1992-09-21City of Southlake, Texas 0 CITY OF SOUTHLAKE 667 N. Carroll Avenue REGULAR TEEN COURT ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING September 21, 1992 6:00 p.m. MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT: Buddy Luce, Chairman; Janine Bernasek, Vice -Chairman; Christen Gustafson, Jason Weddel, Cathy Turner, Dottie Morris, and, Kay Held. GUEST PRESENT: Curtis E. Hawk, City Manager. MEMBERS ABSENT: Sally Hall, Jon Michael Franks, and, Ralph Hopkins. The Meeting was called to order at 6:05 p.m. by Buddy Luce, Chairman of the Teen Court Advisory Committee. Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes Kay Held had a question in regards to the Minutes of the August 31,; 1992 meeting, agenda item #7, in reference to the possible use of', Channel One. Motion was made to approve the Minutes of the August 31, 1992, meeting, with the deletion of the Channel One sentence. Motion: Luce Second: Held Approved as presented, with correction. nda Item #3, Administrative Comments It was noted that Judge Isaac Gregory did a good job. A dress code was discussed. It was agreed that the Judge or the Teen Court Coordinator should handle dress code violating. Mr. Luce suggested having parents come with the Teen Court Offenders. Municipal Court only requires kids sixteen (16) and under to bring a parent. Luce asked Dottie Morris to check with Nancy Kirkland, Teen Court Coordinator of North Richland Hills in regard to the dress code issue, and how it is handled in their city. Agenda Item #4, Consider: Contract for Teen Court Coordinator Curtis Hawk was present to discuss the contract for the Teen Court Coordinator. He stated he feels the NRH Contract is inadequate. He has contacted Dr. Griffin from the school district in order tc obtain input on this issue. The contract will be between the City and the employee. The scope of services is missing from the contract presented an( should be supplied from the board. The CISD interests are alsc protected here. City of Southlake, Texas M Teen Court Advisory Meeting September 21, 1992 page two Agenda Item #4, Continued It was decided the Administration Board will make a recommendation, after the interview process, ranking possibly the top three (3), sending the results to the Municipal Judge. The Judge will make the appointment, however, the City Council will pass a resolution, authorizing the Mayor to enter into a contract with the employee. The City of Southlake and the Carroll Independent School District will enter into an Interlocal Agreement, for funding of the employee salary. The agreement will be worded to be in effect as long as the contract is followed. A discussion was held in regard to time frame for hiring the coordinator. The City Manager replied that a normal time frame is sixty (60) days, but contracting services isn't as complicated. Buddy Luce asked if it would be possible to "speed up" the process by advertising now. Mr. Hawk indicated that it wouldn't be as legal. The board agreed that we need to go ahead and advertise as soon as the scope of services is drawn up and approved. It was determined that Dottie Morris, Sally Hall and Cathy Turner will come up with a scope of service of the Teen Court Coordinator, and present to Curtis Hawk, City Manager, sending a copy to each member of the Teen Court Committee prior to sending it to him. Sally Hall agreed to be responsible for advertising for this position. enda Item #5, Selection of Teen Court Advisory Board The selection of a Teen Court Advisory Board was tabled, however, it was determined that Christen Gustafson, Janine Bernasek, and Jason Weddel will come up with recommendations to submit to the board. Agenda Item #6, Applications for Teen Court Lawyers/Set Trainina Schedule Board members present went through the list of lawyers that hav all ready been trained, and those who are untrained. Dottie Morri agreed to send out a letter of information on the trainin schedule. Aqenda Item V , Attendance at Teen Court Convention This item was postponed until the October 12, 1992, Teen Cou Advisory Committee Meeting. %,11Y VI JVUl111CMU, I VACtO Teen Court Advisory Meeting September 21, 1992 page three Aqenda Item #8, Tax Exempt Status 501(c)3. Buddy Luce agreed to get with Brad Bradley in regard to the Tax Exempt Status and By -Laws for the committee. Agenda Item #9, Teen Court Alternate Judges Buddy Luce stated he has talked with Larry Flynn, Charlie Williams,i Carmen Blankenship, and Isaac Gregory and they have agreed to serve as Judge for Teen Court. enda Item #10, Adiournment The meeting was adjourned. Respectfully submitted, Cathy Turner Acting Secretary •:: I..'1.• r ' IZA IA • •:' 1. Organize the Teen Court trials including: A. Schedule the court docket B. Contact and schedule the Teen Court judge C. Contact and schedule the Teen Court officers: attorneys and bailiff D. Notify the defendants of their trial date E. Assign defendants to the attorneys F. Publicize the date and time of the court session at the schools to draw random jurors G. Supervise the students during the court session 2. Recruit court officers and jurors 3. Recruit and organize adult volunteers 4. Organize training for Teen Court officers: attorneys and bailiffs 5. Organize and coordinate community service projects 6. Assign defendants to community service projects to fulfill their sentences 7. Check with community service supervisors as to the progress of the de- fendants' progress to assure they are completing their sentences on schedule 8. Perform duties as a counselor to defendants and their parents who have questions about Teen Court 9. Contact defendants and notify the Southlake City Court clerk when defendants have not completed their sentences 10. Keep records for review for the City of Southlake, the Teen Court Board and the CISD 11. Maintain office hours at a Southlake City or CISD facility 12. Relieve the court clerks of some communication duties between juvenile defendants and the court 13. Provide the community with information about the Teen Court program through publicity and public relations 14. Provide quarterly reports to the Southlake City manager, the CISD superintendent and the Teen Court Board which will include: A. Accounting of defendants' work hours, placement etc. B. Expenditures for program's operation C. Update on progress of the program and implementation of new programs 15. Help develop and implement new Teen Court programs 16. Attend workshops and annual convention 17. Serve as liaison between Carroll High School and Carroll Middle School students, school administration, and teachers and Teen Court 18. Make recommendations to the city judge in cases where defendants haven't fulfilled their sentences 19. Assist in fund raising to help defer Teen Court costs 20. Be on -call at home during the evening and weekends to receive phone calls