1991-04-22N CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING April 22, 1991 7:00 p.m. MINUTES Board Members Present: Chairperson, Janet Murphy; Ann Barnes, Steve Bender, Rick Roberts, Mike Jurecka, and Lynn Haggerty Members Absent: Terry Mitchell Staff Present: City Planner, Greg Last AGENDA ITEM #2, Approval of Minutes Motion was made to approve the Parks and Recreation Board Meeting minutes of April 10, 1991 including the comments by City Planner, Greg Last. Motion: Bender Second: Barnes Ayes: Bender, Barnes, Haggerty, Murphy, Roberts Noes: None Abstained: Robertson, Jurecka Approved: 5-0-2 AGENDA ITEM #3, Administrative Comments A. City Budget Process - Janet Murphy informed the Board that the City staff has started the FY92 Budget process. Any items that the Board would like to be considered should be presented at the next P&R meeting May 6. Greg Last stated that he would find out what the expected costs are for a lift station at Bicentennial Park. B. Shade Tree Toys - Steve Bender stated that Shade Tree Toys should be installing the rest of the park equipment the 2nd of May. City staff will need to get the swing moved. C. Park Grants - Randy Robertson informed the Board that he met with John Hamilton with the State Land Office. Mr. Hamilton informed Mr. Robertson that he is very instrumental in helping small towns apply for grants. Mr. Robertson offered to get in contact with Mr. Hamilton and invite him to one of the meetings. D. Traps Membership - Greg Last stated that he will pursue making application for membership through the City. He will make sure the Board gets a copy of the magazine. Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 22, 1991 Page 2 E. Park Seminar - Greg Last informed the Board about the NTCOG's efforts to develop training seminars for Parks and recreation Board members. He will get more information and bring back at the next meeting. F. Thunderbird - Greg Last informed the Board about a request from the Thunderbird Club to hold its pre -judging event at Bicentennial Park on Sunday, May 26. It was the consensus of the Park Board Members that this would not be a problem. G. Grapevine Lake - Mike Jurecka mentioned to the Board that he had heard plans were being made to make Lake Grapevine a constant level lake. Mr. Jurecka stated that the Board and City may want to find out if or how this will affect Southlake. Greg Last stated that he would check with the Park Master Plan Consultants. AGENDA ITEM #4, Bicentennial Park Maintenance Report Randy Robertson stated that most of the items presented at the last meeting had been taken care of with the exception of security and graffiti. Mr. Robertson further commented that it appeared that some form of lime was still being used for preparation of the ball fields. It was the consensus of the Board members that no form of lime should be used. It was noted that most parks used "marble dust" for preparation of fields. AGENDA ITEM #5, Park Master Plan Update Greg Last informed the Board that the park surveys had been sent out, and to date, approximately 150 completed surveys have been received. AGENDA ITEM #6, P&R Directory Mike Jurecka passed out a preliminary list of recreation and leisure activities available in the area. Members were asked to review and bring back their suggestions to the next meeting. Greg Last offered that City staff could maintain the list and incorporate changes as they occur on the City's word processing. AGENDA ITEM #7, Budget Control Report A. Timarron - Steve Bender reported that the preliminary plat for Timarron was approved by Council. Mr. Bender stated that the Council wants to keep the linear park issue open as an option. Greg Last stated that this will be an issue at the final plat/developer's agreement stage. Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 22, 1991 Page 3 B. Park Land Dedication - Mr. Bender stated that he is not tracking things at this time pending the outcome of the subdivision issue. Greg Last reported that every effort will be made to make sure Steve Bender receives an expense and revenue report each month for the Parks and Recreation Division. Janet Murphy requested that she receive a copy of Council agendas. AGENDA ITEM #8, Advertising Signs at Bicentennial Park Rick Roberts reported that as a result of the letter solicitation 13 renewals were received and as a result of the newspaper advertisement, 3 signs were sold. Board members were given names of those persons who have not yet committed and were asked to personally contact them. AGENDA ITEM #9, Ballfield Schedul Ann Barnes recommended that the Park Board consider making a recommendation to Council to allow the Southlake Baseball Association and the Girls Softball Association to schedule ballfields 1,2, and 3 at Bicentennial Park. The issue of scheduling of the ballfields and the problems that existed were brought before the Board at their April loth meeting by City staff. The SBA and GSA were present at the meeting and expressed their frustration with the scheduling of the fields. Due to the number of teams and the number of games being played from April through July, the SBA and GSA feel that scheduling of the fields would be maintained more efficiently by the associations. Motion was made to recommend to the Council that they consider allowing the SBA and GSA the responsibility of maintaining the scheduling of all fields at Bicentennial Park from April 1 through July 31, 1991 with the understanding that Southlake citizens and/or groups may schedule fields on Sundays whenever possible. On Sundays, when the SBA and GSA need the fields for make-up/rain-out games, rather than tieing up the fields for the whole day, they limit their reservations by allowing a maximum of two (2) hours preparation time. Motion: Barnes Second: Robertson Ayes: Barnes, Robertson, Murphy, Bender, Roberts, Jurecka, Haggerty Noes: None Approved: 7-0 x Parks and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes April 22, 1991 Page 4 AGENDA ITEM #10, Tina Harvey, Adventure Club Motion was made to recommend that Council contract with Tina Harvey, Adventure Club, for two one -week summer day camps at Bicentennial Park with the stipulation that Ms. Harvey will be responsible for registration, the City will provide a location for registration, and as a City sponsored event, the insurance liability will fall under the City's insurance coverage. Motion: Robertson Second: Barnes Ayes: Robertson, Barnes, Murphy, Bender, Jurecka, Roberts, Haggerty Noes: None Approved: 7-0 AGENDA ITEM #11, Revisions to Park Dedication Ordinance Re: Single Lot Developments Steve Bender stated that he believes when the Park Dedication Ordinance was first created it was the consensus of the P&R Board that everybody would pay park fees including single lot developments. Based on the information provided by Greg Last on the definition of "developer" and "subdivider," Mr. Bender recommended that no action be taken. Motion was made to take no action on this item. Motion: Bender Second: Barnes Ayes: Bender, Barnes, Murphy, Haggerty, Roberts, Jurecka, Robertson Noes: none Approved: 7-0 AGENDA ITEM #12, Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 p.m. ATTEST: K-19Y 15ush,_ Secretary to he City Manager Garniet Murphy, Chai per on