1991-04-10 (2)City of Southlake, Texas
April 10, 1991
o: Parks and Recreation Board Members
rom: Janet Murphy, Park & Recreation Board Chair
ubject: Master Park Plan - Public Meeting
May 29, 1991
Johnson Elementary Auditorium
lease plan to meet as a Board with the representatives of Schrickel,
ollins and Associates at 6:00 p.m. for a briefing of our duties for
he meeting and a synopsis of the presentation.
is public meeting is critical to the success of the park plan for
e following reasons:
Marketing of the plan's purpose, intent, process and
preliminary findings.
Educating municipal leaders and the public as to the
potential for park system development in the City.
Creating a sense of "ownership" and welcomed participation
in the planning process
Developing a spirit of teamwork between the City and its
residents. One that highlights the City's willingness to
share the responsibilities of decision making with those
most directly affected by those decisions.
the consultant's have pointed out that it is very important that the
citizens view the Parks and Recreation Board as leaders of the
meeting, as opposed to being seen as casual observers. When the
planning job is done, the consultants go home and the Board will be
the primary keeper of the plan and the most important contact point
for citizens interested in its implementation. The tone should be one
of appreciation and sharing.
The meeting will be advertised locally in the City newsletter,
Southlake Journal and Grapevine Sun. Please encourage citizens you
come in contact with between now and then to attend. The public
meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m.
If you will not be able to attend, I expect you to call me prior to
the 29th to let me know not to expect you.
City of Southlake, Texas
April 10, 1991
''o: Parks and Recreation Board Members
rom: Janet Murphy, Park & Recreation Board Chair
ubject: Park Board Meeting 5/6/91
oard Members present: Janet Murphy
Anne Barnes
ity Staff present:
rd Members absent:
Greg Last, Planner
Mike Jurecka (excused)
Steve Bender (excused)
Terry Mitchell
Rick Roberts
Randy Robertson
Lynn Haggarty
e to lack of a quorum, we were unable to conduct any official
Invited guest, Ms. Phyllis Kramer -Adler, representing the Friends of
the Southlake Library, discussed the feasibility of placing a
temporary building to house the Southlake Library at Bicentennial
Iso invited, Mr. Phil Jobe and Mr. Craig Curry, presented an overview
df the planned open space in the new Stone Lakes subdivision. It is a
PUD development requiring, by ordinance, a minimum of 16 acres of open
space. They are proposing 17 acres consisting primarily of an
enlarged existing lake with a jogging path surrounding it, landscaped
and irrigated. As you can see on the enclosed application and
attachment, they are requesting full 50% credit for these
improvements. This was to have been a "consider" item on our agenda.
If we'd had a quorum, we could have made a formal recommendation to
Council regarding their plans for parks and open space. We don't have
another Board meeting where this can be considered again until
June 10, 1991. It will have already begun its path through the P & Z
and Council hearings by this time.
I have been getting agendas to City staff on a timely basis, staff has
been getting Park and Recreation Board agendas and minutes back to us
in plenty of time to review them prior to our meetings. If you would
like more information on something you may have missed, please call me
and I'll try to bring you up to date prior to the meeting so as to not
hold up the whole group. Maybe this will help get our meetings over a
little earlier.
My telephone number is 488-2884. If you can't attend a scheduled
meeting, call me and let me know not to expect you. Leave a message
if I'm not home. Please, give me the opportunity to cancel and
schedule a meeting rather than face the embarrassing situation that
â– occurred this past Monday evening.
I represented the Parks and Recreation Board at the City Council
meeting on May 7, 1991 with our two recommendations; Ballfield
scheduling and Summer Day Camp. Both were approved.
Pg. 2 of 2
Type of Application: Preliminary Plat Final Plat X
(* If Final conforms to preliminary, fill in #1 only)
1. Development Name: Stone Lakes
2. Phase One Total Acres 74.3379. Total Lots 154
Phase Two , Total Acres 84.3321 , Total Lots 135
3. Total Parkland Dedication Assessed*: $ 145,200
* Residential - $ 500 per Lot
* Commercial s $ 500 per Acre
4. Proposed allocation to fulfill parkland dedication requirement:.
Land: $ 72,600 Fees: # 72,600 Improvements* $
*Describe any improvements: Trees, shrubs, irrigation, lakes,
fountains and gazebo
5. Does this development propose private parkland/open space?
Yes _ X No
If Yes, please describe: Total Acres 17.0 ,
Proposed Recreational Facilities: 3/4 mile joggin2 trail, fitness course
sand volleyball, horseshoe pits, tot 1 ot. ancT frisbee - go , etc. -
6. If this development contains private parkland, open space or
recreational facilities, are you requesting partial credit towards
parkland dedication requirements? Yes X No
7. Is this development a Planned Unit Development? Yes X No
8. Please note any additional information you wish to supply the Parks
Board. Feel free to reference attached text or exhibits as necessary.
See attachment
9. Contact Person: Craig Curry Phone: 3QO-2605
Firm: The Nelson Corporation Fax: 380-2605
Address: 5999 Summerside Drive. f202
,,, Dallas Texas 75252
May 6, 1991
Development Park OR
PHASE I 154 Lots (t74.3 Ac.) 3.08 Ac.
$ 77,000
PHASE II 135 Lots (t83.5 Ac.) 2.70 Ac.
$ 67,500
COMMERCIAL 1.4 Acres 0.03 Ac.
$ 700
TOTAL: 5.81 Ac.
A. Open Space
17 Acres
B. Amenities/Improvements (Estimated Value)
1. Passive Amenities
a. Landscaped buffer with brick and metal
screening fence.
b. Lakes with fountains, lake edging and
enhanced drainage structures.
c. Passive park area with gazebo, trees,
shrubs and meandering walkway.
2. Active Amenities
a. 3/4 mile jogging trail, with exercise
b. Sand volleyball pit.
c. Horseshoe pit.
d. Tot lot/playground
e. Frisbee golf