1992-01-22CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue TEEN COURT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING January 22, 1992 6:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT: Buddy Luce, Chairman; Janine Bernasek, Vice -Chairman -Treasurer; Sally Hall, Secretary; Ralph Hopkins, Coordinator; Megan Hartman; Jason Weddel, and, Cathy Turner. MEMBERS ABSENT: Mike Bedrich, Chauncey Willingham; and, Jon Michael Franks. The Regular meeting of the Teen Court Advisory Committee was called to order at 6:00 p.m., by Buddy Luce, Chairman. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes The Minutes of the Teen Court Advisory Committee meetings held on November 25, 1991 and December 16, 1991, were approved as represented. Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments Sally Hall stated she has talked with Judge Brad Bradley, who noted the City has a back log of cases for Teen Court and he suggested double sessions be held. Ralph Hopkins stated he talked with Laura Dennan, Court Clerk for the City, in regard to the back log of cases. Ms. Dennan informed him that a number of cases exist that are old and unpaid. Due to the defendants being minors, warrants cannot be issued. Ms. Dennan agreed to call the defendants to see if they are willing to come before Teen Court, to clear the tickets. The Teen Court Committee recognizes that Judge Brad Bradley is not a voting member of the Teen Court Advisory Committee, but rather an ex officio member. Bradley did not want the minutes to reflect that he has not attended any meetings. He is a member for advisory proposes only. Mrs. Sally Hall stated that Judge Brad Bradley is also the Judge of Municipal Court in Trophy Club. He has asked if the Teens from Trophy Club could also be considered during Southlake's Teen Court sessions. Ms. Hall informed the committee that she has talked with other City Councilmembers, and they were rather possessive on the Teen Court and did not wish to share this program. Mrs. Hall suggested perhaps Southlake can assist in training the Trophy Club/Northwest High School group. The Teen Court committee concurred with this. Cathy Turner stated she feels Southlake can be a beacon to other areas. Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting January 22, 1992 page two Agenda Item U , Continued Sally Hall identified the file cabinet in the hall outside the Conference Room door, as belonging to the Teen Court Committee. She stated all information, minutes, brochures, etc. can be kept in the file cabinet. She stated she will get each member a key. Mrs. Hall stated Councilmember Mike O'Brien expressed concern about the Class 5 offenses, "leaving the scene of an accident". It was suggested this section be rewritten in the brochures at the next printing. Agenda Item #4, Establishment of By -Laws for Teen Court Buddy Luce presented a draft of the "By -Laws" he revised, using the sample form which was provided earlier. It was the consensus of the group that the coordinator not be a voting member of the committee. A discussion was held in regard to the procedure for appointment of the four (4) students on the board. It was determined that the By -Laws will be filed as a non-profit corporation. Ms. Hall is to talk with Judge Bradley, asking him to draw up the proper corporation papers. Motion was made to follow the By -Laws as written, and when the document is ready for filing as a non-profit organization, the By -Laws will be officially adopted at that time. Motion: Hall Second: Luce Ayes: Hall, Luce, Hartman, Weddel, Bernasek, Turner Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #5, A policy in regard to Names Being Released to Press Sally Hall referenced the Minutes of the December 16, 1991, Teen Court meeting where Jon Michael Franks gave an explanation of a policy he feels should be adopted in regards to the "gag order" where jurors, defendants, or witnesses in a court case not be printed in the newspaper. Buddy Luce stated he feels if a Teen wishes to waive the policy and allow his name or photograph to appear in the newspaper, we should be prepared by having a form. If a Teen does not wish to release his name or photograph, it is his/her choice. Ralph Hopkins stated he will prepare the proper form to be signed by the Teen and his/her parents. Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting January 22, 1992 page three Agenda Item #5, Continued Megan Hartman stated she is working on a press release at this time. enda Item #6, Debriefinq on Teen Court Session A debriefing on the 1st Teen Court session was held. It was determined that twice is the limit to appear before Teen Court. Keeping the number of cases to six (6) on each Court Session was also discussed. The Meeting was adjourned by Buddy Luce, chairman. The next Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting was scheduled for February 10, 1992. The next Teen Court Session will be held on February 3, 1992. Respectfully Submitted, Sally Ha , Secretary SRH/sl