea of having one central directory. Karen Lyman
said the PTSO directories are fund raisers for the organizations.
Conference/Forum Sub -Committee -Bob Hamilton reported that the first forum will be held at
the beginning of the school year. The goal is to host two forums during the school year. The
topics will include drugs and alcohol, stress, peer pressure, and other issues. Roxanne
Matela-Berenbeim indicated that they should pursue some of the services which provide
experienced speakers. There are a number of organizations who will come speak at these
types of forums.
Information Distribution/Speakers Bureau Sub -Committee- Doug Strickland suggested that the
committee organize a resource guide for the community on drug and alcohol related
information. It was stated that Tommy Taylor was working on a resource guide. The
committee discussed how to advertise the Speaker's Bureau.
Agenda Item No. 9: Adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:35p.m.
Submitted by:
Shelli Siemer, City of Southlake
R. Drug & Alcohol Awareness Comm.
ebra Edmondson,do-Chairperson
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Doug Strickland, Co -Chairperson