1991-09-09City of Southlake, Texas
September 9, 1991
Board Members present: Chairperson, Janet Murphy; Members: Rand)
Robertson, Rod Johnson, Mike Jurecka, and Lynn Haggerty.
City Staff present: City Planner, Greg Last and Assistant to t
City Manager, Chris Terry.
Agenda Items Discussed:
3. Administrative Comments.
Introduction of Chris Terry who will be participating in
future Park and Recreation Board Meetings as City staff
4. Discussion - Budget Control Report.
Budget summary information discussed by Janet Murphy in Steve
Bender's absence.
5. Discussion - Bicentennial Park.
a) Reordering of advertising signs to be placed at
Bicentennial Park discussed by Janet Murphy.
b) Dugout roof construction update presented by Robertson.
An Eagle Scout may undertake this volunteer project.
Additional research into alternative roofing designs was
suggested by Robertson and Mike Jurecka. Robertson
will contact the Scout to ascertain interest.
c) Robertson led discussion on maintenance activities at
Bicentennial Park.
- Mowing will be conducted on Tuesday to prepare
for Tuesday night ball games.
- Rod Johnson requested tree trimming work be done
around picnic table areas.
- Johnson suggested lighting for these areas to
increase security.
- Greg Last presented a Jogging Trail update. Last
reported that a contractor has been located to do the
6. Discussion - Park Master Plan.
Draft revisions to the Preliminary Parks Master Plan were
suggested by Board members. These revisions were noted in the
text of City staff copies of the Plan.
City of Southlake, Texas
7. Discussion - Recreation Facilities Brochure.
Chris Terry will prepare a preliminary draft for Parks and
Recreation Board review.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m.
The next meeting is set for Monday, October 14, 1991.
Janet Murphy,
Chris Terry,
Assistant to the City Manager