1999-08-10City of Southlake, Texas
Joint Drug & Alcohol Awareness Committee
Tuesday, August 10,1999
Meeting Minutes
Members Present: Doug Strickland (Co -Chairperson), Brad Bartholomew, Bob
Hamilton, Margaret Melton, Roxanne Matela-Berenbeim, Jacky
Brooks -Lawrence, Rob Glover
Members Absent: Debra Edmondson, Gary Fawks, Jo Ponder
Staff Present: Sean Leonard, Shelli Siemer, Dinah Chancellor, Dr. Rowland
Agenda Item No. 1- Call to Order.
The meeting was called to order by Co -Chairperson Doug Strickland at 7:04 p.m.
Agenda Item No. 2 - Public Forum.
No public forum.
Agenda Item No. 3 - Administrative Comments.
There were no administrative comments at this meeting.
Agenda Item No. 4 - Consideration: Approval of Minutes from July 13,1999 meeting
Brad Bartholomew made the motion to approve the minutes from 7/13/99 meeting with the
revision to add Jacky Brooks -Lawrence to list of members absent. The motion passed
Agenda Item No. 5 - Consideration: City-WideForum
Mr. Hamilton updated the group by stating that there will be a sub -committee meeting Tuesday
to discuss the program and help design the program with the emphasis being on speakers.
Suggested topics for the program are drug and alcohol awareness, talking to the kids about sex or
single parenting issues, and smart discipline at home. Other ideas for the program were to
distribute stickers and other informational items, have talk radio shows promote the program, and
hold a reception after the program in order to interact with the speakers.
Mr. Strickland asked about the high school and reserving the auditorium. The room has been
reserved by Elizabeth Rowland.
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Mr. Hamilton said that at the next meeting they will have the program agenda to present to the
full committee. All speakers are donating their time.
Ms. Brooks -Lawrence said that because of survey results it is clear that parents are letting kids
drink at home and it should be addressed in the program.
In response to Ms. Brooks-Lawrence's statement, Mr. Hamilton said that the "sobering facts"
sheet identifying CISD statistics will be distributed at the program as well as additional
information on the topic. He also stated that the Star -Telegram will sponsor the event and that
most of the costs associated with the program will consist of refreshments. A need for the
committee to spread the word was stressed as well as a need for a press release on the forum.
Agenda Item No. 6 - Consideration: Red Ribbon Week Oct 25-29
Kids will receive a ribbon at each campus. Ribbons will be distributed at Carroll High School
and Carroll Junior High School. An announcement will also be placed in the junior high
newsletter. The committee is planning to pass out cards displaying the alcoholic beverage laws
for minors. Mr. Strickland will speak with the school district regarding the committee's plans.
Shelli Siemer said that the City Council will do a proclamation regarding red ribbon week.
Agenda Item No. 7 - Discussion: Sub -Committee Reports
• CISD Curriculum
Mr. Strickland updated the group about the Every 15 Minutes program. It should be held in
April, with the 29t' being a possibility, in order to try and target students the week before prom.
He also mentioned the need to consider modeling the Grapevine/Colleyville program.. There will
be three representatives coordinating the Every 15 Minutes program 1) school representative; 2)
public safety representative; and 3) chamber representative/community representative. He asked
if the community person should be a chamber person. Questions were raised about who the
school representative was and that the superintendent should be contacted in order to find out
who the person would be.
Mr. Strickland introduced Dinah Chancellor, who is the math/science coordinator with Carroll
ISD. She will replace Dr. Rowland as the CISD staff member. Ms. Chancellor asked who the
school representative from Colleyville ISD was on the Every 15 Minutes program.
Mr. Strickland updated the committee on the CISD curriculum development. Dr. Rowland
distributed a hand out updating the committee on their staff development program. CISD offers
a number of programs for staff, which addresses the needs of kids with regards to drugs and
alcohol. There is a catalogue of programs which teachers can select.
The committee also received an update on the Life Skills Program, which is funded by TCADA.
The program will be expanding to include the sixth grade. Now it is for sixth and seventh
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grades. Next year it will expand to the eighth grade as well. It is a developed and controlled
curriculum. There is Team Leadership at the high school.
Mr. Bartholomew asked if they have hired a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor. Ms.
Rowland responded that the school has not hired a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor
because there isn't enough funding. Ms. Matela-Berenbeim asked if the school district could hire
a Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor on a consultant basis.
• Parent Network
They mailed 4500 parent network letters and applications. Approximately 300 applications were
received for the parent network program. The group hopes to distribute a directory in September
to go home to the parents. They also will send out a newsletter. The goal is to have a display
book at the forum with applications. The updates to the program will be completed on a monthly
Mr. Glover asked about placing the parent network database on the network. Ms. Matela-
Berenbeim said that it was a great idea but would have to request permission first.
• Conference/Forum
Report covered under city-wide forum item. Mr. Strickland suggested that the decals be sent to
season ticket holders and boosters. Mr. Hamilton suggested they also be mailed to chamber
• Information Distribution
On the topic of the speaker's bureau, one organization has requested the program. It is scheduled
on October 4, 1999 at Rockenbaugh Elementary. Mr. Bartholomew has been calling other
committees to see if they would like to hear their presentation. Jo Ponder may be able to help
with coordinating the speaker's bureau. Speakers for the bureau are Vic Awtry, Pamela Muller,
Brad Bartholomew, and Gary Gregg.
Mr. Glover asked about placing the presentation on the cable channel. Mr. Bartholomew said
that they could do that after the first few were underway. Ms. Siemer said it may be possible for
the city to use Ten Star to videotape the Speakers Bureau presentation and then air it on the cable
Mr. Hamilton suggested calling Karen Newell for Rotary Club. Mr. Glover asked about the
executive forum, which meets in the morning. He also asked about the Leadership Southlake
project to see if they want a part in the drug and alcohol committee efforts.
Ms. Siemer updated the committee on the status of the Prevention/ Resource packets, and
brought copies of the inserts to share with the committee. The committee was planning to use
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volunteers to stuff a number of items into the folders. It looks like volunteers will be hard to
find, so Alpha Graphics may be able to complete the additional work. This will increase the
price of the packets.
Jacky Brooks -Lawrence is coordinating the packet distribution. The packets will be distributed
to parents during curriculum nights. Ms. Brooks -Lawrence asked for volunteers.
The dates for the Curriculum Nights were given:
Mon- Aug 301h at Carroll Junior High- need 2-3 to work the table
Tues- Aug 24th at Carroll High - need 3 to work table
Thurs- Aug 26th Carroll Intermediate and Durham Intermediate Schools- need 3 workers at each
Julie Thanum, Carroll ISD public information officer, made arrangements to have a table set up
at each of the schools. Ms. Siemer will get two banners for the tables.
Agenda Item No. 8 - Adjourn.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10 p.m.
Submitted by:
�Wi &AWL
Shelli Siemer, City of Southlake
Debra Edmon son, Co-Cha rperson
Doug Stric d, Co -Chairperson