March 25, 1991 7:00 p.m.
Board Members Present: Janet Murphy, Mike Jurecka, Randy
Robertson, Steve Bender, and Terry Mitchell
Board Members Absent: Lynn Haggerty (excused), Ann Barnes, and
Rick Roberts
City Staff Present: City Planner, Greg Last
AGENDA ITEM #2, Approval of Minutes
Motion was made to approve the minutes of March 4, 1991, as
Motion: Bender
Second: Mitchell
Ayes: Mitchell, Bender, Murphy, Jurecka
Noes: None
Abstained: Robertson
Approved: 4-0-1
AGENDA ITEM #3, Administrative Comments
Park Master Plan Survey - City Planner, Greg Last presented to
the Board a draft of the Park and Recreation Survey prepared by the
Park Master Plan Consultants. Mr. Last stated that the surveys
will be mailed to 600 randomly selected citizens within 2-3 weeks.
Organized Sports - Janet Murphy reviewed the various organized
sports available in the area. Randy Robertson will expand upon the
list of organized sports to have available as information for
interested citizens.
Board Meeting Dates - It was the consensus of the Board that they
would not have a problem with changing their meeting dates to the
2nd and 4th Mondays of the month.
AGENDA ITEM #4, Discussion, Budget Control Report
Shade Tree Toys - Steve Bender, reported that the contract was
approved by the Council. There is an 8 - 10 week delivery.
Park Land Dedication Fees - Steve Bender reported that fees will
be received by the Post Office on a per acre basis.
Greg Last stated that fees are collected prior to construction of
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
March 25, 1991
Page 2
The Board commented on the need to look at the Developers
Agreement, Park Land Dedication, and the Subdivision Control
Ordinance to eliminate any inconsistencies related to Park Land
Greg Last stated that there are a number of things to look at, and
City staff is continuously noting these inconsistencies for future
revisions to the Park Dedication Ordinance.
A discussion was held on the report prepared by Greg Last showing
the status of park fee collections. Questions were raised by the
Board in regards to the waiver of fees for SouthView and
Timberlake. Greg Last explained that SouthView had submitted their
final plat prior to approval of the park fee ordinance. SouthView
came back with a replat so that sewer services could be extended
and be more accessible by City Hall and other nearby areas. City
Council took this into consideration and waived the Park fees.
Steve Bender stated that he understood that Council had delayed
things on Timberlake; therefore, Council decided not to collect the
Park Dedication fees. Greg Last explained that he understood park
fees were not collected from Timberlake because their Final Plat
was submitted prior to the park ordinance being adopted.
Greg Last presented various scenarios of development that are not
specifically addressed in the Park Dedication. Problems arise as
to whether or not we should require a fee for certain situations.
A list of these scenarios are attached to the minutes. The Board
stated that there will be some situations that need to be
grandfathered, but if someone plats with the intention to build,
then they should be charged. The Board recommended that if someone
has previously paid park fees and they return to replat, then they
either owe more park fees or the City owes them a refund depending
on whether they have increased or decreased the number of lots.
Mr. Last stated that he would keep coming up with different
scenarios. He also commented that he would review these scenarios
with the Park Master Plan consultants prior to presenting to the
City Attorney for his legal opinion.
Park Budget - Steve Bender reiterated the problems in the park
fund accounting and tracking procedures. Mr. Bender further stated
that the ordinance specifies there will be a special revenue fund.
The Board agreed that they would like to see this in place and
would also like to know what limitation apply on accessing those
funds. The Board also requested that they receive a copy of the
monthly Parks Department expenditure and revenue reports.
AGENDA ITEM #5, Discussion Advertising Signs
Greg Last reported that the City has received payment for
advertising signs at Bicentennial Park for eight (8) renewals and
,,. three ( 3 ) new. Mr. Last stated that he would check into where the
previous advertising contracts are filed.
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
March 25, 1991
Page 3
AGENDA ITEM #6, Discussion Park Use Policy
Park Use Policy - Janet Murphy reported that the policy was
approved by City Council at their last meeting. Ms. Murphy stated
that a clause was added regarding insurance requirement. The
insurance requirement is designed and intended to be applicable
only to formal organizations and leagues who sponsor and control
organized athletic activities. Suggestions were made to have
copies of the policy available for the public at the park and City
AGENDA ITEM V , Discussion Bicentennial Park Report
Baseball Playing Fields - Randy Robertson reported on the number
of baseball teams and scheduled games. Mr. Robertson stated that
there are 33 Southlake teams. The season last for 28 weeks, and if
each team played 2 games each week, there would not be enough
playing fields. Mr. Robertson stated that we are badly in need of
more playing fields.
Maintenance and Repair Needs - Randy Robertson informed the Board
that he has written a memo to Public Works Director, Mike Barnes,
informing him of maintenance and repair needs at the park. A list
of these items, prepared by Mr. Robertson, is attached to the
Greg Last reported that the concrete slab poured under the
bleachers on field #3 by the Baseball Association was poured in the
drainage way. Randy Robertson stated that he was under the
impression that someone from the City had done the steel work.
Light Box Security - Mike Jurecka informed the Board that he
checked with several other cities on how they secure their light
switch boxes. He would recommend that the Board and City staff
look into purchasing locking boxes from Dealers Electric.
Currently the cities of Hurst and Euless use this type of box and
are very pleased with it.
AGENDA ITEM #8, Discussion Bear Creek Linear Park
Janet Murphy reported that she had attended a meeting about the
plans for the Bear Creek Linear Park within the City of Keller.
She was very impressed and would like to see the City of Southlake
pursue the same idea.
Greg Last stated that the issue could be brought up
when Timarron comes before City Council.
The Board recommended that an access off of S. White
Chapel be looked into.
Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
March 25, 1991
Page 4
Steve Bender offered to check with the neighbors in his
neighborhood (Continental Park Estates) to see how
receptive they would be to allowing a path along the back
of their property and the creek.
The Board recommended that Janet Murphy and Greg Last put
together a memo to Council from the Board recommending
the linear park be considered during Council's review of
the Timarron development at the next Council meeting.
A formal recommendation will be considered at the next Board
AGENDA ITEM #9, Discussion Oak Hills Estates
Greg Last reported that Oak Hills has had some cost overruns and
they are in the process of negotiating with the City about their
Park Dedication commitment. Oak Hills may request to pay a fee
instead of building the jogging path. Greg Last stated that the
Developers Agreement states that any cost overruns will be
negotiated with the City.
The Board would like this issue to come back to them so that they
can make a recommendation to Council.
AGENDA ITEM #10, Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10:55 p.m.
Janet Murphy, Chai pers n
Se to the City Mgr.