SH 114 - Proposed Water line Forro 1082 (2-77) NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSTALLATION UTILITY LINE ON CONTROLLED ACCESS HIGHWA.Y Date December 15, 1983 'ID THE STATE HIGHWAY AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION COP..MISSION c/o DIS'I'RIC'I' ENGINEER STATE DEPARTMENT OF HH;IIW]\.YS AND PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Fort Worth TEXAS ,--,--'-"-' ...--.-----' (give location, le;~gtll;-g~'neral dE;'"ign , etc. )----- City of Southlake, Texas b" P\7C Water Line .._- State -- Highway No. County, 114 Texas as follows: Formal notice is hereby given that Company proposes to pLice a . line within the right-af-way of if' Tarrant IDcation- Beginning at the \,,\.in St=eak House located on the North Side of S.H. 114 approxirnately ac the intersection of Park Blvd. and going in a Hesterly direction approxinutely 3216 feet to an existing 6" line for a connection. The proposed line is intended to be constructed 5' from the North R.O.H. line of S.H. 114. The line will be constructed and maintained on the highway right-of-way as di- rected by the StatE DeparLment of lIiqhways and Public Transportation in accor- dance with governing laws. Our Firm further understands that the State considers prcpertraffic control measures as those COIDI.lying with applicable portions of the Texas Manual of ~nif~rm Traffic Control Devices required for adoption by the "Uniform Act Regulating Traffic on Highways" (V.C.S. 6701d). The location and de,scription of the proposed line and appurtenances is more ful- tT""C'C . ly shown by ~ ..L .- copies of drawings attached to this not1ce. -.-------.-..---- COnstruction of this line will beqin on or after the December -..--.-.--' 19 ....8l-. 22 day of Firm Eddie (,neatharn & Associates By Eddie Cheathéhll Title City Engineer Address 1601 E. Lénnar, Suite 212 Arlington, Texas 76011