1991-10-28CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue TEEN COURT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING October 28, 1991 6:00 p.m. MINUTES COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Buddy Luce, Chairperson; Ralph Hopkins, Coordinator; Sally Hall, Secretary. Members: Jason Weddel, Cathy Turner, Christen Gustafson, Megan Hartman, andMike Bedrich. COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Janine Bernasek, Vice -Chairperson; Brad Bradley, Jon Michael Franks, and Chauncey Willingham. The Regular meeting of the Teen Court Advisory Committee was called to order at 6:10 p.m., by Sally Hall, Secretary. Mrs. Hall called the roll and noted that Chris Terry, Assistant to the City Manager, was also in attendance. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes The Minutes of the September 30, 1991, Teen Court Meeting were approved as presented. Motion: Turner Second: Hartman Ayes: Turner, Hartman, Hopkins, Hall, Weddel, Gustafson, Bedrich. Nays: None Approved: 7-0 vote The Minutes of the October 14, 1991, Teen Court Meeting were approved as presented. Motion: Turner Second: Hartman Ayes: Turner, Hartman, Hopkins, Weddel, Gustafson, Bedrich Nays: None Abstention: Hall Approved: 6-0-1 vote Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments Ralph Hopkins commented on the visit to the North Richland Hills Teen Court, which took place on October 21, 1991. He stated he and others learned a lot from sitting in on the session. This went along very well with his meeting with Mrs. Kirkland. He presented forms, brochures, procedures, and etc., which he received from Mrs. Kirkland. He outlined the pretrial process which takes one from the beginning to the end on the teen court process. He presented a package for pre -training of Teen Court Attorney's. Mrs. Kirkland stated the group is free to copy all of 446w the materials presented. Chairman, Buddy Luce arrived at this time. Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting October 14, 1991 page two Agenda Item #3, Continued Mr. Hopkins feels it is time to review the process with Judge Bradley. Hopkins stated Mrs. Kirkland offered to sit in on Southlake's first court session to offer advice or suggestions. enda Item #4, Guidelines and Philosophy for Teen Court Buddy Luce suggested the guidelines and philosophy are in place in the materials which were presented in an earlier meeting. Luce stated a person has to plea guilty in municipal court in order to go to teen court. Luce stated he will talk with Judge Bradley about the process. Mr. Hopkins stated there is a package of guidelines which he will put together which will put the steps in order. He plans to have those ready for the next meeting. The dress code was discussed. It was Hills dress code is more casual. Motion was made presented. Motion: Hopkins Second: Hall Ayes: Hopkins, Weddel Nays: None Approved: 8-0 vote to accept the noted that North Richland guidelines and philosophy as Hall, Turner, Luce, Gustafson, Bedrich, Hartman, enda Item #5, Establishment of By -Laws for Teen Court Buddy Luce stated that a copy of sample by-laws was in the last packet. He feels the by-laws presented are a standard form. He volunteered to make the changes and present for approval at the next meeting. Agenda Item #6, Presentation at November P.T.O. Meeting Cathy Turner suggested the students get together and decide what they want to do for the P.T.O. Meeting and present the program to Mr. Willingham for his approval. Mr. Luce stated he feels the skit needs to be informational in explaining the teen court to the parents and high school students. This item is to be on the next meeting agenda. Teen Court Advisory Committee Minutes October 28, 1881 page three Agenda Item #7 and #8, Lawyer Training Applications Lawyer Training was discussed. It was announced that twenty-three (23) applications have been received for Teen Court Lawyer Training. The names selected for Teen Lawyers include: Janine Bernasek, Jason Weddel, Christen Gustafson, Aimee Sommers, Micah Van Sickle, Adon Cullins, Jeromy Denton, Brett Bergman, Heather Edwards, Lee Gervitz Stacey Hatcher and Karlee Atkinson. Alternate Lawyers include: Justin Robinson, Diedre Ashore, and Rob McNutt. Bailiff: Tim Watson and Chris Lang. Jury members include: Christina Caitlin, Jack Barton, Marina Campbell, Julie Fix, Bryan Gilmore, Christeo Bartlett, Shelly Maggard, Joe Travino and Jennifer Brinkley. Sally Hall stated funds have been collected to send eight (8) people to the Lawyer Training seminar. The applications were reviewed. It was suggested that twelve (12) be trained. The term will be for six (6) months. Those who plan to attend the seminar to be held on November 7-8, include: Janine Bernasek, Cathy Turner, Ralph Hopkins, Christen Gustafson, Jeromy Denton, Aimee Sommers, Adon Cullins, Micha Van Sickle. Alternates include: Stacey Hatcher, Karlee Atkinson, Brett Bergman. Buddy Luce would try to arrange for lawyer training on the Monday before Thanksgiving, in order to have Teen Court in December. Chairman Buddy Luce left at this time. Agenda Item 9, Supplies for Teen Court It was determined that the Teen Court Advisory Committee will be in need of a filing cabinet for information. Buddy Luce will be asking the School Board of monies to offset the cost for the Teen Court brochure. The other costs (postage and forms), will be covered under the Municipal Court Budget, by the $10. fee which will be assessed at the time the person applies for teen court. Mike Bedrich suggested Mrs. Hall contact a local bank. Ms. Hall stated she will talk with the City Manager in regard to the fee. Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting October 28, 1991 **mow page four Agenda Item #10, Adjournment The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully Submitted, '� &4 A4z4t� Sa ly 1pil, Secretary SH/sl