1999-06-17City of Southlake, Texas
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee
Thursday, June 17, 1999
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Debra Edmondson -Co -Chairperson, Doug Strickland -Co -Chairperson,
Gary Fawks, Jacky Brooks -Lawrence, Bob Hamilton, and Brad
Members Absent: Margaret Melton, Roxane Matela-Berenbeim, and Joey Milner
Staff Present: Gary Gregg, Deputy Director of Police Services, Elizabeth Rowland,
CISD Coordinator of Special Services, and Sean Leonard, Municipal
Court Administrator
Guests Present: Jeff Marler
Agenda Items
Agenda Item No. 1. Call to Order
A quorum was not present until 7:29 P.M. Debra Edmondson then called the meeting to order
at 7:29 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2. Public Forum
Debra Edmondson opened the meeting to public forum. There was no one in the audience to
participate in the public forum.
Agenda Item No. 3. Administrative Comments
No administrative comments were discussed.
Agenda Item No. 4. Consideration: Approval of Minutes from May 11, 1999 meeting.
Doug Strickland made the motion to approve the minutes from the May 11, 1999 meeting.
Gary Fawks seconded. The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 5. Drug and Alcohol Committee Slogan
Bob Hamilton reported that he had contacted the Bedford City Council regarding the use of
their "E.R." slogan and asked them if they would allow the Joint Drug and Alcohol
Awareness Committee to also use it. He mentioned that the City of Bedford had incorporated
this slogan into their own logo and in one month they anticipate approving their "official"
logo. Once this has occurred, he does not see any issue in being allowed to use this
information (logo) and incorporating it into a Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee
logo. Debra asked if he thought our logo would be ready for the upcoming school year. Bob
reported that a sample Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee logo (with estimated
cost) should be available for a vote by the next meeting.
Doug Strickland made the motion to approve the design of the Joint Drug and Alcohol
Awareness Committee slogan and authorize Bob Hamilton to make the final changes to said
Logo, with the City of Southlake funding eight thousand (8,000) copies. Gary Fawks seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Agenda Item No. 6. Discussion: Presentation of CISD Drug an Alcohol Survey Results.
Dr. Elizabeth Rowland presented the Carroll I.S.D. Spring 1999 American Drug and Alcohol
Survey: Summary Results (Please see attached report).
From the survey report, Elizabeth highlighted that the survey completed by the Carroll ISD
students were compared to the entire state of Texas as well as to the national averages. Brad
asked if this was the same test and same time period as surveyed last year. Elizabeth said yes.
Dr. Rowland went on to discuss the highlights of the report. She stated that ninety-six (96%)
percent of all students completed the survey. Of the total surveys received, one (1 %) percent
were tossed out due to exaggeration and two (2%) percent due to inconsistencies. The
reliability coefficient was at .9, which she reported to be high, and when compared to last
year's report, shows a strong consistency in the baseline and very little change between
Elizabeth summarized the 5`h-6`h grader usage by stating that ninety-three (93 %) said they were
"never going to use drugs". Junior high students reported a significantly higher increase in
use compared to the 5"' and 6`' graders. A discussion followed regarding the leap in usage of
alcohol by minors.
It was noted that the School district is anticipating at least ten a (10%) percent growth next
year. Elizabeth cautioned everyone that this is only the second year the test has been
completed and "that we should only look at the data and try not to read anything into it." She
stated that it appears the most common method or opportunity for youth to use alcohol appears
to be at parties or at night with friends. A discussion followed regarding other communities
outside of Southlake being "more tolerant" of underage drinking or partying."
Gary Gregg questioned Elizabeth about the survey results. He asked if the total number of
answers could be greater than one hundred (100%) of the respondents. Elizabeth stated "yes,
because they (the students) could have selected more than one response."
Agenda Item No 7. Every 12 Minutes Program.
Doug started the discussion by stating that the Grapevine/Colleyville I.S.D. is planning on
sponsoring a similar event next year and that this committee would greatly benefit from
coordinating it's efforts with them. He went on to report how he personally supported the
program. Calling it a "great program" but cautioning the committee that it will take a strong
commitment from someone to carry this out. Debra commented that the commitment should
come from someone on the Joint Drug and Alcohol Awareness Committee or a task force should
be developed.
A discussion followed on the cost of the program. Jacky mentioned that it appeared that it would
take somewhere around $10,000.00. Gary Fawks pointed out that a lot of the expense appeared
to be related to the housing of the participants in a hotel. He asked if this could be changed so
this committee would not have to incur such a high expense. Jacky wondered out loud as to
whether or not donations could be raised to offset the hotel and other expenses. Doug stated that
no matter how much or little the expense, it is a "huge task" and will require at least six (6)
months of preparation to make it happen. Bob Hamilton commented that "obviously these
programs have an impact" but require a nine to ten month commitment.
Brad asked if there was a consensus that "we need to do this?" The general consensus was "yes".
It was agreed that this item should be placed on the next agenda for formal consideration.
Agenda Item No 8. Discussion: Sub -Committee Reports.
• C.I.S.D. Curriculum: Elizabeth Rowland reported that Drug Free School Zone funds
have been awarded to bring nationally recognized speaker, Dr. Michael Riera, to Southlake
for a speech with parents in October 1999. He has authored such works as the "Uncommon
Sense For Parents With Teenagers" and "Surviving High School" and will be speaking on
such topics as peer pressure, how to say no, and dealing with alcohol.
• Parenting Network: Doug Strickland reported that his committee has been busy trying to
develop a parent -networking packet. He mentioned that the school is in need of volunteers to
,, help during registration distribute these packets
• Conference/Forum: Bob Hamilton discussed the plan to host a forum sometime in
October 1999. He stated the sub -committee needed involvement from the Carroll school
district and the City of Southlake to be sure there are no conflicts during this time. It was
mentioned that Homecoming is October 8`' and on October 26' Carroll High plays Grapevine
High (neither of these evening are suitable for a forum). It was determined that Monday
night, October 11' or 18' would be a more suitable time to host the forum.
• Information Distribution/ Speakers Bureau: Jacky Lawrence reported that the sub-
committee needed volunteers to help distribute "Prevention Packets" and other pieces of
literature to children and the schools. She explained she would like to see zero tolerance
literature for juvenile alcohol or drug usage, a pamphlet on the legal consequences for the
consumption, possession or distribution of alcohol by minors, the new Joint Drug and Alcohol
Awareness Committee Logo and other related materials.
Debra asked Jacky to set up a meeting with Shelli Siemer to finalize the packet and to place
this item on the next agenda for consideration.
Agenda Item No 9. Adjourn.
Jacky motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:35PM. The motion was approved unanimously.
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Sean Leonard, City of South& e
A roved:
Debra Edmo son: Co- Chairperson
A: court\a&ac\jun8199min.doc
Doug Stric n , Co -Chairperson