1992-02-10CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue TEEN COURT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING February 10, 1992 6:00 p.m. MINUTES COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Buddy Luce, Chairman; Janine Bernasek, Vice -Chairman; Sally Hall, Secretary; Cathy Turner; Jason Weddel, and, Christen Gustafson MEMBERS ABSENT: Ralph Hopkins, Coordinator; Jon Michael Franks, Judge; Megan Hartman, Mike Bedrich, and Chauncey Willingham. GUESTS PRESENT: Jason Boyd, Ryan Fisher, and, Ros Osborne. The Meeting of the Teen Court Advisory Committee was called to order at 6:05 p.m., by Buddy Luce, Chairman. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes of the January 22, 1992 Meeting The Minutes of the January 22, 1992, Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting were approved as amended. Motion: Bernasek Second: Luce Ayes: Luce, Bernasek, Hall, Turner, Weddel and Gustafson Nays: None Approved: 6-0 vote Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments Sally Hall stated she contacted Patty Minder in regard to the criteria needed for a scholarship for Teen Court. To date, she has not received a response. Cathy Turner reported she met with Mrs. Rucker in regard to suggestions for recognition for Teen Court participants. The items suggested include: Leather Jackets, Patches, or Pins for Attorneys; High School credit for debate class; and, "C" awards for attorneys. Mrs. Rucker is to look into these possibilities. It was suggested a letter be sent to Mrs. Rucker from the group, to include the signatures of Teen Court members. Agenda Item #4, By -Laws for Teen Court Buddy Luce, Chairman, stated he has made all the changes to the proposed By -Laws, that were discussed during the last meeting. It was determined that $170.00 will be needed for filing the Articles of Corporation for the By -Laws, with the State, which will register Teen Court as a non-profit organization. Mrs. Hall indicated Judge Brad Bradley will prepare the documents for filing. Hall stated the funds needed for filing will come from the City. Teen Court Advisory Committee Minutes February 10, 1992 fir.. page two Agenda Item #5, Increasing the Frequency of Teen Court Sessions A discussion was held in regard to increasing the frequency of Teen Court Sessions. It was determined that Court will be increased to the 1st and 3rd Mondays in April and May, 1992, with only one session in March as previously scheduled. Buddy Luce indicated he will get with Ralph Hopkins for scheduling. It was determined the Teen Court Advisory Committee will not meet during the summer months, with the last meeting being May, and reconvening in August. A discussion was held in regard to the number of Teen Court Lawyers that have been appointed, noting that members of the Advisory Committee are not automatically Teen Lawyers. It was agreed upon that the Advisory Board will consist of three (3) juniors and three (3) seniors at a time. Agenda Item #6, Fund Raising for Teen Court Buddy Luce feels the group needs to work on Fund -Raising as soon as the By -Laws have been filed with the State. He feels members should attend Rotary Club, Lions Club, and other groups, and ask for donations to Teen Court. The group should also ask individuals for continuing donations. Cathy Turner suggested a Pizza Party be held during the last Teen Advisory Board meeting in May. Sally Hall suggested the Southlake Women's Club may sponsor a fund raiser for Teen Court next year. Agenda Item #8, Debriefing on Teen Court Session A discussion was held in regard to the last Teen Court session. The guests present noted several concerns, including: the jury discussing items which were not brought up in court (this problem has been corrected); adults being in with the jury (this will not happen again), written instructions will be presented on jury behavior. The questions of what to do with a hung jury was discussed. Mr. Luce answered, the jury calls for the bailiff in that case. The issue of how jury duty as part of community service is controlled, was discussed. f Teen Court Advisory Committee Minutes February 10, 1992 page three Agenda Item #8, Continued Mr. Hopkins has a sign in sheet for jurors to sign as they come in, in order to keep up with the hours of the jurors. Mr. Luce stated it is the responsibility of the defense attorney to screen the jury, and make sure they are not prejudice. Agenda Item #9, Adjournment The meeting was adjourned by Buddy Luce, Chairman. Respectfully submitted, "'" WCLz-'P-' Sally Hall, Secretary /sl