1992-02-10City of Southlake, Texas CITY OF SOUTHLAKE PARK AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING Monday, February 10, 1992 Minutes Board Members present: Chairperson, Janet Murphy; Members: Ann Barnes, Lynn Haggerty, Mike Jurecka, Rod Johnson, Terry Mitchell, and Randy Robertson. Members Absent: Mike Thompson. City Staff present: Asst. to the City Manager, Chris Terry. Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m. Agenda items Discussed: 3. Administrative Comments. a) Janet Murphy discussed possible printing arrangements for the Southlake Parks and Recreation brochure. Murphy suggested having approximately 2,500 copies printed. b) Murphy announced the formation of a TRAPS Advisory Board which is seeking participants to work on park related items for the Texas Dept. of Parks and Wildlife. c) Murphy reported that baseball practice sites to be used for the 1992 season have been acquired on approximately 10 acres of undeveloped property located just west of Carroll Elementary. 4. Discussion - Recreational Programs Proposal. "Adventure Camp" Director, Tina Harvey presented a proposal requesting the Board to support the organization of extended youth and adult recreational programs. Harvey plans to develop a series of programs such as an extended "Adventure Camp", babysitting classes, kids-n-motion programs, adult fitness courses, and other programs beginning this summer and fall. Harvey proposed administering the program in the same manner as last year with 5% of registration fees going to the City. Harvey said she would request that the City provide the same insurance coverage for the program as last year. The Board expressed the desire to support these recreational proposals. 5. Consider - Timarron Park Dedication Fee Request. Murphy reported that a Parks Board subcommittee met to further discuss Mobil's request for 50% credit on their park dedication fees for Phase I of the Timarron development. The subcommittee reached consensus that a land dedication would be Parks Board Minutes February 10, 1992 Page 2 5. Consider: Timarron Park Dedication Fee Request - cont. preferable to fees if such an offer is made. Robertson also expressed the Board's strong desire to focus on land acquisition if possible. In support of this thinking, Barnes said that incremental dedication fees were proving to be inadequate to fund the acquisition of additional park land. Barnes suggested that Mobil consider making a lump sum dedication fee for half of the entire Timarron development. This fee would amount to $250,000.00. Susan Evans, President, Timarron Land Development said that she would investigate the possibility of making a land in lieu of fees park dedication or submitting the $250, 000.00 lump sum dedication fee as suggested by Barnes. After discussion, the Board moved to recommend that Mobil Land Development be granted the 50% credit for the first half of their Timarron development park dedication fee requirements provided that the fee sum for the first 1,000 lots is paid up front. The Board would also support dedication requirement fulfillments that offered land in lieu of fees. This potential land dedication would be a 10 acre approved site. Motion: Robertson. Second: Mitchell. Ayes: Barnes, Haggerty, Mitchell, Murphy, and Robertson. Nays: Johnson, Jurecka. Approved: 5-2. 6. Discussion - Leadership Southlake Group Proiect. Leadership Southlake participants Rick Black and Ros Osborne appeared before the Board to discuss their group project which will involve research and analysis into locating sites for temporary or permanent baseball fields for practices and games. Black and Osborne sought direction from the Board regarding the best location for such fields. The Board recommended that sites of 4-5 acres are necessary to place at least 2 ballfields on. The Board also encouraged the group to investigate potential sites on C.I.S.D. property, near Stacy Furniture, and on Ravenaux St. 7. Discussion - Southlake Baseball Association. Steve Heitz appeared before the Board to present the Baseball Association's proposal for new batting cages and an additional field to be located due south of Field 3 behind the present pine tree stand. Funds for this new field would be raised by the Association. The proposed batting cages would be 2 side by side 30' X 70' structures located near the center of the Parks Board Minutes February 10, 1992 Page 3 7. Discussion - Southlake Baseball Association - cont. baseball field area. Janet Murphy said that revenue from the baseball field advertising signs could be used towards the cost of future batting cage replacement nets. The Board decided to support these suggested improvements at the Park. The Baseball Association will appear before the City Council on February 18, 1992 to make this Bicentennial improvement proposal. 8. Discussion - Bicentennial Drainage Improvements. Public Works Director Mike Barnes appeared before the Board to discuss planned improvements to correct runoff problems resulting from inadequate drainage through the center of Bicentennial. These problems result in water collection on Field 2 at the Park. Mike Barnes indicated that these improvements have been budgeted for and scheduled to be worked on in the coming weeks. 9. Bicentennial Park Report. a) Janet Murphy reported that she had recently taken a tour of the Community Building at Bicentennial Park. Murphy indicated that she would like to convene a meeting at the facility soon to have the Board assess various uses for the building. b) Murphy reported that she had met with Identitec Signs of Southlake to determine proper dimensions and support required to display the Park's baseball advertising signs on the 3 ballfield scoreboards. Once Identitec has submitted an estimate for the cost of the sign work, rate notices will be mailed out. Meeting Adjourned at 10:15 p.m. The next meeting is set for Wednesday, February 26 at 7:00 p.m. in the City Hall Council Chambers. Janet Murphy, Chairperson ATTEST: c Ch i r , Assistant to the City Manager