1991-12-16CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue TEEN COURT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING December 16, 1991 6:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Sally Hall, Secretary; Jon Michael Franks, Cathy Turner, Megan Hartman, Jason Weddel and Christen Gustafson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Buddy Luce, Chairman; Ralph Hopkins, Coordinator; Janine Bernasek, Mike Bedrich, Chauncey Willingham, and Brad Bradley. The Regular Meeting of the Teen Court Advisory Committee was called to order by Sally Hall, Secretary, in the absence of Buddy Luce, Chairman, at 6:00 p.m. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes of the November 25, 1991 Meeting Approval of the minutes of the November 25, 1991 Teen Court meeting were postponed until the next regular meeting, due to the illness of the City Secretary who prepares the minutes. Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments Sally Hall commented in regard to an article which appeared in a local newspaper, adding that it was a board decision that Megan Hartman would serve as the member of Teen Court to handle "press releases" from the committee. Mrs. Hall emphasized that board decisions are to stand and no one on the board is to circumvent those decisions. The newspaper printed misinformation about the propose of Teen Court. The newspaper was delivered to all the citizens of the area. Jon Michael Franks explained the "gag order" in regard to court cases. He suggested the names of jurors, defendants, or witnesses in a court case not be printed in the newspaper. It was determined this item will appear on the next agenda for a policy decision. Mrs. Hall stated, the intent when the Teen Court Advisory Committee was first formed by the City Council, was to incorporate young adults as members of the board. Those young adults have demonstrated their ability to be responsible. She stated, she feels they should be treated equitably as board members, adding, their have been a couple of instances where they have been circled and gone around and are not being treated as equal members of the Teen Court Advisory Committee December 16, 1991 page two Agenda Item #3, Continued board. She would like to see this stopped. Mrs. Hall elaborated on two instances where this has occurred. She added, if young adults are placed on a board they must be listened to and treated as an equal member of the board. Their discussions and decisions must be respected. If the youth of today are to be responsible, they are given the responsibility. Once they demonstrate the responsibility, it is the duty of the adults to support and allow that, or, we are under mining the system. Jason Weddel stated he feels this is a really neat thing to be on the board and to have people listen to you, and to know your opinion and comments mean something. Mrs. Hall stated the uniqueness about the Southlake Teen Court is that it is a process involving the city, school and the youth of our community. She feels it is the best approach toward the development of these type of projects. Cathy Turner commented that she agrees with Mrs. Hall, stating this program is for the kids. Too many times, adults demand the respect of the kids, but they do not give the kids the respect they deserve. Cathy Turner reported on the status of the Teen Court brochures, stating Murray Printing has indicated they will do the project at cost. They will print approximately 1,000 brochures in two colors for about $50.00. Sally Hall stated the City of Southlake will finance the brochures and the bill should be sent to the attention of the City Secretary, to be charged to Court. Agenda Item #4, Establishment of By -Laws for Teen Court Advisory rnmmit_tPe The By -Laws have not been completed by Buddy Luce at this time. Points to be included in the By -Laws were discussed. Mrs. Hall explained issues, including: attendance at meetings, and equal voting by all members. Jon Michael Franks offered to contact Mr. Luce in regard to the completion of the draft of the document. Agenda Item #5, Debriefing on First Teen Court Session This item is to be placed on the next agenda in order for all members to be present for the discussion on the debriefing on the first Teen Court Session. Teen Court Advisory Committee December 16, 1991 page three Agenda Item #5, Continued Mr. Franks stated in regard to the Court Sessions, and his not being used to being involved with municipal jurors. In the future, there needs to be an opportunity for the defense attorney to make opening statements. Before the next session, more instructions should be given orally to jurors before they serve. Also the self evaluation forms being used by other municipalities need to be studied. Jury instructions should be given in regard to: definition; issues on the case in general; a juror responsibility list that says what they are suppose to do, and how they are suppose to do it. The Foreman job needs instructions also. Mr. Franks indicated if any member of the committee feels something else needs to be added, please contact him. The sentences issued during the first Court Session were discussed. Agenda Item #6, Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Sally Hall after the members present identified themselves for the tape recording of this meeting. Respectfully submitted, Sally Hal , Secretary SRH/sl 1E