1991-12-09City of Southlake, Texas
Monday, December 9, 1991
Board members present: Chairperson, Janet Murphy; Members: Ann
Barnes, Steve Bender, Mike Jurecka, Rod Johnson, and Terry
City staff present: City Planner, Greg Last and Asst. to the City
Manager, Chris Terry.
Meeting called to order at 7:12 p.m.
Agenda items Discussed:
3. Administrative Comments.
a) Janet Murphy reminded the board members that the
selection of Officers would be taken up at the January
meeting. She advised anyone interested in the Chair
position to attend a Parks and Recreation seminar to be
held in Arlington.
b) Chris Terry presented the latest additions to the Parks
Board Scrapbook for review.
4. Discussion - Budget Control Report.
Steve Bender reviewed the latest revenue and expense
reports for the Park Fund. Chris Terry explained that
Finance Director, Lou Ann Heath had offered to separate
the Parks Dedication Fees from the rest of the revenue
and expense report if this would enhance accounting
procedures for the Board.
5. Discussion - Bicentennial Park.
a) The Board discussed the possibility having the Eagle
Scout interested in performing a community project
conduct repair work to Park picnic tables. The tables at
the top of the wooded hill at Bicentennial were
identified as tables requiring the most work.
b) Acquisition of new practice ballfield sites was
discussed. Potential sites identified included: IBM
property under a city water tower, property near Texas
National Bank, Joyce property, Tate property near Corps
of Engineers land, on Ravenwood near the flea market.
6. Discussion - Voluntary Water Bill Donation.
After discussion, Motion was made to recommend City
Council approval of a $1.00 voluntary parks and