667 N. Carroll Avenue
October 14, 1991 6:00 p.m.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Buddy Luce, Chairperson; Janine
Bernasek, Vice -Chairperson; Ralph Hopkins, Coordinator. Members:
Jason Weddel, Cathy Turner, Christen Gustafson, Megan Hartman, and
Mike Bedrich.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Sally Hall, Secretary; Chauncey
Willingham, Jon Michael Franks and Brad Bradley.
The Regular meeting of the Teen Court Advisory Committee was called
to order at 6:00 p.m., by Ralph Hopkins, Coordinator.
Mr. Hopkins indicated he had a conversation with Ms. Nancy
Kirkland, North Richland Hills Teen Court, in regard to organizing
the Southlake Teen Court. Hopkins stated he would be meeting with
Ms. Kirkland on Wednesday, October 16, and she will be giving him a
overview of the Teen Court process as well as providing necessary
Hopkins indicated that Mrs. Kirkland stated she feels it is good to
get things going, to have a good set of goals and learn by the
mistakes made.
The group was invited to attend Teen Court in North Richland Hills
at 6:00 p.m. on October 21, 1991. Anyone interested in attending,
should meet at the High School parking lot at 5:30 p.m.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes
Chairperson Buddy Luce suggested waiting to approve the minutes of
the September 30, 1991 meeting, until the next meeting.
Agenda Item #4, By -Laws
Chairman Buddy Luce, noted a sample set of By -Laws has been
provided in the packets. He suggested they be reviewed and
discussed during the next meeting, whereby the members will have a
chance to review them.
Agenda Item #5, Selection of Judges for Teen Court
Mr. Luce stated he felt that Brad Bradley will be serving as Judge
for Teen Court. It was suggested that an alternate judge be
selected, to serve in the absence of the judge. Mr. Luce agreed to
talk with Brad Bradley and also Charlie Williams in regard to the
Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting
October 14, 1991
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Agenda Item #6, Teen Court Conference
Mr. Luce expressed that Sally Hall, Secretary, noted she has
received funds for the November 7-8 Teen Court Conference, which
will be held in Bedford, Texas. Mrs. Turner expressed that funds
have been collected to send eight (8) members to the conference.
Those who stated they plan to attend include: Janine Bernasek,
Christen Gustafson, Ralph Hopkins. Others going will be identified
at a later date. Mr. Willingham has complied a list of students
who would like to attend.
Mr. Luce asked Cathy Turner to get with Mrs. Hall in regards to
actual monies collected for this event.
Agenda Item #7, Presentation at P.T.O. Meeting for November
Due to the absence of Chauncey Willingham, those present agreed to
meet with him at a later date in regard to the skit, to be
presented during the November P.T.O. meeting.
Agenda Item #8, Agenda Format for Teen Court Advisory Meetings
Chairman, Buddy Luce, noted that the Teen Court Advisory Committee
is a part of the City structure, therefore, must comply with the
Texas Open Meetings Act, which states an agenda must be posted 72
hours prior to any meeting, and the meeting is open to the
public. The agenda will be posted by the City Secretary in
accordance with V.T.C.S.
If any member of the committee would like an item on the agenda,
please give the information to Sandy LeGrand, four days prior to
the meeting date. Ms. LeGrand's number is 481-5581, ex. 704.
Agenda Item #9, Selection of a Regular Meeting Date for the
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It was determined that the meetings should be held every two (2)
weeks until the committee feels the procedures are in place. The
next meeting will be held on October 28, 1991, at 6:00 p.m. It was
agreed the meetings will be held on Mondays.
Agenda Item #10, Newspaper Coverage
Megan Hartman reported on the activity in regard to newspaper
coverage. She stated she has talked with the Southlake Journal who
has placed an article in the newspaper. She will also present an
announcement to be made at the High School in regard to
applications to Teen Court.
Mr. Luce asked Miss Hartman to talk with Martin Aldridge of the
Southlake Journal, in regard to having an ongoing article about the
Teen Court in the newspaper.
Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting
October 14, 1991
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Agenda Item #11, Teen Court Logo
The Teen Court Logo was discussed. Janine Bernasek presented two
(2) logos, noting George Shea was the artist who prepared them.
After discussion, the group agreed on the logo with the full body
of the dragon. Sally Hall is to suggest what lettering will go on
the logo.
Aaenda Item #12, Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by Chairman, Buddy Luce.
Cathy Turner, Acting Secretary
Teen Court Advisory Committee