667 N. Carroll Avenue
October 12, 1992 6:00 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Buddy Luce, Chairman; Sally Hall, Secretary;
Cathy Turner, Dottie Morris, Jason Weddel, and, Christen Gustafson.
Ralph Hopkins arrived late.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Jon Michael Franks, Kaye Held, Janine Bernasek.
The Regular Teen Court Advisory Committee Meeting was called to
order by Chairman, Buddy Luce at 6:10 p.m.
Agenda Item #2, Approval of the Minutes
The Minutes of the September 21, 1992 meeting were approved as
amended. The amendment included in comments from the City Manager
in regard to the advertising process for applicants. Amended to
read," the City Manager indicated that there is nothing wrong in
speeding up the process, since there are no legal requirements to
advertise for this position".
Motion: Weddel
Second: Turner
All in favor.
Agenda Item #3, Administrative Comments
Dottie Morris noted the group was able to fill the needs of the
Chamber of Commerce, and was very successful, we were able to get
the kids to help decorate as well as clean up.
Agenda Item #4, Teen Court Advisory Board
It was determined that two juniors and two seniors should be
selected to the Teen Court Advisory Board. Several names were
discussed, including: Jason Miller, Jason Boyd, and, Ayn Henderson.
Upon confirmation of their willingness to serve as per the
materials presented, their appointments will be confirmed.
Motion was made to approve Jason Miller, Jason Boyd, and Ayn
Henderson to the Teen Court Advisory Committee. The sophomores
will be alternate members, including, Jason Boyd and Ann
Henderson, with the understanding that the alternate members will
vote only in the event regular members are absent.
Motion: Hall
Second: Gustafson
All in favor.
Teen Court Meeting Minutes
October 12, 1992
page two
Agenda Item #5, Applications for Teen Court Lawyers and Set Up
Training Schedules
Sally Hall included for the packets, the information used by the
Arlington Teen Court Program.
Buddy Luce noted the City Council approved a contract and an
Interlocal Agreement between the City and School. The City
Manager, Curtis Hawk, presented a copy of the information approved
by Council. The Interlocal Agreement, the Resolution, and the
Contract for Independent Contractor, with Exhibit "A", spelling out
the scope of services, was presented.
The City Manager stated staff would put information together to
advertise for an independent contractor for the position of Teen
Court Coordinator. The individual will office at the new building
at the Park. The Teen Court Committee needs to determine an annual
salary. $12,000 was suggested as an annual salary.
A discussion was held in regard to the number of students on the
committee. The City Manager suggested in order to have more
students on the committee, alternate members could be appointed.
Training for Teen Court Lawyers at North Richland Hills was
attended by Jason Miller, Crystal Bartlett, and,
They went for five (5) hours of training. It was determined that
it is a board decision on who will be teen lawyers.
Current Lawyers include: Christen Gustafson, Jason Weddel, Janine
Bernasek, Adon Cullens, and, Heather Edwards. The three that
need to observe include, Jason Miller, Crystal Bartlett and
It was determined there is a bailiff
shortage as well.
Buddy Luce stated he has included in the job description, that the
record reflects the teen attorneys have gone through training and
have observed in accordance with the guidelines.
The Committee stated they appreciated having Mr. Gregory at the
last session. They would like to have speakers during their Court
Sessions from time to time.
Dottie Morris stated thirty-two (32) applications have been
received. Christen Gustafson, Jason Weddel and Janine Bernasek are
to go through the applications.
Teen Court Meeting Minutes
October 12, 1992
page three
Agenda Item #6, Attendance at TC Convention- November 13 & 14
The Teen Court Convention to be held on November 13 & 14, 1992, was
discussed. It was noted the new Teen Court Coordinator should be
on board and able to attend the convention.
Agenda Item V , Tax Exempt Status 501 (c) 3
Buddy Luce stated he and Brad Bradley have discussed the Tax Exempt
Status and they recommend the committee not proceed with the Tax
Exempt Status 501 (c)3, due to the small about of funds the Teen
Court Committee will be raising.
Motion was made that the group not continue with the Tax Exempt
Status 501 (c) 3 at this time.
Motion: Luce
Second: Turner
All in favor
Agenda Item #8, Contract for Teen Court Coordinator
The scope of services, attached to the Contract for Coordinator was
tw discussed. It was noted that some of the items on the scope of
services is now being handled by the Court Clerk. Luce stated even
though they may not agree with items on the Scope of Services, the
group knows what the rules will be.
Agenda Item #9, Letter to Southlake Women's Club, Request for
Buddy Luce was unclear who asked to have this item placed on the
agenda. Janine Bernasek is to get a letter to her mother,
who is the new president of the Southlake Women's Club. The letter
should be specific in nature, as to why the Teen Court needs the
funds. Last year two (2) adults and three (3) students attended the
convention. It was determined the same size group will attend
again this year. The fee was $40.00 per person.
Agenda Item #10, Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned by chairman, Buddy Luce.
Respectfully submitted
Sally Hall