Board Members
Barnes, Steve
June 10, 1991 7:00 p.m.
Present: Chairperson: Janet Murphy; Members: Ann
Bender, Mike Jurecka, Lynn Haggerty, and Randy
Members Absent: Terry Mitchell, Rob Johnson, and Rick Roberts.
City Staff Present: City Planner, Greg Last, and Kim Bush,
Secretary to the City Manager.
The Meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. At the direction of
the Chairman, Janet Murphy, the Agenda order was changed to
accomodate the guest speakers.
Agenda Item #4, Park Master Plan Update, Discussion
Suzanne Sweek and Bo Bass with Schrickel Rollins and Assoc., Inc.,
were present and presented to the Board the first draft of the
Planning and Design Criteria and base studies for the Park and
Recreation Master Plan. Ms. Sweek and Mr. Bass also explained the
summary of the Park and Recreation Survey results. (Both items are
included in the minutes.) Ms. Sweek informed the Board that the
next two meetings will be spent discussing planning recommendations
and implementations.
Agenda Item #5, Consider Stone Lakes Subdivision Proposed Parks
and Open Space
Phillip Jobe and Craig Curry, Stone Lakes Subdivision, presented
the Park Land Amenities Site Plan for Stone Lakes. Mr. Curry
stated that they are planning 17+ acres of open space and are
looking for 50% credit.
Concern was expressed by the Board Members because of no off street
parking or sidewalks provided for safe and fair access to the park
amenities by the residents of Stone Lakes.
Craig Curry suggested that they could provide a few off street
parallel parking spaces near the structured activity area.
Motion was made to recommend to City Council that a 50% credit be
awarded to the Stone Lakes Subdivision.
Motion: Bender
Second: Robertson
Ayes: Bender, Robertson, Murphy, Barnes, Jurecka, Haggerty
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0
Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
June 10, 1991
Page 2
Agenda Item #2, Approval of Minutes
Motion was made to approve the minutes of April 22, 1991 as
Motion: Barnes
Second: Haggerty
Ayes: Barnes, Haggerty, Bender, Robertson, Murphy, Jurecka
Nays: None
Approved: 6-0
Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments
A. City Planner, Greg Last, reported that the City would be
contracting with Tina Harvey for the Adventure Club summer
camp. This will address the insurance concerns.
B. Greg Last informed the Board that formal notice was sent to
the Girls Softball Association and the Southlake Baseball
Association regarding responsibility for ballfield scheduling.
C. Randy Robertson informed the Board that the Baseball
Association would be hosting two Pony tournaments and they are
planning to charge admission.
D. Janet Murphy stated that she would not be able to attend the
July 8th meeting but Randy Robertson will chair the meeting in
her place.
Aaenda Item #6, Park Maintenance Report
A. The lions building was broken into and some damage was
suffered. City staff will be checking damage to the door and
repairing the locks.
B. Greg Last presented to the Board a Maintenance Schedule for
the park. He asked that the Board keep him informed of things
that need to be addressed.
C. Greg Last stated that the overhead electrical wires around the
maintenance building need to be removed as a final requirement
of a Texas Parks and Wildlife grant.
D. Jogging Trail - Greg Last stated that City Council told the
developers that the jogging trail had to be built. The
developers will be asking for a credit on the 2nd phase of
their development for the difference between the actual cost
and the amount they owe for Phase I.
4 Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
June 10, 1991
Page 3
Agenda Item #7, P&R directory
Suggestions for the directory were made to (1) place the local
activities at the beginning; (2) list contact persons name and
phone number; and (3) include stadium exhibits.
Agenda Item #8, Budget Report
Steve Bender reported that there is a balance of $26,296.
The Board reviewed the New Requests Summary form for the FY92
budget prepared by Greg Last.
Suggestions were made by the the Board to request that the City
Council consider allowing the Park Board to pursue the possibility
of obtaining the Texas National Bank building for a civic center at
the park.
Agenda Item #9, Advertising Signs
Board members reported on their follow-up calls. Most Board
members agreed that the playground equipment shows that the program
has been successful.
Agenda Item #10, Advertising on Scoreboards
Janet Murphy informed the Board that advertising space was
available for sale on the Scoreboard. Monies made on this
advertising is to be used to recoup the cost of putting up the
scoreboard. For future advertising, decisions need to be made on
who will sell the advertising space and what the money will be used
Agenda Item #11, Park and Recreation Board Ordinance
Ann Barnes volunteered to review the present Park and Recreation
Board Ordinance and point out the areas that need to be revised and
brought up to date i.e., meeting dates, bylaws, etc.
Agenda Item #12, Adjournment
Randy Robertson asked that the request by SBA for charging a gate
fee at the baseball tournament be placed on the next P&R Agenda.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 p.m.
Park and Recreation Board Meeting Minutes
June 10, 1991
Page 4
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