667 N. Carroll Avenue
August 10, 1992 6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Janine Bernasek, Vice -Chairperson; Sally Hall,
Secretary; Cathy Turner, Jason Weddel, Christen Gustafson, Mike
Bedrick, and Dottie Morris.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Buddy Luce, Chairperson; Ralph Hopkins,
Coordinator; Jon Michael Franks, Chauncey Willingham.
GUESTS PRESENT: Linda Smiles, Carroll High School Principal, and
Laura Dunman, Court Clerk, City of Southlake.
The meeting was called to order by Janine Bernasek,
Vice -Chairperson, in the absence of Chairperson Buddy Luce.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes/June 8, 1992
The Minutes of the June 8, 1992, Teen Court Advisory Committee
Meeting were approved as presented.
Motion: Weddel
Second: Gustafson
Ayes: Weddel, Gustafson, Hall, Turner, Bernasek
Nays: None
Approved: 5-0 vote
Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments
Acting Coordinator, Dottie Morris commented she has had a
successful summer with Teen Court. The parents have been very
supportive. Those returning to Teen Court are teens that would not
complete their hours. The exact number is difficult to determine
as all of the information is in the computer at the home of Ralph
Hopkins. Someone from the Committee needs to check with Mr. Hopkins
in regard to whether the GTE computer he has at his home is the one
GTE donated to Teen Court.
Mrs. Hall explained that Linda Smiles, representing the schools,
will attend the Teen Court Advisory meetings on a temporarily
basis, and that a staff member with the schools, who has been
active with a Teen Court program in the past will be taking her
place in the near future.
A discussion was held in regard to the By -Laws of Teen Court and
whether or not they have been filed with the State.
Sally Hall proposes an amendment to the By -Laws to reflect a change
in the number of members to the Teen Court Advisory Committee.
Teen Court Advisory Committee
August 10, 1992
page two
Agenda Item #3, Continued
Sally Hall requested job descriptions for Teen Court Coordinator
from Dottie Morris and Ralph Hopkins for the Board so the committee
will have a better idea as to qualifications. We are seeking to
fill this position and can provide information to those applying,
expressing exactly what the job entails. This job description can
then be used for evaluation at the employee's annual review. Mrs.
Hall also explained to the board the format used by Council in the
selection of employees. Due to the absence of the chairman, Buddy
Luce and Brad Bradley, Judge, it is unclear to the Board who will
hire the Teen Court Coordinator.
It was felt by the Board members present that the Advisory Board
should either hire or have significant input in the hiring process.
A copy of the Personal Services Contract from the City of North
Richland Hills was presented for the Board to review (attached to
the minutes).
A discussion was held indicating quarterly reports should be made
by the coordinator, given directly to the City Manager and School
Superintendent, giving details of progress of the program.
Dottie Morris discussed authority aspects of the coordinator.
Sally Hall reviewed the hiring format covering review of all
applications for the position, including, setting up interviews,
and final decision. This process can only start when the Board is
assured of receiving the monies from the School Board and City
Jury summons was discussed by the Board, and it is felt the board
needs a broader base pool. It was determined the school needs to
help Teen Court develop an approach or plan for this issue.
The Court Clerk, Laura Dunman needs input as she is having a hard
time figuring out who has completed what hours, where, when or
whether they are violating completion requirements determined by
the Teen Court. They need to coordinate their own activities with
the Municipal Court Clerk. A suggestion was for the teen to carry
a sheet that he/she keeps with them, signed off when hours are
worked, turning the paper work into the Court Clerk.
The Court Clerk is also having problems with bills created by the
Board. She needs one (1) person to submit them to her for payment,
with an explanation of the expense incurred.
Teen Court Advisory Meeting
August 10, 1992
page three
enda Item #4, Selection of Student Teen Court Advisory Board
In regard to a resolution passed by the City Council appointing
members to Teen Court Advisory Board, it was noted the resolution
reflects incorrect board membership. Cathy Turner suggested eleven
members should include the DARE Officer, Mike Bedrick and Laura
Dunman, Court Clerk with the City, as they are actually involved in
the day to day coordination of Teen Court at the City and School
The selection of students for the Teen Court Advisory Board was
discussed. Christen Gustafson agreed to call all junior and
seniors involved in Teen Court this year. Application forms will
be available at school registration for Carroll High School. Janine
Bernasek, Jason Weddel and Christen Gustafson will man the table.
Linda Smiles suggested Teen Court information be sent home in the
packets. Mike Bedrick offered to run these off, however, Linda
Smiles agreed to run the information off, as we need 650. Mike
Bedrick agreed to get together with Mrs. Rymiller in an effort to
get the Teen Court information out in the Student Packets.
Aqenda Item #5, Teen Court Budget/ Present to Citv Council
Teen Court will make a presentation during the City Council Budget
Work Session to be held on August 11, 1992 at 7:00 p.m. Mrs. Hall
asked several members to be present, as it is a courtesy when oneis
asking for money for any group.
Aqenda Item #6, School Board Awards to Teen Court
A discussion was held in regard to the School Board presenting
awards to Teen Court members. It was agreed this needs to be
carried out this school year. Cathy Turner feels we need to follow
up with a Teen Court Coordinator (new hire) to implement this
program. It was explained how this process is handled by Nancy
Kirkland in North Richland Hills.
Agenda Item #7, Applications for Teen Lawyers
The teens present for this meeting agreed there will be sufficient
lawyers for opening Teen Court this year. Jason Weddel agreed to
join the lawyer pool. A discussion of Baliff was held, indicating
who will possibly take over this task.
Laura Dunman, Court Clerk indicated opening court session will be
held on September 14, 1992 at 6:00 p.m., due to Memorial Day
Holiday. The following months, Court will be held on the lst Monday
of each month.
Teen Court Advisory Meeting
August 10, 1992
page four
Agenda Item #7, Continued
The Teen members present requested Dottie Morris find out when
North Richland Hills Teen Court is held so that they could attend
for training, as well as ascertaining if NRH will be having lawyer
training sessions in their city.
Mike Bedrick stated we have tapes on training sessions held by the
City of Arlington, which could be used for training Teen Lawyers.
It was determined the Board needs to assign Teen Board Members to
sit with the Jury, to oversee and educate the jury on proper
Agenda Item #8, Adjournment
Prior to adjournment, Vice -Chairman, Janine Bernasek stated the
board needs to meet again on August 31, 1992, in order to fill the
Advisory Board positions and prepare for the upcoming Teen Court
The meeting was adjourned by Miss Bernasek.
Respectfully Submitted,
J_O'� /�- kazt
Sally Hall 61