Francis Throop Survey, Abstract No. 1511 (Lot 1, Block 1) - Temporary Construction Easement ~:.1~' ,- ,j- 0 (~1 1 - ,Q) I(Ç~ "»)':"1"( l!cl/~,~V TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT LOT 1, BLOCK 1 F. THROOP No. 1511 ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SOUTHLAKE T ARRANT COUNTY, TEXAS Being the owner of the above referenced property, I (we) hereby grant permission to the City of Southlake and to the Contractor (sewer lines) to construct necessary sewerage facilities (sewer lines, manholes and related items of work) within the existing prescribed easement located on the above said property. ~ See attached Exhibit' A' for graphic depiction. I t is understood that during construction the contractor will of necessity require additional space along the side of the sewer line to accommodate movement of equipment for handling and placement of piping and supplies, but only as may be necessary, and in no case shall the contractor permit equipment to become in contact with, or damage existing buildings or other permanent lot improvements. It is further understood that the contractor shall be required by the City to restore all areas of the lot, relative to fe}!c;ing, structures, and other improvements to pre-existing conditions, or better.XThe abòve--, granted permission shall expire and further activities limited to the permanent utility easement of record upon final acceptance by the City of the Contractor's work. Permission and access granted this, the , ..--. 'r " 'k day of 7. ,~r r¡~~rr-- , .L.,/ '- V t" , 1999. /"'; / /: A ",' f .J-7' 'j-' I )p-;,~-"r " ¡i ! v .:".,. '- ,,/', , " ,;.')/) , ...' .. "-:-"')"- ,.)C ,.'(11< ~-~/ /.1'- '- '.. J,/V\ Owner(s) / ,~ --,---- / / ,/ / ------ ATTEST: " / / 446FM-LGLJ,doc V"( .-',./,' '/¡~ý' ;' ,(/þ(; '. ' --- /' ~ -~ /? ..:,,¡;:--<:-- ¿é; AI!;', ~ ,/( i~"i: ;;"',- ':: ,/)<" . <:- /. '" L.. ". - 'V 'I t ,; ~ /'> ,- -, '" " r 1/./,,;..';:':;,1/,')1 :;J(~-<;/(",~',\.J.;:,. ~q: ^, IC. ' ¿-, '" '.. i £" .~~:ç/. ) /~72 V , 'C-""'" "~ Ai " . .:.. f. /;:*~ /', ." , ,1,1.. '-, '-:: ifc /), ' ,- ':,' "", 'f /, 'J' ,-r':'.,c.-'r:.""'" r¡ ",'/-./";"'7'}t r'{,'" L ( , ..;,;. 7,K'(', ~/'/",r\:, ' , , 'I ' j /1' ¡I' /. I '.~' /) " I I I I I I I I I I ~+ I I I EXHIBIT "A" TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT I I I I I I I I W ¡ LOT 1. F. THROOP No. 1511 ADDITION CAB. A. SLIDE 1030 -- 35' TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION EASEMENT EXISTING 15' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT ------ ----- BLOCK 1. LOT 12 BLOCK 1. LOT 24 I . ~~~~~~ ~~~ \f . 1~~ þ....-\ ~/\ \ WHISPERING DELL ESTATES / 1~ . "----l BLOCK 1. LOT 23 / i~ (IN FEET) 1 inch . 50 ft. , .. CHEA THAN AND ASSOCIATES 1801 E. LIW4t .. YO SUTE 200 ARLIIGTON. TEXÞS 78Of1 (817) 548-0888 Metro (817>285-8838