1993-08-23City of Southlake, Texas
667 N. Carroll Avenue
August 23, 1993 6:00 P.M.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: Cathy Turner, Brad Bradley, Annette
Skupin, Jason Miller, Ayn Henderson.
COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT: Buddy Luce, Andrew Wambsganns, Sally
The Regular meeting was called to order at 6:00 by Sue McNutt
1. The minutes for June 21, 1993 were approved. Ayn Henderson
moved and Cathy Turner seconded.
2. Sue presented a quarterly report that will be updated when the
August defendents finish their hours.
3. We discussed the choosing and training of lawyers. All new
lawyers will be given written material on which they will be
tested. They will then observe several courts and attend at
least one lawyer training. The mock trial type training we
had was very successful. The Teen lawyers did a much better job.
Lawyers will be required to have a written script for each trial
and a copy of it for Sue. CHS Teen Reps. were asked to submit
questions to give to lawyer applicants. Sue will send letters
to all lawyer applicants and ask them to attend the 9/27
meeting to be interviewed. We will take as many lawyers as are
qualified. It was moved by Jason and seconded by Annette
that Sue set up lawyer applications and criteria.
4. We decided to give English teachers a sign up sheet for potential
student Advisory Board reps. We will choose them on 9/27.
5. Annette Skupin was welcomes as our school faculty rep. She is
active in speech, debate, and mock trial competition. We feel
she will be a great asset to us. She volunteered to call the
Young Lawyers Association to help us during our trials.
6. The board voted to change court time to 6:30 to accommodate
athletics. Ann moved this and Cathy seconded. We also decided
to move court to the third Monday of the month, so we could
have Brad as our judge to zrovide some continuity.
7. Brad said that it was legal to add hours to a sentence if
defendants do not show up on time etc. Sue will talk to
community service people.
The meeting was adjourned by Sue.
Respectfully Submitted
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Sue McNutt