1991-09-30CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue TEEN COURT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING September 30, 1991 6:00 p.m. MINUTES COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Buddy Luce, Chauncey Willingham, Sally Hall, Cathy Turner, Jason Weddel, Megan Hartman, Christen Gystafson, Janine Bernasek, Mike Bedrick, and Ralph Hopkins. COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Brad Bradley and Jon Michael Franks. The Regular meeting of the Teen Court Advisory Committee meeting was called to order at 6:15 p.m. Item #1. Selection of Officers for Teen Court Advisory Committee Sally Hall suggested that the Board choose a chairperson to lead the meetings and a secretary to record the minutes of the meetings. Buddy Luce was selected as chairperson and Janine Bernasek as vice-chairperson/treasurer. Sally Hall was chosen as secretary. Ralph Hopkins was selected as the coordinator for the group. Item #2, Draft of Teen Court Philosoph Officer Mike Bedrick presented the first draft of the Teen Court Philosophy, noting that Teen Court is a volunteer program which allows juvenile misdemeanor offenders an alternative to the criminal justice system while allowing them to assume responsibility for their own actions by involvements in the judicial process and community services in order that their offenses will not be recorded. Bringing juvenile offenders to a jury of their peers and to the Community for constructive punishment will provide the youths with an understanding of the judicial system and a realization of their roles in the community. Other items addressed by Bedrick include: Goals, Community Involvement; Eligibility of Defendants; Overview of Teen Court Process; Responsibilities of Participants; Teen Volunteers; Prosecuting/Defense Counsel; Terms of Office, Rules of Court; Discipline Guide, and, Implementation and Expected cost of implementation. Item #3, City of Arlington, Teen Court Observed The Teen Advisors reported on their trip to the City of Arlington's Teen Court. They shard some valuable information regarding the court system, including: Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting September 30, 1991 page two 1) The Judge at Arlington Teen Court asked the jury if they knew the defendant. Our Teen Advisors attending the court felt the City of Arlington was so large that the likelihood of the jury knowing the defendant was minimal, however, in Southlake, since we are a small community, this might present a problem. After discussion with all Board members present, it was suggested by Buddy Luce that Southlake adopt a procedure whereby the attorneys and defendant could strike up to three (3) jury members of a six (6) member jury if they felt jury knowledge of the defendant might bias the court case. 2) Another concern of the Teen advisors was the training of the Teen Court Lawyers. They suggested that the Teen Lawyers be High School Juniors or Seniors. Also that we have at least three (3) Teen Lawyers, and that we should send the Teen Lawyers for training to the City of Arlington, or City of North Richland Hills. Buddy Luce indicated that Nancy Kirkland, Teen Court Coordinator from North Richland Hills has offered to assist Southlake in our start-up of the program. Mrs. Kirkland indicated that we should just start our Teen Court, expect a few mistakes initially, and correct those problems as we go along. She also suggested we might evolve to a "share -a -court" situation involving other communities in our area. She did state that she would assist Southlake. The North Richland Hills Court meets the 3rd Monday of the month. We are welcome to send observers, however, she would like for us to call ahead with the number who will be attending. Phone number: 281-3743. Item #4, Establishinq Time and Days for Teen Court Meetinqs The issue of meeting days, time, and location for meetings was discussed. The board selected Monday as the meeting day, however, the exact Monday of each month was not decided. It was also decided that the meetings will be held at City Hall, possibly changing locations when the new building at the park is in place and ready for occupancy. Item #5, Community Service Hours Community service hours were discussed. Officer Mike Bedrick stated he felt the reduction of some of the community service hours should take place, as it would be impossible to serve that length of time. He also suggested omitting possession of marijuana under 2 ozs., and evading the police offense from the Teen Court docket. He felt these kinds of offenses should be handled in regular court. The board also discussed the criminal mischief classification. Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting September 30, 1991 page three Cathy Turner suggested the fine for damage be from $20. to $200. and that possibly community service hours issued, should be based only the the amount of damage caused. Item #6, Community Service Projects Sally Hall reported she is gathering community service projects from the City and the School District. The information will be passed on to Mr. Hopkins. Item #7, Teen Lawyers Buddy Luce discussed how we would get our first group of Teen Lawyers. It was agreed that the Advisory Board should review the applications. It was suggested that the applications include a space for the applicant to write a brief paragraph on why they wanted to apply for Teen Court Lawyer. Mike Bedrick agreed to draft the application form. Item #8, Teen Court Conference The Board discussed sending from six (6) to eight (8) people to the Teen Court Conference in Bedford. To be held on November 7 & 8. Mr. Bedrick stated he could fund four (4) attendees from the City budget. Mrs. Hall stated she could get donations for the other four (4) attendees. Cost of the conference is $40. per person. Item #9, Newspaper Coverage for Teen Court Chauncey Willingham suggested we start to get information out to various newspapers in the area. Megan Hartman volunteered to write the articles. Item #10, Teen Court Logo Cathy Turner passed out Logo Designs which she and Sally Hall had worked on over the past couple of weeks. The Teen Advisors narrowed the selections down to two designs. Janine Bernasek agreed to work on the logos and present them at the next board meeting. Item #11, Teen Court presentation before Carroll P.T.O. Mike Bedrick reported that the group is to make a fifteen (15) minute presentation before the P.T.O. during their November meeting. Mr. Willingham, Jason, Megan, Christine, and Janice will present the skit from the group. Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting September 30, 1991 page four Item #12, Adjournment The next board meeting will be held on October 14, 1991, 6:00 p.m., in the conference room at city hall. The meeting was adjourned. Ja-.�&, YY -jqk� Sally 11 Secretary/Teen Court Advisory Committee SH/sl M 0